Chapter Six


  Micki and Megan were walking in front of AJ and Nick on their way into the club.           

"Hey wanna dance?" two guys asked the two girls, just as they walked in.           

They looked at each other and smiled.           

"There with us bitch," AJ said coming up, Nick right behind him.     The two guys gave Nick and AJ a dirty look and walked off. AJ took Micki's hand and smiled at her, his mood turning better.  

"Let's dance baby," AJ said, puckering out his lower lip.   Micki took this as an oppurtunity to kiss AJ and kissed him softly.  

AJ smiled and responded by putting his tongue into her mouth, enjoying her sweet taste. (authors note: sweet like skittles {giggle} ) AJ rested his hands on Micki's butt, he loved the new outfit on her.        

 AJ and Micki stopped kissing and looked over to where Megan and Nick were standing and noticed they werent there anymore.         

"Let's dance baby," Micki said. Her and AJ walked out to the dance floor and began dancing real close. Micki's ass grinding AJ's manhood. She felt his erection and smiled. She turned around, wrapped her arms around his neck and continued to dance with him.         

  "I love you," AJ smiled.      

"I love you too," Micki replied.      

"Let's get a drink," AJ suggested.          

 Micki and AJ walked to the bar, where they saw Megan and Nick in a deep conversation.           

Micki sat next to Megan and AJ on the other side of Micki.    

"What can I get you miss?" the bartender asked.    

"Sex on the Beach please," Micki replied.    

"Make that two," AJ told him.          

 "It usually takes two to do that," Micki grinned. (authors note: I know I am cheesy, shut up)           

AJ smiled at her and kissed her.         

Megan noticed Micki was sitting next to her and smiled.  

"Hey you two," Megan beamed.         

"Hey," Micki said taking a sip of her drink.  

"I want you," AJ whispered in Micki's ear. She giggled and then realized Nick and Megan were staring at her.     She smiled and looked down at her folded hands.    

"I need you," AJ whispered.           

Micki giggled and looked at Megan and Nick. They were looking at her blankly.           

"I want you now," AJ whispered. Micki looked at him, a grin spread across his face, she couldnt help but smile.          

 "Let's go home," Micki whispered.           

AJ nodded and looked at Nick and Megan and smiled.  

  "We're going to go home," AJ told them.       

    "Ok," Nick and Megan said, giving them a weird look.  

  Micki and AJ practically ran out of the club and to the corvette.

Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
I Said I Loved You But I Lied Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
