Chapter Eight

Nick and I were lying down in the huge bed in the guestroom. I shifted uncomfortably, I was restless.

"Nick?" I whispered, I wasnt facing him, but it sounded like he was sleeping.

"Hmm?" he asked. I turned over and looked at him, he was wide awake.

"It didnt feel right," I whispered. He looked at me and sighed.

"Yeah, I know, it didnt feel right with Amber, I mean her you know to me," he said.

"What's it mean?" I whispered.

"I dont know," he sighed.

"You know as much as I hate you, you're not that bad to talk to," I said smiling weakly.

"Yeah, you're not so bad either," he smiled.

"Maybe I dont hate you as much as I would like to," I told him.

"Maybe," he smiled.

I looked up at Nick and felt a tiny attraction towards him. I shook the feeling out of my head and closed my eyes.

*The Next Morning*

I groaned as my eyelids fluttered open and the bright sun greeted my eyes. I felt an arm draped over my waist and I looked down and saw Nick's arm over me, he looked so peaceful. I carefully moved his arm and crawled out of bed.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Kirsten and Brian eating breakfast.

"Morning sunshine," Kirsten grinned.

"Morning. Have a good night?" I wriggled my eyebrows at her. She giggled and nodded.

"What about you and Nicky?" she asked wriggling her eyebrows back at me.

"Me and Nick?!" I squealed.

"Just a question," she smiled.

"Well, Im going to get dressed, out of this tee shirt and head home," I told her.

"OK," she nodded. I walked into the living room and saw clothes everywhere. I laughed to myself as I played last nights events over in my head.

I picked up my clothes and slipped them on and walked back to the bedroom, where Nick was sleeping.

"Morning," he said groggily.

"Morning Nick," I smiled and set his clothes on the side of the bed.

"Wanna get up so you can take me home?" I asked.

"I guess, I dont have much of a choice, do I?" he asked getting up.

"Nope," I smiled.

He slipped on his clothes and we walked out to the kitchen.

"Bye, I'll call you Kirsten," I told her.

"Ok!" she said brightly.

"Bye Bri," Nick waved. Brian waved and smiled as he chewed his food.

Nick and I walked out to his car and got in.

"I kinda had fun last night," I said smiling at him.

"Yeah, so did I," he smiled back at me.

Nick drove the short distance to my house.

"We should go by AJ's, Amber will be over there. We can find out what happened, if anything," I said looking over at him.

"You know what? I dont think I care what happened," he told me.

"Huh?" I questioned, my head snapping up.

"I dont think I care. I mean I didnt feel anything when Amber was..." he told me.

"Yeah, you said that last night," I told him.

"Yeah, and you said you didnt feel anything with AJ, right?" he asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, a little confused.

"Maybe we are just in lust with them," he said.

I looked away and thought about it, "Maybe."

"Um, I was thinking though," he said looking away for a moment.

"What?" I asked.

"Maybe you and I could get together and do something. Without pretending," he said looking back at me.

"You think we should call the whole scam off?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Well, Im not interested. I guess I just realized she really is a bitch last night. But, I mean, if you're still interested in getting AJ, I'll help you," he said.

"I dont know if I am," I whined.

Just then I saw a car pull up behind Nick's in the driveway. I sighed as I recognized it as AJ's.

I took a deep breath and looked at Nick. For once I wasnt annoyed with his beautiful blue eyes, or his short blonde hair, and his smile. I wasnt annoyed at all, I was very infatuated.

"Micki, can I talk to you?" AJ asked coming up to the window. I looked at him and back at Nick.

"Here, go on inside, we'll be inside in a minute," I said handing Nick my keys.

"Yeah?" I asked AJ as I got out of the Durango.

"Um, I wanted to talk about last night," he said.

"Um, ok..." I agreed, a little nervous of what he was going to say.

"Ok, well let me tell you the whole story. I dont wanna lie to you anymore," he said.

I was confused, what did he lie to me about?

"Ok, um, Amber and I were never really together," he said.

"What?!" I shreiked.

"Um, she had some stuff against me and the deal was I pretended to be with her and she kept her mouth shut," he explained.

"AJ, that doesnt sound real," I told him.

"I know, but um, she is obsessive. She's kinda scary. Um, but I was really attracted to you, I wanted nothing more than to be with you," he said. My mouth dropped.

"You're kidding?" I asked.

"No, um, but when we did what we did, it didnt feel right," he explained.

"Yeah, I know, I thought the same thing," I whispered.

"Im really confused though because I really liked you and I guess in a way I was using Amber to make you jealous and then out of the blue you and Nick and it just kinda ruined everything. But in this short what five days, I realized, you two should be together. Amber isnt so bad, sometimes, and maybe me and her could work something out," he shrugged.

"AJ, Nick and I were never together," I told him. It wasnt that I wanted AJ to change his mind and come running into my arms or something, I just wanted to be honest.

"We got together to make you and Amber jealous. We werent being together because we liked each other. But, I dont know. Something changed last night," I whispered.

"You have feelings for him?" he asked.

"I think so," I said looking up at AJ.

"Go with your heart baby girl," he said kissing my cheek.

I nodded.

"I'll catch you later," he said and walked towards his car.

I decided to go with my heart. I ran inside my house and saw Nick patiently waiting on the couch. I jumped on top of him and pressed my lips to his. His eyes were wide open in shock, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and returned the kiss. When we finally broke away from each other, I looked down at him and smiled.

"What made you change your mind?" he asked.

"What made you change yours?" I asked.

"You're not as bad as I thought," he smiled.

"Yeah, you either, punk," I said smiling and moving my lips closer to his. Oh yeah, what a beautiful ending.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
If You Were Mine Index
Nick Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
