Chapter Two

“Melissa, we’re all going out tonight, you coming?” James asked coming into my room, the one I shared with Alana.

“Where are you guys going?” I asked.

“I dont know. Park probably,” he answered.

“And who all is going?” I asked.

“James, Robert, Alana, Pete, Carlos, D, Chad, Matt, Mike, Louis, and the rest of the boys,” he answered. I thought about it for a minute. It was a Friday night, what else did I have to do? I sighed and figured Ricky and his boys would be at the park too. Well, if they are, Id get to see AJ. Not that I wanted to or anything.

“Yeah, I’ll go,” I said getting up.

“Cool, let’s go,” he said.

“Let me change real quick,” I said. I walked to my closet and grabbed my Tommy Hilfiger short jean shorts and a white halter top, that showed off my belly-button ring.

“Im ready,” I said walking out to where my brothers and their friends were all waiting.

“No, get in there and put on some clothes,” my brother ordered.

“I have clothes on,” I protested.

“Ricky and his boys are gonna be up there. Go get some damn clothes on!” James yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked off to my room. I took off my top and put on a bra and a tight white tank top.

“Im ready. And this is what Im wearing,” I said walking out.

“Damn,” Pete said under his breath.

“What did you say?” Anthony shot him a look.

“Nothing,” Pete denied.

“Let’s go,” Robert advised. We all left the apartment. I was the last one out. I turned and looked down the hall, towards Ricky’s apartment. I turned back around and walked with the rest of the group. We walked out of the building and towards the park.

When we walked onto the park grounds, we all went straight for our usual spot on some picnic tables.

“Have Ricky or his boys said anything to you lately?” Robert asked me.



I rolled my eyes and looked across the park. Ricky and all his boys were standing around, smoking or just standing there. The girl I fought was right in front of Rock, it looked like she was talking to him.

I spotted AJ and smiled to myself. He was standing around, talking. I stared at him for what seemed like forever.

“Who you looking at?” Alana asked me.

“Huh? Oh, no one,” I said looking away.

“Uh huh,” she didnt believe me.

“Whatever,” I shrugged.

“Hey Alana, come here,” Pete told my sister. Alana has been crushing on Pete for what seemed like forever. She was probably thrilled he was paying attention to her.

“Hey baby,” Stephanie, this girl Anthony messed around with said coming up.

“Hey,” Anthony said putting his arm around her.

I rolled my eyes. I wasnt too fond of Stephanie. She could be a real bitch sometimes. Three of her other girl friends walked up behind her. Lisa, Nicole, and Shawna. Lisa went to her boyfriend, Louis. Nicole walked up to James, and Shawna went to Matt.

“Hey Melissa, come here,” Carlos told me. I smiled and walked up to Carlos. Carlos and I used to go out. It was obvious I still liked him half the time, but I learned my lesson about dating someone in a gang. Especially my brother’s gang.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Come on, let’s go walk around a little bit,” he said jumping off the picnic table.

“Ok,” I agreed.

We started to walk around the park. He put his arm around my waist. I looked up at him and he was smiling down at me.

“Your brother told me Ricky and his boys have been messing with you a lot lately,” he said.

“Yeah,” I shrugged.

“Yeah, well. Id like to see them talk trash to you when Im around. Id beat all their asses,” he told me.

“Oh yeah?” I asked looking up at him.


“Let’s stop here,” I said as we stopped at a bench. We both sat down, we were so close we were touching.

Carlos put his arm around me and pulled me even closer to him. He kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and smiled. I then thought about AJ. I shook the thought out of my head. I would never be able to have AJ. He was in my brother’s rival gang, we’d both be banned and it just wouldn’t work.

He tipped my chin and brought his lips to mine. I closed my eyes as his tongue slipped into my mouth. Our tongues danced and explored the other’s mouth. When we pulled away, he smiled down at me.

“I miss you being my girl,” he told me.

“You do?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said looking into my eyes.

“Was that an offer?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he laughed.

“Ok,” I smiled.

“You actually want to go back out with me?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“Cool,” he smiled.

“I missed you Carlos,” I told him. It was half the truth. I did miss him, but if I had to choose between him and AJ, I would choose AJ.

“Come on baby,” he said getting up. He held out his hand for me and we walked over ot everyone, hand-in-hand.

“Damn, you two are going out again?” Chad asked.

“Yeah bitch. Shut up,” Carlos said.

“Aww,” D, Chad, Mike, Matt, and Robert all chorused. I smiled, but Carlos glared.

“Let’s go back to my place,” he whispered.

“Ok,” I agreed.

“We’ll see you guys later,” Carlos nodded at everyone. Anthony shot up and looked at us.

“Dont worry man. I wont do anything she doesnt want to do,” Carlos assured him.

“She’ll be home by 2,” Anthony ordered.

“That’s cool man,” Carlos said.

We started walking away from the group and towards Ricky and his boys. It was the way to Carlos’ house.

“I swear they say anything, I’ll beat their ass,” he told me.

“Dont worry about them,” I whispered. As we walked by, I made eye contact with AJ. He looked shocked. I looked for a second longer and then looked forward. Carlos and I walked out of the park together.

When we got to his apartment, no one was home. His mom and dad were off somewhere.

“Come on baby,” he said leading me to his room.

We went into his room, he shut and locked the door. I knew what that meant. He was looking to get some action. He smiled as he walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

He slowly moved his hands down my back to my butt. He moved his hands up my shorts. I started to get excited. I moved my hands down to the hem of his shirt. I broke the kiss for a split second to remove his shirt. I ran my fingers over his tight body. He was so muscular. I broke the kiss and moved my kisses down to his chest.

I moved my hands down to his jeans. I slowly unbuttoned them. They fell to the floor, along with his boxers. He kicked them to the side. I moved my mouth down to his already hard manhood.

I kissed the tip, licking the precum of it.

“Oh damn baby,” he moaned.

Slowly, he entered my mouth. I worked him as he grabbed my hair and helped me move my head.

“Oh G-D,” he cried out.

“Im gonna come baby,” he told me.

I worked him even faster until his warm juices filled my mouth, I swallowed every last drop, sucking him dry.

“Damn baby girl. I missed that,” he said bringing me up. He kissed me, hard, but passionate.

He slowly pulled my shirt over my head, then unhooked my bra, letting it fall to the floor. He unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them and my panties down. I kicked them to the side. He slowly moved me over to the bed, where he layed me down. He leaned over and turned off the lamp that was by his bed. We were now in the dark.

“Baby, Ive missed you,” he whispered.

“I missed you too,” I whispered back. He kissed my chest, sucking equally on each of my breast.

He moved his kisses down to my stomach.

I moaned.

He moved his kisses back up and kissed my mouth. I could feel his hardness against my thigh.

“Im gonna make you scream,” he told me, before he thrust hard and unexpected into me.

I cried out in pain and in pleasure.

He pumped into me with slow, measured thrusts.

I scraped my nails down his back.

“Oh damn Carlos,” I cried out.

“Aww, Laura,” he moaned.

“Excuse me?” I asked opening my eyes.

“What?” he asked stopping.

“What the hell did you just call me?” I asked furious.

“Melissa,” he answered.

“No, you just called me Laura,” I told him.

“I didnt mean to,” he said, trying to sound innocent.

“Oh my G-D, how disgusting. Get the hell off me,” I said shoving him off me.

“What?” he asked.

“You are disgusting,” I said, quickly putting on my clothes.

“Melissa! Come back!” he called as I rushed out of his room. I felt so disgusting.

I ran out of the apartment and down the hall, down the stairs and out of the building. I had tears streaming down my face. I ran to the park, where I knew my brothers would still be.

When I walked onto park grounds, I made eye contact with AJ, the only thing making it possible to see him was the dimming street light.

A worried look casted over his face. I turned and ran over to my brothers.

“Melissa! What happened?” Alana asked, noticing me first.

“What happened?” Anthony asked rushing up to me.

“Carlos,” I cried.

“Did he rape you?” James bursted out.

“No, he used me,” I spat.

“Im gonna fucking kill him!” Anthony declared.

“Im going to fuck him up right now. Let’s go boys,” he ordered.

All the other guys stood up, ready to back me up 100%. At this point I didnt care what happened to Carlos. Alana was the only one who stayed, while everyone else followed Anthony.

“What happened?” she asked. I sat down next to her.

“We, we were, we were doing it and he called Laura,” I whimpered.

“Oh my goodness. I cant believe he did that!” she exclaimed.

“I know!” I agreed.

“Im gonna go with them. Come on,” she said getting up.

“No, I dont want to go,” I said.

“Come on Melissa,” she begged.

I looked over to where Ricky and his boys were. Again, I made eye contact with AJ.

“Im gonna go talk to a friend,” I said.

“Who?” Alana asked confused.

“Uh, dont tell anyone. Promise,” I said looking at her.

“Yeah, dont tell me it’s Ricky!” she exclaimed.

“G-D no, but it’s one of his boys,” I whispered.

“Melissa, you’re only gonna cause trouble,” she told me.

“Not a word Alana,” I told her.

“Ok,” she agreed.

We got up and started walking. As she walked off to catch up with the boys, I stopped.

“Hey baby,” Ricky said winking at me. I glared at him.

“Hey Melissa. What’s up?” AJ asked coming up to me.

“Can I talk to you?” I asked.

“Sure,” he agreed.

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Just Another Love Story Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
