Chaper Four

It was really nice to have someone to be there for you no matter what. Someone who knew exactly what I was going through. Nick was that someone who was there for me and was going through the same hysteria I was going through.   

We had been dating for two months. Probably the most enjoyable two months I'd had since... well in a while.

"Garlic, Cajun, or teriyaki?" I asked, looking at the chicken marinades in my cabinet.

"Cajun," Nick answered, flipping through the channels on my TV.

"Fine with me," I replied, beginning to marinade the chicken.

"It's nice to be home, isn't it?" Nick said, looking at me.

I looked around my house and took everything in,

"Yes! I'm so happy to be back in Florida. I've been back for three weeks and I still haven't made it to the mall here."

"We'll go one night then," Nick suggested.

"Good. I could you some more clothes," I laughed.

"What? I think you need another closet first," Nick teased.

"I know, I know."

I quickly put the chicken in the oven and went and sat next to Nick. He took my hand in his and kissed the back of my hand. I smiled at him.

"What's this?" Nick asked, picking up a thick booklet up out of my magazine rack.

"A script," I answered.

"Wow, it's a big one. The director and producer are really famous," Nick said, flipping through the pages,

"Are you going to do it?"

"I don't know," I said.

"If you were going stop your career, then this is the one you'll want to end acting with. Go out with a bang," Nick advised.

I sighed, "You're beginning to sound like my agent. 'Meg, this is a wonderful opportunity for you. To work with them is every entertainers dream come true,'" I mimicked.

"Does she know you're going to quit?" Nick asked.

"Who? My agent?" I responded. Nick nodded, "Marie, right?"

"That's her. No, she doesn't know. She'd freak out. I have some sort of contract with her for two more years," I said.

"What if you break the contract?" Nick said.

"I'd have to give her a bunch of money," I explained.

"It's only money. Just tell her," Nick prodded.

"I will!" I snapped. I took the book from him and put it on the coffee table, "Let's not talk business right now. Okay?"

He nodded, "Sounds fine to me."

"Good," I whispered, wrapping my arms around him.


"Let's go do something," Nick suggested, as I put the last dish from dinner in the dishwasher.

"Like what?" I asked.

"We could go see a movie. It's been a while since we've done that," Nick stated.

"As long as I'm not in it, and as long as Jackson's not, then I'm totally for it," I said.

"Deal," Nick replied, getting his keys, "What is Jackson up to anyway?"

"He called me a few days ago. He's dating some girl, she's a publicist or something. I think he's got more conceited," I declared.

Nick laughed, "Is that possible?"

I thought for a second, "I don't know actually."

We drove to the movies, both wearing hats. I was wearing a red GAP hat, a red GAP tank top, and GAP, bootleg jeans with my brown, flat, boots.

Nick had on a black, Tampa Bay Buccaneers hat on, a gray shirt, and jeans and tennis shoes on.

"Do you think we're disguised enough?" Nick said, as we stood in line for tickets.

"Shhh, someone will hear you," I shushed, but laughing at the same time.

"OH MY GOSH! IT'S NICK AND MEGAN!!!!!" shouted a high pitched voice from the other line. I looked over and a girl in denim capris, an orange tank top, and blonde, crimped hair was bounding towards us. About fifteen other girls shrieked and followed her lead.

"Bad idea?" Nick whispered.

"It is a Saturday night," I reminded.

"Augh! I am your biggest fan! EEE! Can I have your autographs? Please?" the first girl shouted. Nick and I stepped out of line and the girls followed.

"Us too!" the other girls yelled in unison.

"Do you have anything for us to sign?" I asked.

"Nick, will you sign my stomach?" a girl asked, pushing her way towards the front.

"Give me your keys," I ordered Nick.

"What? Why?" Nick asked.

"Just trust me," I said. He gave me his keys, "I'll be back."

I ran to his car and came back with two small notebooks and two pens. "I have something for us to sign," I smiled.

"You're the greatest!" one of the girls called.

The crowd kept growing and Nick and I signed our hands off. We signed autographs for Kelly's, Sandy's, Lisa's, Mariona's, and names we couldn't spell. When the crowd went away, Nick and I took off before anyone else could come over to us.

"Well, that was interesting," Nick commented.

"No kidding," I agreed.

"I'm really surprised on how you handled that," Nick paused, "I mean, no offense, but you don't the best edequit to fans."

"I think I'm getting used to them," I said, "And when I heard that one girl yell I realized that when I was fourteen I was the same way."

"Thinking about staying in the biz?" Nick asked, pulling away.

I shook my head, "No way, I can't deal with the press."

Chapter Three
Chapter Five
We're A Miracle Index
Nick Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
