Chapter Four


"So... what have you been up to?"

"Nothing really."

"Nick... we haven't seen each other in like--"

"Yeah, hey... do you mind if I make a call??"

"Um. Sure." I said trying to sound convincing, I couldn't understand why he was being so rude. He returned a few minutes later.

"So. You were saying." He asked.

"Right. I just wanted to catch up ya know with you and your life."

"Right, so me and the fellahs did really well in Europe and came here. And we're doing really well here. You'll have to come to one of our concerts on the next tour."

I was hoping he'd invite me to a backstage pass or tickets or something, but.

"Well how about you? How've you been?"

"I've just been going to school, ya know hanging with the girls."

"You still hang out with Kirsten and MacKenzie?"

"You remember them?"

"Vaguely. I just remember the girls you always hung around with."

"Oh. So who'd you call?"

"Howie." He answered simply.


"Well, he was supposed to stay here because his house is getting painting. So I was telling him he should come back over here,"

"Oh... I thought we were gonna spend some time alone..."



I was kind of confused when my cell phone rang and it was Nick. He said that Alli was still there and he had a date and needed someone to create a diversion. I don't really understand.

I never understand Nick. I drove over there quickly (because Nick told me to). I arrived and parked behind Alli's Mustang.

I walked up to the door and let myself in. Alli was sitting on the floor looking bored and Nick was elsewhere.

"Where's Nick?" I asked her.

"He's upstairs getting ready for a date."

"Oh... What are you doing tonight?"

"I guess I'm just going to go home, there's no reason for me to stay here," She said standing up.

"No. Nick has a great entertainment system and I don't want to use it alone. Do you want to stay and see if we can find something to keep us occupied?"

She smiled, "Sure, I don't have anything else planned. Sounds good to me."


As I pulled an overshirt on I couldn't help but feel bad about the way I was treating Alli. It was just weird. I mean I haven't seen the girl in like forever and she appears and wants to bond.

'She does look pretty good.' I thought to myself. Tonights just a bad night, I have that date with Stacy and she's so fine... Oh well. I'll have time to hook up with Alli.

I walked downstairs to see Alli and Howie cuddeled up on the couch. "Awww."

They looked over. "Sorry, didn't mean to interupt, make good use of mi casa." I giggled.

Alli smiled and Howie said, "You don't mind if she stays and hangs out with me, do you?"

"Nah. Enjoy." I winked before grabbing the keys to my Durango and heading outside.

Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Who Do Ya Love? Index
Group Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
