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EDV Associates: Links, Resources, and Kindred Artists

Brief History

Strange, as I type on my wife's computer, that I think back to the whole computer era. Sadly, I grew up in the computer field. Having worked in it for twenty years, remembering the days when there was no Internet. When there were no PC's, and DOS was the operating system for the company's mainframe computer. It was happenstance that I got into it, and after two decades walked away from it after losing the best years of my life to it. There is a side to Data Processing that kills. Not the Doomsday "little black box" people fear, but a trend in the field to dehumanize, strangulate, and eliminate the "human factor". Those of you who have been "downsized" or "re-engineered" know what I am talking about. When I first entered it, after working manual labor, I imagined that I would be surrounded by people of vision, looking to the betterment of the work ethic. But sadly, that was not so. Instead, it was more an anomally to find any kindred creative spirits, and when they were found, most suffered the same fate. Exclusion, harrassment, and eventually termination. I used to tell my kids, "Don't even THINK of getting into computers, lest my fate be yours". But, who knew that someone would come up with an idea to create a world where information, art, culture, communication, and creativity would be welcome again. If surviving those hellish decades laid the foundation for those that followed who created these avenues for artists like myself and others to have our craft seen, then all I can say is:"What the hell took you so long?"


Like the Academy Awards, there are some very nice people I would like to thank for this opportunity:

America Online

A few of my heros that are still beltin' out great work:

Michael W. Kaluta

Keith Parkinson

Chris Achilleos

Boris Vallejo

Ralph Bakshi


These are individuals of Talent and Vision. I would like to take this opportunity to point you in their direction.

Dragon Artist Studio, Kevin Scarbrough creator/owner.

Zebeliath's Workshop, Elizabeth Anne Hickey creator.

Show your support, stop the violence at home. Prevent Spousal Abuse.

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