Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 256 lbs.
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Entrance Music: "Alive" by Payable of Death
Physical Appearance: Short brown hair, usually spiked up with gel. Has brown eyes, also has a goatee. Very well built, very muscular body. Very agile, and moves very quickly.
In-Ring Appearance: Wears black shorts that goes down a little past his knees. Doesn't where anything on his upper body. Has black boots with silver laces. Also has black elbow and knee pads.
Background: He was Born in the year 1976 in the town of Toronto, Canada. He grew like any average boy, and like every other boy, he wanted to be a wrestler. Except after losing a lot of his friends because he picked a fight with one of them. He found himself nearly alone, all he had was his family. So what did he do?
He started working out so he could get the ones who abandoned him. But deep down inside the dream was still alive, the dream of becoming champion. His older brother, Cory Nemesis, had the same dream and did in fact hit the big time in the wrestling federation UCWF. Where the competition was very fierce, with a roster of 40+ of male and female wrestlers, you had to be tough to stay. Ethan would go with his brother on the road with UCWF, but would not wrestle since the fed did not find him ready.
After 1 year and 3 months, he got his chance, in his professional debut he was facing Boris Vedikov. But near the end of the match someone who was currently feuding with his brother, came down and attacked Ethan. This caused him to lose the match. Ethan was furious, he started to fight with his brother until finally Ethan left the UCWF after 1 match.
But determined to become a wrestler he started to ask around to old friends from the Toronto School of Wrestling. They were the only people, NOT to abandon him. And after a few months of vacation he found himself here in EWA. And he hopes that his dream for championship gold comes true.
Face, heel or tweener: Face
Set up move: The Fall - A pedigree
Finisher: A Canadian Blast - A swantom bomb
Strengths: Is very agile like a cat, and he doesn't waste time show boating.
Weaknesses: His left knee has bothered him in the past and is doing the same now, he hurt it quite often in his life. His mouth gets him into unwanted trouble sometimes, he picks fights with people he shouldn't.
AIM: EthanNemesis
MSN: far_2_kewl_4_wordz@hotmail.com
Handler's e-mail: Nemesis