Extreme Wrestling Alliance





Height: 6' 7"

Weight: 280 lbs.

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Entrance Music: "Renegade" by Jay-Z and Eminem

Physical Appearance: Renegade is not a physically impressive specimen. He is fat and he looks slightly out of shape. He is huge to the point that even if he doesn't tower over his opponents he almost always has more girth than them.

In-Ring Appearance: Whatever he feels like

Background: Renegade has been wrestling for over 5 years and knows all the tricks and trades of the business. He started out moving from federation to federation dominating and then leaving when it became obvious there was no other competition to demolish. During his second year of pro wrestling he joined the Highlighter's group shortly after it was formed. He has traveled with them ever since.

Face, heel or tweener:  Heel

Set up move: The Outlaw - A Running Powerbomb into a pin.

Finisher: Final Judgment - A top rope spinning Tombstone Piledriver

Strengths: Strength, highly intelligent with his usage of reversals, submission moves and weapons, sometimes gets into an adrenaline rush when he simply can't be stopped

Weaknesses: Slow, doesn't have much stamina, has a hard time controlling his emotions.

Tag Team Partner: "The Messiah" Caleb Burna

Tag Team Name: The Highlighters

Tag team Finisher: The Rehabilitator -- Renegade hoists his opponent up on his shoulders. While Caleb nails A top rope clothesline on the opponent off Renegade's shoulders.


ICQ: 128216885


Handler's e-mail: Renegade