Strat Template

A strat is a short summary of what you want your character to do during a match.  This is helpful for the writers to get an idea about your wrestler and how he wrestles.  This is not mandatory,  and will not count against you if you do not turn one in, but if you do not turn one in you will have no voice in the way that your character is used by the writer during the match.  I would like for you all to use the template as much as possible, and please give our writer's a break.  This is a huge job for them and they put a lot of time and effort into writing the matches for you to enjoy.  I want your character to be used by the writers exactly in the way you would like them to be and this helps.  Please remember that your opponent is also stratting against you, and you will likely not get everything on your strat exactly the way that you want it.  I think it is more fun to write when the writers have a little leeway, and they can do things off the cuff.  This makes for matches that you can read and wonder what happens next, not just matches that read off just like your strat.  Thanks everyone and have fun.

Wrestler's Name Explanations:
Entrance: How you would like your wrestler to come out, use of pyros and music.  How he is going to react to the fans and vice-versa.  Usually will be pasted on the front of the match so don't be too crazy with it.
Spots That You Would Like To Use: These are events, moves, sequences, that you would really like your wrestler to do during the match.  Don't be outrageous.  These are spectacular events that you think will sway the match in your favor.  Please only use a couple.  Our writers will try to put them in when possible.
Moves that you would like to use. These are moves or weapons that your character would usually try during a match.  These aren't as great importance to be used or not but will give the writer a nice idea of what kind of match you are going to wrestle.
Reversals, Run-in speculations. These don't have to be included, but are helpful when you think that someone will run in on your match.  You can also use this to reverse some moves you think your opponent will try to use on you.
Overall strategy for the match. This should be a short summery of what you are trying to do to win and what you think is your best chance to beat your opponent.  Brevity is helpful here.