Till Death Do Us Part PPV
Live from the NAU Sky Dome in Flagstaff AZ!!
DJ: Fans, WELCOME to the EWA latest PPV, TILL DEATH DO US PART!! I'm joined as always by Kevin Fisher, and Kev, this promises to be an exciting night of action to kick off the new era here in the EWA.
KF: One week ago, Johnny Hawke was relieved of his presidential duties. His reward for his run as president? Being placed in a special four way contenders match for the World Title. The Big Sky's Jackson Rust, Ric Gold, and Eric Pheris all get a shot, with the winner getting a shot next week at the Heavyweight Championship whomever that may be.
DJ: It could be a woman for the first time, as Sassy Summer Kensington and John Chambers team up to take on Akia and Malum Diabolus. The winner of the fall gets to walk out of here the heavyweight champion!! Can you believe that.?
KF: The Gigantic "Big" Andy Studd gets his shot to once again rid the wrestling world of Zane Alexander, this time in a Steel Cage Match for the vacant US TITLE.
DJ: All that and much, much more, but we have Nathan Wylde Jr and "Primetime" Ray Anderson in the ring, ready to kick off this PPV with a bang. Three Way Dance, elimination style for the Cruiserweight Championship!!
The Lights go out, and a pink, purple, and blue light starts to go around the stage. We see Nate Giovanni on the jumbo tron walking towards the camera as a few bars of the "Superman Theme" begin to play. He rips open his chest, and reveals a gigantic S…
Purple and blue fireworks explode from either side of the stage, as we see the Cruiserweight Champion walk out from behind the curtain. He is wearing his title, and does a quick spin around, and starts walking towards the ring. He is wearing a bright orange pair of baggy tights, with glow in the dark white skulls on them, and a black singlet with orange trim underneath. He pulls up the straps on his singlet, and pushes the glasses down to the end of his nose. He spins around again, and takes off his belt and holds it above his head. The crowd begins to boo, and he is showing off his belt, as Nathan Wylde bounces off the ropes and dives through the middle of the ring with a suicide dive, that sends the champion and his belt down to the canvas….
DJ: Looks like we're underway a little early in this one!!
KF: Can't a champion even make any kind of decent entrance!!!
Nathan and Nate both start to get back to their feet, and Ray Anderson bounces off the ropes, leaps up top, and does an insane springboard plancha that has the entire crowd erupt. All three men are on the floor, and the ref begins his count. Ray gets back to his feet, and shoots Ray into the ring post. He then slides him under the ropes, and slingshots over the ropes with a senton bomb. Nathan struggles back to his feet, as Nate waits and hits Anderson with an Arm Drag. Anderson immediately goes back to his feet, and charges again, this time he gets taken down with another Japanese style arm drag. "Prime Time" Ray Anderson gets caught with an elbow smash to the face as Nathan Wylde Jr. gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on "Prime Time" Ray Anderson. "Prime Time" Ray Anderson nails Nathan Wylde Jr. with a belly-to-back suplex. Nathan Wylde Jr. gets hit with the shooting star press from "Prime Time" Ray Anderson. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Nathan Wylde Jr. escapes. Nathan Wylde Jr. stands up. "Prime Time" Ray Anderson grabs Nathan Wylde Jr. by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Nathan Wylde Jr. leaps up, swings around "Prime Time" Ray Anderson and DDT's him onto the mat. An elbow submission by Nathan Wylde Jr. brings "Prime Time" Ray Anderson down to the mat. Referee Jimmy O'Dool is checking for a tap out. ... Nathan Wylde Jr. tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Nathan Wylde Jr. breaks the hold. Nathan Wylde Jr. flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. "Prime Time" Ray Anderson is up again. "Prime Time" Ray Anderson neck snaps Nathan Wylde Jr.. Out of desperation, Nathan Wylde Jr. dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking "Prime Time" Ray Anderson. Nathan Wylde Jr. gets back to his feet. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni executes the twisting moonsault on to "Prime Time" Ray Anderson. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni climbs to his feet. A 450-somersault head butt by "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni takes its toll on "Prime Time" Ray Anderson. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni is up again. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni with an Air Sabu, and he hits it!! "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni climbs to his feet. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni hits "Prime Time" Ray Anderson with a moonsault after spring boarding off of the second rope. The " Nate sucks" chants start in the crowd. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni climbs to his feet. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni hits "Prime Time" Ray Anderson with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni is back on his feet. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni climbs to the top and hits "Prime Time" Ray Anderson with the 5 Star Frog Splash. "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni covers "Prime Time" Ray Anderson hooking the leg. 1…2…and Ray manages to kick out.
DJ: This match up is moving so fast, it's a hard to keep up with all the action!!
KF: I can't believe that Mysty Wylde hasn't made an appearance yet.
Wylde drops Giovanni with an Ax Kick and drops an elbow. He stands back up, but fails to see Anderson sneak up behind him. Anderson drills him in the mid section, and hits him with cradle piledriver, placing his feet on the second rope for leverage. 1…2…3!! And Wylde is eliminated.
Nathan Wylde Jr. has been eliminated by Ray Anderson!!
Anderson gets back up, and Giovanni comes up from behind and takes him down with a reverse neckbreaker. He drags Anderson near the turnbuckle. He does a handstand on the top rope, and the flashbulbs start to flash. He tucks his legs and drills Anderson with a perfect Split Legged Moonsault. 1…..2…and Anderson gets his foot on the bottom rope. The crowd is on Giovanni again, and he moves back towards Anderson and takes him down with a stalling piledriver. Giovanni claps his hands, and jumps up on the top rope. He leaps off with a phoenix splash, but Anderson manages to get his legs up. Giovanni rolls off, and Anderson sends a couple of kicks into his side, before dragging him back to his feet with by the hair, and drilling him with a fisherman's suplex!! 1…..2…and Nate just manages to get his shoulder up.
DJ: Lots of close call in this outstanding opening match up.
KF: I think we've almost had a new champ a few times. Where is Mysty Wylde?
Anderson signals for the end, and starts to lock up Nate for the Blast Furnace, but Nate manages to reverse out of it, and spins him around for a devastating VERTIBREAKER!! Anderson is on the ground holding his head, as Giovanni mounts the second rope, facing the crowd, and then springs up to the top and hits Anderson with a perfect springboard moonsault!!
DJ: "Absolutely Fabulous!!" The champ hooks the leg. 1……2…3!! Giovanni has retained his title!!
KF: Was it ever in doubt?
The winner of the match, and STILL Cruiserweight Champion, "the Fabulous" Nate Giovanni!!
Nate grabs the title, and stands on the apron showing it to the crowd, before slinging it over his shoulder and heading towards the back.
Dave: Its time for the tag team title match.
Kevin:Is Tiffany going to be with Christian? She is my "Answer."
"Renegade" by Jay-Z and Eminem blast over the PA as The Renegade, Hawk and Caleb Burna make there way to the ring. Once ring side Burna waits outside the ring as Hawk and Renegade step in the ring and awaits the tag champs.
**We cut to a shot backstage as we see Dustin Caid walk up to a dressing room. He bangs on the door and yells out. "It's Show Time!" The door swings open as Tiffany comes out still working on her hair. Then Christian is seen next. He has on a red suit That has gold little plates on it. That has an opening just to show off his abs and the World Tag Team Title belt. Christian bangs Fists with Caid as the Three walk down the hall together. As they Continue to walk "One" by Nelly is heard. The camera switches to a shot from the Entrance way. The Arena lights start to flicker on and off after doing this several Times Christian with a huge Pyro blast Christian comes out to the ramp with Tiffany on his arm. The two make it down the ramp shaking hands with fans as the are engulf in flashes and cheers from the jammed pack NAU Sky Dome. The Answer and Tiffany make it to the ring. As Christian jump on the apron he meets Tiffany as she takes the stairs. Christian holds the ropes open for her and follows behind her as She stands in the Center of the Ring Christian goes to the Ring posts and stands straight up on the top Turnbuckle. He raises his arms as the crowd goes into a frenzy. Christian with that Does a backflip back down to the canvas. As he makes his way behind Tiffany He raises one fist in the air as Tiffany coresses his chest and the belt. And Pyro blasts from the ring posts. Christian hands his belt to the ref and immediately… goes to work on Hawk.**
*While Hawk was not looking Christian drop kicks him in the back. Hawk hits the floor as Christian tries to stomp a mud hole in him. Christian picks up Hawk and whips him into the ropes, Christian catches Hawk with a super kick on his way back. Christian slings Hawk into the corner near Nemesis. Christian tags Nemesis.*
Dave: Christian wasted no time going to work on Hawk.
Kevin: Christian is going to show Hawk that there is only one HAWKE family in wrestling.
*Nemises picks up Hawk and Gorilla press slam. Christian nails a split leg moonsault off the top rope. The ref now starts to argue with Christian and back him to his corner. Nemesis picks up Hawk and goes for suplex, Hawk blocks. While the ref is tied up Renegade comes rushing in and nails a German suplex on Nemeses. The back of Nemesis head bounces off the mat. Hawk quickly climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a diving head butt*
Dave: Hawk takeing chances, that is what it takes to win championships.
Kevin: That's Entertainment!!!
*Hawk tags in Renegade. Renegade picks up Nemesis and nails a short arm clothes line. Renegade whips Nemesis into the ropes and hits a spine buster as Nemesis comes back. Renegade picks up Nemesis and delivers a series of forearms. Renegade tries to whip Nemesis into the ropes but nemesis reverses and whips Renegade in the direction of Christian. Christian is waiting with an elbow to the back of Renegades head. Christian goes for the top rope, but Caleb Burna pulls him off. Christian's face slams into the apron.*
Kevin: I saw Teeth fly!!! Christian is in lala land.
Dave: Nemesis may find himself in this one by himself for a while.
*Back in the ring Nemesis just received a double suplex. The ref is trying to get Hawk out the ring. Tiffany gets on the apron and slaps Renegade. Hawk finally gets out of the ring, somehow Christian is back up and has made his way to the top rope. he nails a missal drop kick on Renegade knocking him out the ring. Christian pulls Hawk back in the ring as he and Nemesis start to lay the boots to him.*
Kevin: Hawk is in trouble now!!
Dave: The ref cant get this under control.
*Renegade comes back in the ring with a chair. He is going after Christian, Christian turns just in time. He kicks Renegade in the gut and takes the chair and nails Renegade. Christian turns and he starts to lay in to Hawk. the ref is calling for the bell.*
Dave: Christian and Nemesis have been DQd!!!
*Back in the ring Christian is still beating on Hawk. Nemesis taps Christian on the shoulder only to be nailed with the chair. Once Christian realizes what he did , he drops the chair and starts to apologize to Nemesis. Caleb Burna has mad his way to the top rope with a chair. Christian turns around just in time to catch the chair then have it smashed into his face with a missal drop kick. Christian is out as Caleb Burna stands over him admiring his handy work.*
The scene cuts to commercial for a very special EWA event…only 1 week away.
Dave Jackson: Well folks we’re back again…Only this time…We’re in for a special treat. The lovely “Ms. Elvira”…Commissioner Mysty Wylde has joined us here on stage…for the” Wheel of Torment.” The hardcore match between BSWF Superstar Renegade, and the EWA’s Malice family enforcer, T.J Malice.
Kevin Fisher: Yes…and look how lovely The Mistress of the DARK is…She could come haunt me with her broom any time.
Dave Jackson: Anyone could haunt you…Kevin…you’re gullible.
Kevin Fisher: Ah, Yes…Dave my friend…but being “gullible “ is what gets you the babes…
[ Sounds of eerie music begins to play as we see Mysty Wylde stepping up on the ramp. She wears a black skimpy witches dress that has a very provocative frontal view. She wears a pair of black, with white Spider web designed panty hose, and black high-heel boots. Mysty wears a tall black Witches cap, and carries a broom. She stands waiting for security to slowly bring out the “Wheel of Torment”. ]
Kevin Fisher: Ahhh…YES…The “Wheel of Torment”…Spin the Wheel baby…and lets play…ROUGH!!
Dave Jackson: Oh, Gimme a fricken break…
As the music dies down…and the Crowd begins to compose
themselves. “Back
in Black” By AC/DC Rocks the arena, as T.J Malice comes
from the back. His
dark and toned body, shines gracefully in the spotlights, as
T.J Malice makes his way toward the ring.
Commissioner Wylde stands, tormenting the crowd, and
playfully teases Malice, with her broom. ]
Kevin Fisher: My Lord…Mysty is sweeping the floor with Malice…and he looks to be enjoying it.
Dave Jackson: This is a twisted version of The Wizard of OZ.
Kevin Fisher: Yeah…The Wicked Witch of the West…Man…is she a Hottie.
“ Renegade " by D-12 plays as Renegade comes out with
a kendo stick
in hand. He whooshes it through the air as he walks
down the ramp way. Mysty
starts to brush her broom against the ass of Renegade, as
she hurries him toward the ring.
The Crowd begins to laugh a little as Renegade points
towards the hardcore title at the announcer’s table and
steps inside the ring. ]
Dave Jackson: Is he pointing at us?
Kevin Fisher: No…I think he is just pointing at you! Looks like you pissed him off.
Dave Jackson: But….I…I didn’t do anything…[ looks remotely scared ]
Kevin Fisher: You’re pathetic…[ Laughing ]
[ Mysty has a mic in her hand as she leans the broom, securely against the “Wheel of Torment”. ]
Mysty: Alright ladies and Gents…Shall we see just how hardcore these two guys can be? Let’s spin the “Wheel of Torment” and see what’s in store for these two here tonight.
[ Mysty places her hands upon the wheel, as she goes to slide the wheel up, Mysty takes her right leg, and lifts it up in the back. As she begins to pull down, Mysty leans over very seductively, as both legs are spread apart, and she assumes a very, nice stance. Mysty roughly pulls the wheel down, as it begins spinning rather fast. Moments begin to pass as Renegade and T.J Malices’s patients begin to wear thin. The Wheel slowly comes to a slow turn. As Mysty Wylde, now looking on with a glee in her eye. The Wheel starts to come to a standstill as different types of matches can be seen written across the golden blades of the wheel. On one blade reads “ Coal Miner’s Glove match” another reads “Lights out match”, “Ladder Match”, “Inferno Match” and lastly “Bed of thumbtacks match”. The wheel seems to come just inches from the blade of “Inferno Match”. Mysty’s eyes began to shutter, as the nightmare continued to slip in her mind as last weeks match with Malum Diabolus vs. The “Convict” John Chambers was a showcase of torment and a near fatal decision upon another Superstar, “Sassy” Summer Kensington, as she risked her own life, trying to help out the EWA World Champion, John Chambers. The wheel’s last flicker, comes to a near stop, not moving to the next space, Mysty takes her foot, and briefly bumps the broom, as it leans toward the side, causing the flicker to move that extra inch. ]
Mysty Wylde: Well….Well…Looks like we have us a “Bed of Thumbtacks” Match. Wow that was a close one…We nearly witnessed again, a fatal dance as this could have been an “Inferno Match”. What a shame though, Would have been nice to see the ring go up in smoke again. Now that the Stipulations have been set…Let’s get ready to….Rum…..[ Mysty stops in mid sentence ] Nah……You all aren’t worth it…Gentlemen bring out the Thumbtacks.
[ A herd of security guards begin walking out with a couple of shoe boxes filled with thumbtacks Mysty takes the boxes and steps up to the ring. ]
Mysty: You both have the opportunity now to walk away from this match, in one solid piece, OR you two can give each other and the fans, a display of Hardcore…like its never been displayed before.
[ Mysty steps back from the two, as she awaits their decision. The two lock up almost immediately proving their strength. TJ Malice kicks ass with a head butt, followed by several punches to the head of Renegade. TJ throws Renegade to the ropes catching him with a clothesline and sending Renegade straight to the mat, face first. ]
Dave Jackson: Wow, Did you see that? I guess Commissioner Mysty Wylde just got her answer. It’s as if TJ has something to prove to Renegade.
Kevin Fisher: Well, of course he does Dave…Do you think our Boys are gonna let a BSWF Flunky show ‘Em up?
[ Mysty Quickly slides out of the ring, leaving the shoe boxes inside. Renegade gets up only to receive a flying drop kick from the top rope as TJ Malice springs forward connecting to Renegade’s upper body. Just as T.J Malice hits the mat, he is greeted in the “ass” by an open shoebox of thumbtacks, as the impact opened the lid exposing the thumbtacks. Malice shouts obscenities through out the ring as he tries picking them out rather fast. ]
Dave Jackson: Damn man, I know that must have hurt. Malice landed directly on top of those boxes. Why on Earth did Commissioner Wylde just leave them their like that?
Kevin Fisher: Wake up “Lost and Dickless” That’s the name of the game…She’s supposed to leave the tacks in the Ass…[ Laughing ]
[ Malice still pulling tacks from his back end, gets faced with a handful of tacks, from Renegade. Malice shelters his face, not allowing the tacks to make contact near his eyes, gets a rude awakening as Renegade wacks Malice directly in the chest, with his Kendo stick. Renegade puts Malice into a small package, as Malice kicks out easily. ]
Kevin Fisher: There ya have it…Looks like BSWF, now seems to be handling the ropes quite well. Malice needs to get those tacks from behind him [ Laughing hysterically ] the hell out. Or Renegade is gonna make a pin cushion out of him.
Dave Jackson: Maybe so…But both men have shown quite a display of talent here. This match could still go either way.
[ Malice goes for another off the top rope move, when Renegade catches him in mid air with a flying lariat. Renegade quickly hops from the ring, he walks over toward the announcer’s table, picks up a steel chair and slides it in. Malice is down, as Renegade heads for the ropes. Malice slowly moves around a bit, he begins to move toward the chair, just as Renegade leaps off the rope landing a picture perfect face buster to Malice directly into the center of the tack covered steel chair. ]
Dave Jackson: Holy Shit!!…Malice has become PINFACE…
Kevin Fisher: Hellraiser…Yeah…that was a good movie..Damn Malice is a mess.
Dave Jackson: What on Earth can these two men put themselves through tonight?
Kevin Fisher: Anything if you ask me.
[ Renegade throws Malice outside the ring. Malice reaches under the ring cautiously as he pulls out some type of barbed wire bat. Renegade comes after Malice with the Kendo Stick, as the two exchange blows. Mysty Wylde comes up swinging a chair to the back of Renegade. Malice takes the advantage and nails Renegade with the bat to the back of the head. ]
Dave Jackson: What in Holy HELL is the Commissioner doing?
Kevin Fisher: Looks like she’s helping Malice…You don’t think the Commissioner of the EWA is going to allow a BSWF flunky get off so easily do ya?
[ Renegade is busted wide open, blood begins to spout, as the referee, motions for Malice to step back while checking on Renegade. Renegade shoves the referee to the side and immediately goes straight for Malice. Malice still holding the barbed wire bat in a swinging position, takes a whack at Renegade, but Renegade ducks. Renegade comes over toward the announcer’s table, he immediately folds together another steel chair as he tosses it over to Malice. Malice drops the bat, immediately catching the chair as Renegade drop kicks the chair right into the face of Malice. ]
Kevin Fisher: Man, I don’t know how much more these two men can endure. This is what Hardcore is all about.
Dave Jackson: This is the reason why I stuck to announcing matches. I would just suck at this type of stuff.
Kevin Fisher: You just suck period. [ laughing under his breath ]
Dave Jackson: …..
[ Renegade now slides in the ring, he begins setting up a few chairs, along with a pile of thumbtacks. He spreads the tacks along the seat of each of the chairs as to make a long bed of tacks. Mysty is on the outside, slapping at Malice, as he finally stands to his feet. Malice enters the ring as Renegade reaches for the head of Malice, Mysty comes in behind and sends a devastating low blow to the groin of Malice. ]
Kevin Fisher: WHAT THE F*CK?? Mysty, What are you doing there Woman?!?
Dave Jackson: Looks like she’s helping Renegade now Kev. [ Kevin smirks ]
[ Mysty now slides back out of the ring…and heads back toward the ramp way. Renegade places Malice up into position…as he lifts Malice’s body high in the air. Renegade swiftly Power bombs Malice straight into the steel chair loaded with tacks. Malice’s face is covered in blood as tacks appear to be dropping from places that need not be pierced. Renegade goes for the cover as the ref counts…1…2….3…]
Dave Jackson: WOW…What a match…I am by all means impressed with both of these men. To endure such pain…and inflict it upon the other is just astounding .
Kevin Fisher: You act like this is the first time you ever had sex man…Lighten up Dude. There’s hardcore…and then there’s EXTREME. And this match went beyond both.
Dave Jackson: And YES it has…It has brought us a new Hardcore Champion…Renegade.
Kevin Fisher: Not another BSWF flunky taking away our titles…This has got to be stopped.
Cut to a scene backstage in Zane Alexander's lockeroom. The camera pushes open the door and it is completely empty.
Dave Jackson: The four way, it's started! Cut to the back now!
(Johnny Hawke has Ric Gold in a headlock, Ric Gold picks him up and suplexes him into a row of fallen chairs. Eric Pheris comes in from behind a curtain and puts the big boot to the skull of Gold. He pulls Gold off the floor and shoves him through the curtain in front of the crowd. Pheris pulls Gold up in a suplex and crashes down on the walkway. Johnny Hawke comes running out of the back and plows down Pheris with a spear. He pulls Pheris to the ringside and sets up a chair. He pulls him forward into a Russian Leg Sweep into the chair. The chair bends in two and lays flat on the floor. Hawke jumps into the ring and plays to the crowd.)
Dave Jackson: Hawke has risen to the occasion!
Kevin Fisher: Hawke is nothing more than a
Dave Jackson: Jackson Rust in from the crowd! He pulls Gold up and rams his head into the railing!
(Jackson Rust pulls Gold up but is caught by a chokeslam from Pheris, he throws Jackson to the floor. He bounces into the ring and faces Hawke. Pheris swings at Hawke, Hawke ducks and pulls Pheris' leg out into a rolling single leg crab. Pheris reaches for the ropes. Gold breaks up the hold with a swift kick to the back of Hawke's head.)
Dave Jackson: Jackson is in the ring, all four
men are in the ring now!
Kevin Fisher: Who gives a damn about Jackson
Rust, who the hell is he anyhow?
Dave Jackson: He's a former Big Sky Champion,
he's coming into the EWA for John Chambers.
Kevin Fisher: He's just mad that Chambers beat him for his so called Championship.
(Jackson dropkicks Gold in the knee and Gold does a flip onto his back. Jackson grabs him and flips him over and places Gold into a sleeper hold, when he hooks the sleeper in he flips his legs over his head and bridges keeping the sleeper on Gold's neck.)
Dave Jackson: He calls that the "Texas
Kevin Fisher: Well he could possibly put the entire state of Texas asleep.
(Hawke pulls Pheris to the corner and flips off the ropes and dropkicks him in the head. He comes over and drops a double axehandle to the chest of Jackson. He pulls Jackson up and drops him with a DDT. As Jackson is lying prone in the center of the ring, Hawke slides out of the ring and look underneath the ring. Then, he pulls out table and slides into the ring. As Hawke sets up the table, resting it against the turnbuckle. Jackson begins to stir. Jackson starts to wail on Hawke and Irish whips him into the ropes, but Hawke reverses it. Sending the Jackson into the ropes, instead. As Jackson comes back off the ropes, Hawke catches him with Fireman's carry. Then delivers a Running Death Valley Bomb into the table shattering it in half. Next Hawke takes one of table's fragments and places it on motionless Jackson's face, while dragging him somewhat out to center of the ring. With quick catlike reflexes, Hawke leaps to top turnbuckle with a chair in hand. Then, Hawke delivers his patent Arabian Facebuster on table portion that covers the Jackson's skull.)
Dave Jackson: Hawke has the upperhand!
(Hawke goes for the cover, 1..........2............No! Jackson kicks out. Pheris pulls Hawke up by the hair and drops him to the mat with an Albertbomb. He scoops up Hawke and powerbombs him to the mat! Pheris comes off the ropes and drops a big knee. Pulling up Hawke he piledrives him into the mat. He stumbles up the ropes and stands high above the ring on the turnbuckle. He jumps off with a leg drop, Hawke moves out of the way. Pheris hits the mat with a thud. Hawke Irish whips Eric into the turnbuckle and charges in after him. Then, Hawke back flip kicks him, and comes down in a split double punch to the groin and Eric bends over in pain. As, Eric is bent over. Hawke proceeds to slide out of the ring, grabbing Eric's legs from behind and pulls into the turnbuckle making him straddle the ring post, Eric rolls over in pain. Hawke pulls him into the ring post and slap on the figure four-leg lock.)
Dave Jackson: Hawke's going to break his legs!
(Jackson stirs in the ring and sees what is happening, he steps on the face of Pheris and climbs up the turnbuckles, he jumps off the top and drops a leg drop onto the neck of Hawke sending the back of Hawke's head into the floor. Hawke bounces back still holding onto the figure four. Jackson springs up and pulls Hawke's head over his shoulder like the Rude Awakening. He drops down and snaps Hawke's neck. Hawke falls to the floor.)
Dave: Jackson is showing why he was a Champion,
he's a great competitor!
Kevin: Huh? He was the Champion of a
backyard fed. What is he doing here agian?
(Ric Gold stands at the ropes, but cannot get there in time as Jackson places a fist where it really hurts. Gold bends over in pain. Jackson pulls a table out from under the ring and sets it up so that one end is on the apron and the other is over the railing. He keeps the legs up. He jumps into the ring and ducks a punch from Gold and switches him momentum. He puts gold into a suplex, then he drops him over the top rope and whips him back into a DDT. "Tulsa Time!" Jackson drops down for the pinfall. 1..................2................No! Pheris breaks up the count. He pulls Jackson up and throw him into the other corner and follows with a high knee. Jackson falls down. He pulls Jackson up and places him onto the top, he pulls Jackson's arms out and walks forward pulling Jackson off the top turnbuckle onto his face. Pheris drops down a knee onto the back of Jackson.)
Dave: Hawke is back in the ring, look he's on the apron!.
(Hawke flips over the apron and kicks Pheris in the face.)
Dave: Johnny Hawke is in the house!
(Hawke Irish whips Eric into the ropes. As Eric comes back bouncing off the ropes, Hawke delivers a devastating standing dropkick. Hawke stands up and pumps his fist.)
Dave: Hawke will win, Hawke is going to win!
Kevin: Ahh, is that Gold with a chair to the
back of Hawke's head? That's too bad!
(Gold rams the chair into the face of Hawke, he swings the chair over the back of Hawke. Gold pulls the chair up for another run but a flying Jackson Rust spears the chair into his face and chest. Gold, Rust and the Chair go bouncing off into the corner. Pheris comes into the picture and grabs Gold and throws him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, he drives him into the mat with a slam. He turns his attention to Jackson, he lifts Jackson up to the top rope. Jackson and he fight back and forth, Pheris climbs up and meet's Jackson towering on the top rope. He and Jackson exchange punches then Pheris pulls Jackson up by the neck and jumps with him towards the announcer's table. The table goes crashing into a million pieces.)
Dave Jackson: Christmas! I'm glad we got
out of the way of that monster! Look Hawke is up!
Kevin Fisher: Man, I had the World Series game
on this thing! Man now I've got to watch Johnny Hawke, darn it!
Dave Jackson: Who's winning the game anyway?
(Johnny Hawke ducks under a clothesline from
Gold, Gold goes off the ropes and drops under a clothesline from Hawke. He
sweeps down and grabs the chair. He swings and tags Hawke in the back.
Hawke stumbles back. Pheris gets to his feet around the broken table.)
Dave Jackson: "Pheris might have the
upperhand now."
Kevin Fisher: "He probably needs to get
inside the ring."
Dave Jackson: "Jackson is also on his
(Gold rushes with the chair, but Johnny Hawke
drops him with a drop toe hold, Gold drops the chair, Hawke picks it up as Gold
stumbles to his feet, he throws the chair at Gold. As Eric catches the
chair, Hawke proceeds to load his boot by stomping it on the ground. Once Eric
goes to swing the chair, Hawke counters with quick devastating Jumping Sweet
Kiss Goodnight…Hawke goes for the cover. Pheris reaches the apron, he starts
to get inside the ring but Jackon pulls his leg out from under him.
Jackson jumps on the apron and jumps onto the ropes and springs onto Pheris, he
Thesz presses him onto the floor. Hawke makes the cover, 1… 2… 3!)
Curtis Green: The Winner, and getting the first
shot at the EWA Champion.........Johnny Hawke!
Fight Song" starts up over the P.A An orange glow dimly lights the arena, and Jackson Rust and Johnny Hawke are off looking at the entranceway waiting for John Chambers to arrive. As they are looking, a dark figure climbs in the ring behind them, and suddenly a large flame lights up.
DJ: Chambers is sending a definite message to the winner of this match, and his old enemy Jackson Rust. It seems that he's going to protect his title at all costs.
Dave Jackson: Well fans, this is one that we have all been looking for. Two weeks ago, the Pied Piper Kirk Visconty walked out of the EWA, leaving the US Title vacant. Unfortunately, he also managed to take his title belt with him. So when Mr. Nagasawa bought his stake in the company, he had a new United States Title made, and ordered a #1 contender's match for the belt. He decided to bank on two of what he felt were under utilized stars of the last regime, The monstrous "Big" Andy Studd, and the Big Hearted Cruiserweight, "The Future" Zane Alexander. Unfortunately, Zane has not been seen all evening.
Kevin Fisher: He lost his nerve. I mean, he realizes the Big man is in no mood to mess with him, and he acted like his heroes and packed it in. What I really found humorous is that Zane opened his big mouth last week, and Studd took him out of the ring and proved that in this sport, Big men make the rules. I think that Zane is still seeing stars from that Windy City Driver on the concrete. Despite what the outcome "Officially" reads, Studd was defiantly the winner last week.
DJ: But Zane wouldn't stay down. He took a terrible beating last week, and immediately refused attention in the back, and gladly accepted his place in the match up. He spent this week training harder than before, and even solicited some advice from an old enemy of Studd, "Hellraiser" Wayne Harrison.
KF: Who cares about that old fossil. Studd was the last W4 World Champion, and it's his time now. Move over old guard, the big man is ready to make this HIS night.
DJ: Funny you should mention that. Because Zane has made quite a few "allegations" about the validity of Studd's claims of greatness.
KF: Who cares if Studd doesn't tell the truth. This isn't the freaking boy scouts. Ask Zane about the validity of Studd's beat down last week. Ask him what he thought about his splitting from the concrete.
DJ: Well have to see, lets get to the ring, as the cage has been lowered, and their must be a winner tonight. A good old fashioned David vs. Goliath. This one should be a classic!! That is, if Zane is actually going to show up.
"Fanfare for the Common Man" by Aaron Copeland begins to play, as "Big" Andy Studd makes his way to the ring. A fan is holding up a "Zane is the Future" sign, that Studd takes and rips apart. He glares at the fans, and then taking his massive hands, he shakes the cage, testing the sturdiness. He seems as confident as ever, as he makes his way into the cage, and eagerly awaits his opponent.
KF: The big man is ready for this squash.
DJ: Well, in case you didn't notice, the Big Man is a little worse for wear after an unscheduled stop in the Big Sky Wednesday night. He got himself in a hell of a fight.
KF: Well, most guys train for the big matches, this monster took a second one in one week. Who cares about the Big Sky anyway.
"Fuel" by Metallica begins to play, but no one makes their way out of the curtain.
Dave: It is time for his U.S. Title match, but no one has seen Zane all night. Wherever he is Jamie Starr must be with him. She did not show for the woman's rumble before the show.
Kevin: That is the real loss here. No Jamie Starr. Who cares about Zane. Jamie is a hottie. We would have just seen Zane gets squished if he would have showed, but I bet I could have consoled Jamie as she cried for him... Damn where the hell is he. I want Jamie to cry on my shoulder.
The scene cuts to the back. You see a limo pull up outside the building. The door opens and you see Zane step out. Jamie steps out right behind him. With Jamie on his arm Zane walks into the building and head straight for the entrance ramp.
DJ: He's here!!! He's here!! Zane has made it just in time.
"Fuel" by Metallica plays as Zane steps out onto the top of the ramp. Zane is dressed a pair of wide leg stonewashed Levis and his ox blood doc's. Jamie Starr walks out behind him. She is dressed in very short tight fitting pair of black leather shorts, a white "In Zane we trust" t-shirt tied right under her breast showing off her mid drift, and a tall pair of black Mudd platform boots. The crowed is cheering wildly as the make there way to the ring. They high five fans along the way as red and blue pyro goes off behind them making a large X. Once ringside Zane climbs in the cage and Jamie stands ringside.
DJ: Look at him, he's ready to go, but Studd just jumped him from behind and pounded him with a double axe handle!!
KF: Squash the bug big man, squash the bug.
The referee locks the cage door, as Studd drops another axe handle down across Zane's back. He pounds another one, and Zane falls flat to his stomach. The Big Man bounces off the ropes, and drops an elbow into the small of the back. He points 1 finger up in the air, and bounces in again and drops a second elbow. Studd motions for the smaller man to get to his feet, and as he staggers up, Studd drills him with a superkick that sends him crashing hard to the mat.
DJ: A powerful beginning here for the Big Man!!
KF: Powerful beginning, hell, he's beating the hell out of him…again!!
Studd whips Zane into the ropes, and drills him with a huge powerslam, that shakes the entire cage as Zane smashes down into the mat. Studd gets a smirk on his face, as he grabs Zane up by the hair. He fires him into the ropes again, going for a big boot, but Zane manages to duck, and bounce of the ropes and returns and nails Studd with a flying forearm. The big man staggers, and Zane bounces into the ropes, and comes off again with a huge drop kick. Studd staggers back, and remains on his feet again. The crowd begins to come to life, as Zane runs in again, and drills the big man with a second drop kick. Studd appears ready to go, but remains on his feet. Zane charges to the ropes, and leaps into them and back at Studd nailing him with a springboard drop kick that finally topples the monster. The crowd explodes, and Zane staggers back into the ropes.
DJ: Well, Zane has took the big man off his feet!!
KF: So!! One lousy time, and it took him 3 minutes to do it.
Zane charges in, and peppers Studd's face with right hands. He attempts to whip him into the ropes, but Studd reverses it, and goes for a clothesline that Zane ducks. Zane bounces off the opposite side of the ropes, and drop kicks him in the back of the knee, and the Big man falls down to one knee again. Zane again goes for a springboard drop kick that nails the big man right in the middle of the face. He drops down, and grabs his nose, as Zane stands up and pumps his fist in the air, as the crowd is rocking and rolling in approval. Studd, takes his hand from his nose, and it appears the a stream of blood is coming from it. He glares up at his opponent, and seems to have a very angry look on his face.
DJ: The speed of Zane is amazing. He's taking to the bigger man, and has DRAWN FIRST BLOOD!!
KF: I hope that's not all he's got.
Zane nails the recovering Studd in the mid section with a quick spinning heel kick. Studd is bent over, as Zane springs up to the top and goes for the "Glimpse." He hits it, but Studd grabs his leg, and hoists him up on his massive shoulders. He lifts him up, and slams him down face first into the mat with his "Beagle St. Drop!!" With his size, the almost ten foot drop appears to be devastating. Zane is down, and as the crowd boos, Studd glares at them, and looks all around allowing them a moment to take in the devastation.
DJ: Did you see Zane's head smack off the mat?
KF: He'll be pouring salt on his fruity pebbles in the morning, that's for damn sure. Zane's going back to the "Land of Make Believe."
Zane gets pulled up by his hair, and Studd whips him into the ropes and nails him with a tremendous spinebuster. Zane arches his back in pain, as Studd gets back to his feet, and pulls him up again. He picks him up for a Jackhammer!! Zane is down…
Zane manages to just barely get his shoulder up, earning a cheer from the crowd. Studd picks him up again, and whips him into the ropes, and instead of doing a move, he uses his own momentum and tosses the youngster head first into the cage. Zane slumps to the mat, as Studd starts to look around the arena, like he's searching for something or someone. Zane starts to stagger back towards the ropes, as Studd grabs him and presses him up over his head and tosses him head first into the same side of the cage. Zane is crumpled in a heap on the mat. Studd moves in again, and picks him up for a slam, but Zane kicks and slips behind him. Zane kicks him in the mid section, and then climbs to the top, and signals for his patented double arm tornado DDT. He goes for the move, but Studd uses his own momentum and throws him headfirst again into the same side of the cage. Zane staggers to the mat, and his face has become read, from a cut that has opened up above his right eye. Studd stands up again, and points out to the crowd.
DJ: Studd's power is proving too much for "The Future."
KF: The only "Future" I see, is one in the ER tonight for Alexander. He's getting destroyed in there.
Studd picks up Zane on his shoulders and drives him back down to the mat with an Electric Chair drop. He grabs Zane by the throat, and drives him down with a chokeslam, that again rattles the entire cage from the force. A fan in Convict T shirt at ringside, begins to taunt the Big man, who laughs at him, and begins to yell back, as Zane starts to stir. Studd bounces off the ropes, and gets tremendous elevation on a leg drop, but Zane manages to roll out at the last minute. Studd seems a tad bit stunned, as Zane waits for him to get back to his feet, and then hits him with a flying back elbow, that again staggers the big man. Zane punches towards his face, but when Studd goes for the block, Zane nails him with a low blow that doubles him over, and then he bounces off the ropes, and drills him with an X Factor, and goes for the cover..
Studd powers out, and tosses Zane about 2 feet away from him. Undaunted, Zane waits for him to get up, and bounces off the ropes and hits him with a spinning DDT. Studd is down, and Zane immediately scales the ropes and drills him with a flying elbow drop. Studd grabs his chest. Zane bounces off the ropes and nails him with a rolling thunder. Zane goes to the top again, this time rolling his hands around each other, which brings the crowd to their feet. He goes for Zane's Landing, his patented 450 splash, and connects. He hooks the leg, as the crowd begins to count along with the referee.
Studd again manages to escape. Zane pounds the mat in frustration. He stands to his feet, and then charges the standing Studd, and takes him down with a beautiful hurricanrana. He signals to the crowd. He springs to the top rope, and nails Studd with his spinning heel kick known as the Gift of Zander. The crowd is rocking again, and he looks down at Studd, and then to the top of the cage. He points to the top of the cage, and the crowd goes absolutely wild!! They begin to chant "Zane….Zane…Zane…" as he starts the climb to the top. He stands up on the top of the cage, and raises his hands in the "I love you" sign paying tribute to "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka. Jamie Starr leads the crowd in clapping for her man. He leaps, with a spectacular 360 shooting star press that quickly changes to gasps from the crowd, as he lands head first on the mat, after Studd had rolled out of the way.
DJ: Dear god. He missed!!! He missed!!! I can't believe he missed. He may have broken his neck.
KF: I can. He may have had that match won after the "Gift of Zander" but this Hot Dog decided to be a glory hound. He had that coming.
Studd manages back to his feet, and actually gets a smile on his face, as he looks at the prone Alexander. He picks him up, and drills him with a Samoan neck breaker, and begins to laugh. He signals to the crowd, and picks him up for the reverse hanging brain buster, known as the "Full Frontal Lobotomy. He covers the little man, and hooks the leg.
Studd gets to his feet, and raises his arms in victory. But the referee looks over, and notices Zane's foot was on the ropes during the third count. Studd raises his arms, and the referee pushes them down and orders the match to continue.
DJ: That was close. I thought Studd had finished him
KF: HE did…HE DID!! I don't care if his foot on the rope. It's a cage match for god's sake.
DJ: You still can't have your foot on the ropes. Excellent catch by our referee.
Studd, while angry, doesn't seem to be distracted. He picks up Zane and places him between the ring ropes and the cage. He glares again to the crowd, before bouncing off the back ropes, and nailing Zane with a spear that causes the entire side of the cage to COLLAPSE!!!
DJ: OH MY GOD!!! Did you just see that?
KF: That was the most powerful spear I HAVE EVER seen. Zane is dead. I just know it. He's dead.
DJ: Studd just covered him. But the ref is telling him that he has to pin him in the ring. Studd manages to get back to his feet, and he picks up the ring steps and tosses them into the ring. What does this guy have planned now!!!
Studd climbs back in the ring, and raises his arms in triumph, at the devastation he has unleashed. He sets the ring steps up in the middle of the ring, and then walks towards the camera and begins to yell that he's "about to kill this little punk!!" Meanwhile, Jamie Starr is slapping her man's face, but he still isn't moving. She seems worried, and runs towards the announcer's table and grabs a pitcher of water, and tosses it in "The Futures" face!! Zane starts to recover, and Jamie begins to the lead the crowd in cheers to inspire him. Zane starts to crawl towards the side of the cage as the crowd begins to cheer louder and louder. He puts his hands in the mesh cage, and begins to climb the still standing side. He climbs rung by damn rung, until he reaches the top, and just barely manages to pull himself up. He perches up on the top again, while Jamie points to him, and claps wildly, as Studd turns around and his eyes open wide as Zane leaps off the top of the cage and drills him with another "Gift of Zander!!" that sends the big man down to the canvas with a thud. Zane just barely manages to crawl over, and cover the big man with one arm. The now frenzied crowd begins to count along.
3!! 3!!!
Zane rolls off and climbs back to his feet and jumps up and down, as the referee raises his arms in victory.
DJ: He's done it!!! He's done it….
KF: Dammit!! How in the hell did he get the win?
DJ: Hold on, what's this?
The referee looks over and notices that Studd's leg was draped over the bottom rope. He shoves down Zane's arm, and shakes his head, ordering the match to continue. Zane slaps the mat the top turnbuckle in frustration. He runs towards the ropes, and comes off with a Lion Sault, but nails his head on the Steel steps, as Studd had managed to pull them on top of him. Studd climbs back to his feet, and hooks both of Zane's arms, driving him down on the steel steps with a double underhook jackknife powerbomb. Zane reaches back and grabs the back of his head in pain. Studd signals for the end, and picks up Zane for the Windy City Driver. He picks him up, but at the last minute Zane manages to slip down his back, and drills him in the back of the head with a dropkick that sends the Big Man into the cage headfirst. Studd slumps to the ground, and it appears that his head is busted WIDE OPEN. Zane staggers over towards the ropes, and raises his arm in the air, and scales to the top. The crowd is behind him again, as Studd pulls himself up by the top rope. Zane leaps off with a diving spear, but Studd manages to catch him and drive him to the mat with a devastating Inverted DDT!!
DJ: Wait a minute, was that?
KF: I know what that was. It was the Hellraiser's own move, the Last Call. Studd is sending a definite message here tonight. Zane should have picked who he was going to ask for help more wisely.
DJ: What's this? Is he going to the top rope?
KF: Could it be the Las Vegas Jam?
Studd is on the top rope, and is laughing at Zane. He looks around suspiciously as a figure in the crowd moves, but noticing nothing unusual he leaps off with the top rope leg drop, which the Hellraiser has named the Las Vegas Jam. He gets great elevation, and comes flying towards the canvas, but at the last minute, Zane manages to just roll out of the way. Studd grabs his leg in pain, and is struggling back to his feet, Zane manages to grab his head and rolls him up in a small package.
The crowd explodes in cheers, as Zane rolls quickly off of Studd, and Jamie Starr grabs his foot, and quickly pulls him out of the ring.
DJ: I can't believe it. Zane Alexander has won it. And this crowd is loving it!!
KF: Dammmit, Dammit, Dammit!! Studd dominated that entire match.
Zane is outside of the ring being helped to his feet by Starr. The ref comes over and raises his arm, and hands him the US TITLE, which he barely manages to get over his shoulder. She starts to help him towards the back, as the referee and Studd are arguing in the ring. Studd is slapping his hands quickly, and the referee shakes his head. Studd kicks him in the gut, and drills him with the Windy City Driver!!! Studd gets up and kicks the bottom rope, as he looks towards the ramp, where Zane holds up the belt to show him, and continues to do so as he walks towards the curtain. Studd begins to shake the remaining section of the cage.
DJ: Fans say what you want about either man, but that was one hell of a match up.
KF: Studd had it all under control. How did he lose it? I mean he had the match well scouted. He matches Zane hold for hold…
DJ: Studd proved that he has some definite technical skill to back up that power, but Alexander showed that he may have the biggest heart in the EWA as he managed to survive yet another onslaught by the Big Man to capture the US Title. That my friends, was an amazing match up, no doubt about it. It will go down as one of the all time classics.
KF: Even I can't argue that. The fans got their moneys worth, and we still have our main event to go. Let's take a look at the highlights again!!
We see a clip of Studd spearing Zane through the side of the cage. It cuts to Zane leaping off the top of the cage with a Gift of Zander, and finally we see Zane roll up Studd in the small package for the three count.
DJ: Well, after that outstanding match up, only 1 more remains. The World Title Match. But an unusual stipulation of sorts takes place in this one, as it is a mixed tag team match, with the winner of the fall walking out as the World Champion.
KF: So let me get this strait. If Sassy pins Akia, a woman is the world champion.
DJ: Right
KF: IF Malum pins Sassy, then he is the World Champion.
DJ: Right.
KF: Well, this could be interesting. The winner faces "Franchise" Johnny Hawke next week?
DJ: Right again. Hold on, I here we are going backstage for a special announcement from our distinguished owner, Mr. Nagasawa.
We cut to backstage, where we see a large oaken desk. A Japanese flag hangs in the background. We see a small statue in full Samurai Armor, and the large leather chair spins around, revealing the Honorable Mr. Nagasawa.
Nagasawa: "Greeting fans of the EWA. It was just one week ago, when I was placed in charge of the struggling EWA, with a mission to evaluate this situation, and make strides in the right direction again, as the Big Sky Wrestling Federation has taken a large portion of our viewing audience. But this PPV has been a definite step in the right direction. But after evaluating things this week, I saw some things that I didn't like. Title belts that did not seem to matter. A lot of gold floating around, and not enough solid competition behind it. So therefore, much as was the case with the woman's championship, I have decided to make some more changes. Four of the remain championships will be eliminated after tonight."
Mr. Nagasawa takes a sip from his cup of green tea, and looks back in the camera.
Nagasawa: After tonight, The World TV Title, The Hardcore Title, The Cruiserweight Title, and The United States Championship are no more. I would like to send a heart felt congratulations to "The Entertainer" Hawk, Renegade, "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni, and "The Future" Zane Alexander for making this company proud by your title reigns.
Nagasawa takes a small card and looks it over. Then returns to speaking.
Nagasawa: But from the ashes of these retired championships, will rise two new ones. Two championships greater than the others. Next weekend, will be a big one, as we will have a special two-night explosion to crown new champions. On Saturday, 4 men will enter a mini tournament to crown the first Warfare Champion. On Sunday, 4 men will enter another separate tournament to crown our first Sweet Science Champion. Night one will feature a tremendous main event, as will the second night, which will feature a World Title Match.
As for the make up of these tournaments, they are simple. The TV Champion Hawk, and the Hardcore Champion the Renegade will become the #1 and #2 seed respectfully in the Warfare Title Tournament. This title, will be contested under NO DQ, NO COUNT OUT, rules on a weekly basis on our Warfare Program. It combines the best elements of our Hardcore and TV Title division to make an interesting and entertaining division for all of our fans. Joining these men in the tournament will be none other than the returning Kraven, and the "Sexecutioner" Eric Pheris. This should be an exciting night indeed, as this tournament has great potential, and an exciting main event will be added shortly.
The second night will truly be a unique night indeed, as we use new US Champion "The Future" Zane Alexander, and 2 Time Cruiserweight Champion "The Fabulous" Nate Giovanni as the #1 and #2 seeds in the Sweet Science Tournament. In today's wrestling, violence has reigned supreme, but we here in the EWA have always prided ourselves in the ability to put on entertaining Old School wrestling action. So we will combine our second biggest singles title, and our fast paced Cruiserweight Title, into one division, where we will give wrestling fans a look back at the days when competition inside the ring was what mattered the most. In these matches, the rules will be strictly enforced. Our officials will be asked to call the matches a close to the rule books as possible, so if you are tired of the "Over the Top" violence, excessive use of tables and chairs, and think back to a day when wrestling was more of a artistic sport, this division will be for you. Also, our wrestlers that do not like to "brawl" will be able to showcase themselves in this division. Joining Nate, and Zane in this tournament will be the last woman's champion, Raine Dawson, and another opponent, yet to be announced. So join us next weekend, for two exciting nights of EWA Action.
Nagasawa takes one final drink, and turns back.
Nagasawa: Oh, and I have just been on the phone with the CHAOS promotion in Japan, and I have negotiated for our own "Mystery" Lupin to be fully reinstated to the EWA. I think he will make an asset to our roster, and look forward to having him back. Good look ladies and gentlemen of the main event.
Cut back to ringside…
DJ: What a series of announcements. Four tiles retired, two new ones next week in a special two-night extravaganza. Who can beat that?
KF: And what's this. Lupin set to return? When, where? Let's get this match under way.
DJ: For weeks this match up has been brewing out of control. Malum Diabolus, arguably the most recognized remaining superstar in the EWA seems to be offended by John Chambers's claims of greatness. They have attacked and battled until things boiled over 1 week ago. When Malum blew up the entire ring, injuring Chambers and partner Sassy. Sassy and Chambers have been having a mysterious relationship the last few weeks, ever since Sassy fiancé, the "Franchise" Johnny Hawke negotiated Chambers release from prison. While they may have seemed on the same page, they were not. Chambers now figures that Sassy has been trying to "steal" his remaining world title, and considers her just as much of an enemy as the others.
KF: While they may not be on the same page, Malum and Akia defiantly are. I give advantage to what I guess you could call the "Challengers."
DJ: Let's get to the ring.
Suddenly the lights go out, and a sick and sinister laughter is heard through the arena. As it dies down, as set of silver and reds pyro(s) go off, but no one can be seen on the entry ramp. "Highway to Hell" starts to play, and still no one emerges from the curtains.
DJ: Where the hell are the challengers? Are they no showing?
KF: I have no idea..
[ The arena lights go dim as "Bittersweet Symphony" By The Verve plays. An array of blue and silver Pyros shoot up and into the sold out Stadium, A fine mist of light blue and silver Graffiti falls amongst the crowd as the rampway begins to flood over with heavy fog. The Extreme O Tron lights up as huge flash bulbs begin strobing the already darken stadium. The sounds of a camera clicking, and a huge 3d banner that reads "Simply Sassy" exploding into bits and pieces of a puzzle. As the puzzle pieces reassemble themselves into different pictures, it comes together as a picture of Summer along the beaches of the Bahamas. Different photo shots are taken, as Summer is dressed out in numerous types of sexy swimwear. As the last puzzle piece forms the picture switches back to the banner displayed before the explosion. As the chorus begins Summer steps out from the fog, pointing to the Extreme O Tron, as the "Simply Sassy" banner once again explodes with all four of the ring posts shooting the blue and silver Graffiti up in the air, as "Sassy" Summer Kensington walks down the rampway, with the rolling fog disappearing momentarily as Summer heads towards the ring wearing a pair of black Tommy Hilfinger cut-off jeans, a white tank top, and a pair of black boots.] DJ: Well Sassy has made it to the match, and seems confused by the absence of Malum and Akia. KF: Here comes the champ!! ** The cameras watch as the lights go black. Several seconds of this until a small orange glow begins shining out of the entranceway. "Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson cranks up on the P.A. loudly and as soon as it does, a large mushroom cloud explodes in from of the entranceway. The lights return to normal, with the song still blaring, a figure walks out of the entranceway. It is John Chambers. He looks differently tonight, as he is not wearing his usual orange jumpsuit. Instead, he is sporting bright orange trunks, knee-high black boots with black kneepads, and his fists are wrapped in black sports tape. He is wearing a black t-shirt that reads "The Angel of Anarchy" across the front. Strapped tightly around his waist, however, is the EWA World Heavyweight Championship Title. **
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen ... Making his way to the ring, he is from Paradise Falls, Texas, and weighs in at 245 pounds ... He is the reigning Extreme Wrestling Alliance Heavyweight Champion of the World!! He is John Chaaaaammmmmbbbeeerrrrs!!!
** The camera continues watching as Chambers is pulling out a table and sets it up right beside the ring near the entranceway. Then Chambers makes his way into the ring. A lot of people in the crowd are booing him heavily as he ignores them, taking off his belt and handing it to the referee. ** DJ: Well it appears the Chambers has lost his orange jump suit. KF: Well he is a free man!! DJ: I guess maybe those trunks are his way of remember his trials and tribulations. I don't know, maybe he's just used to wearing orange. Now where in the hell are the challengers? [Chambers and Sassy have already arrived to the ring, and Chambers seems a bit on edge with his last experience with the ring exploding. Suddenly the lights go out, and a sick and sinister laughter is heard through out the arena. As the laugh dies down, a large set of silver and red pyro(s) go off, as "Highway To Hell" begins to air over the PA. As the lights come on signaling for Malum and Akia to show, there is no sign of them. A number of fans look up, and from out of the blue, Malum and Akia descend silently from the rafters on a zip line. They pause when they are about five feet above Sassy and Chambers. Grinning to each other, as it is apparent that both Chambers and Sassy haven't a clue as to why the sudden up roar in the crowd started. It is when they both look up, do they see Malum and Akia. But it is too late, and Malum and Akia drop down on top of them with double axe handle to the head…Bell rings.]
DJ: Dear god, the challengers have jumped this from behind, and this match up is under way!!!
KF: What a set up by the challengers. They may be ready to pull out every trick in the book to win this one.
Akia tears in to Sassy and pulls her by the hair towards the corner of the ring, where she begins to stomp her directly in the face. Malum grabs the struggling Chambers from behind, and nails him with a release German suplex. Immediately, Malum slides to the floor, and tosses in a steel chair. Akia grabs Sassy up by the hair, and sets her on the top turnbuckle, and climbs up and nails a hurricanranna. Malum sets up the folding chair on the other side of the ring, and snap suplexes Chambers onto the back of it. The chair flattens, and Chambers arches his back in pain. Malum gets a sick smile on his face, and then places Chambers head into the folding part of the chair, and bounces off the ropes, nailing a leg drop that again has Chambers rolling in pain. Akia gouges Sassy's eyes, and then nails her with some knee strikes to the head. She then runs towards the ropes with a springboard moonsault, and makes the first cover of the match.
And Sassy easily kicks out. Malum waits for Chambers to sit up, and then drives his thumb into the throat for the Asian Spike!! Chambers is fighting for air.
DJ: The challengers are in complete control of this one. That's for sure.
KF: A brilliant plan to start out this match, and they seem to be fighting with tremendous intensity. Seems like Chambers may have gone soft since his release from prison.
Malum picks up Chambers again and drills him with a devastating T Bone suplex. He turns towards the crowd, not noticing that Chambers immediately gets to his feet and is standing behind him. Malum turns around, and Chambers starts throwing punches. The two engage in flurry of punches that end with Malum being backed in the corner. Chambers starts throwing punches at the head, and keeps throwing them as Malum begins to slump into the corner. Chambers keeps throwing the punches, until Malum crumples down to the mat. Chambers then places his foot across his throat, grabs the top rope, and begins to choke. Meanwhile, Akia continues her assault on Sassy by wrapping her up in an Octopus hold. Sassy screams out in pain, but manages to get her feet set, and flips Akia over her back. The crowd gives a slight cheer, not sure who they are supposed to be rooting for. Akia is down, and Sassy jumps down on her and grabs her hair, and begins to violently ram her head down into the mat. Sassy then begins to pound on her head. She rips up Akia by the hair, and then drives her back down to the mat with a tremendous DDT. Akia rolls over in pain, but Sassy locks on a Crippler Crossface, and begins to pull back, causing Akia to scream out in pain.
DJ: That's the Maul, taught to Sassy by John "the Beast" Steele. This is the most intensity I have ever seen out of Sassy.
KF: Hey, Sassy may have gotten around, but it appears that maybe she was using those men to pick up a few moves for her arsenal. What's Chambers doing now?
Akia does not tap out, and Sassy shoves her head back down in the mat. Meanwhile, Chambers has Malum back to his feet. Chambers grabs Malum in a headlock. Switching over to a hammerlock, Chambers backs Malum into the ropes. He fires Malum into the opposite ropes. Chambers drops and Malum hops over him, with Chambers getting up immediately afterwards, following Malum to the other side of the ropes. Chambers then hits a spine-splitting clothesline and Malum flies over the ropes and lands on the ring apron, barely missing the table. As Malum is standing up, Chambers drops to his knee and throws a punch through the ropes, hitting Malum in the groin. Malum bends over in pain, hanging his head over the top rope. Chambers then bounces off the ropes, and coming towards Malum, does a complete monkey flip over Malum and the top rope and grabs Malum, sending him crashing through the table with a sunset flip. Chambers then goes outside the ring as the crowd starts to stir. Chambers picks up a chair, and smashes it over Malum's head. He does it one more time, backing Malum up to the ring post. He spits on a fan at ringside, and then swings a violent chair shot that cracks Malum's head off the post, and sends him crumpling to the floor. Malum grabs the back of the head, and it appears that blood is starting to flow from the wound. Chambers then begins to choke Malum with the Steel Chair across the throat area.
DJ: Chambers has degenerated this match up into nothing more than a brawl. It is right up his alley.
KF: Can you believe that the girls are even getting down a dirty in this one?
Sassy waits on Akia to get back to her feet, and whips her into the ropes, and drills her with a death valley driver. Sassy springs up onto the top rope, and comes down onto Akia with a splash. Akia manages to get her knees up, and Sassy rolls off and grabs her stomach in pain. Akia looks around at Chambers and Malum outside the ring, and then yanks Sassy up by the hair, and drives her to the mat with a pump handle brain buster. Akia yells something in the face of Sassy before sliding outside the ring. Meanwhile, Chambers goes under the ring and pulls out a roll of barbwire. He first wraps the barbwire around himself, wrapping his arms, chest and legs. Malum manages to get back to his feet, and comes towards the champion. Chambers charges at him and clotheslines him, with the barbwire catching onto Malum's flesh. Chambers continues the agony by splashing Malum, and wrapping several strands of the wire around Malum's neck. He seems to be enjoying himself when he wraps it like a noose around Malum's neck and stands to his feet. All of the sudden, Akia slides up behind him and crashes a chair over his head. Chambers takes a step back, but comes after her again, and gets another shot for his trouble. Akia swings again, and again, until the chair starts to come apart, and Chambers drops to his knee. Blood starts to trickle down his forehead, and Akia tosses the chair in his face, then jumps on him and begins to claw out his eyes!!
DJ: I can't believe she is trying to take out the World Champion like that!!
KF: I guess she's standing by her man. But this broads tough, but I think playing around with Chambers is a bad move.
Akia releases her hands from his eyes, and then as he gets back up, she knocks him back to the ground with a spinning heel kick. She climbs up on the apron, and then to the second tope, and leaps off going to an huricanrana, but Chambers catches her in mid air, and then spins around and powerbombs her onto the edge of the announcers table. He then grabs her by the hair, and punches her repeatedly in the face. She slumps down, and Chambers then begins to choke her. Meanwhile, Malum has slid back in the ring, barbed wire still around his neck, and gets a sadistic grin on his face as he notices Sassy alone. He charges, and takes her down with a devastating clothesline. Sassy hits the back of her head, and Malum begins to smile, as he whips her into the ropes a second time, and almost breaks her in half with a second clothesline. He picks her up, and lays her out with a Pump Handle Powerbomb and goes for the cover.
Chambers reaches in and pulls Malum off of Sassy. But as he starts to get in after him, Akia jumps on his back and starts trying to claw his eyes again. Chambers falls backwards towards the guardrail, and drives her back first into it. Malum, seeing that Chambers is again distracted by his tough fiancé, turns back towards Sassy, and picks her up and drills her with a T Bone Suplex. He drops an elbow across her sternum, and goes again with a second elbow. As he scoops down to grab her back up, she locks on a "Testicular Claw" and Malum begins to scream in pain, as the crowd comes back to life. Malum is jumping up and down, and Sassy release the hold and using a kickboxing strike, nails him with a low blow that doubles him over. She reaches up, and drills him with a Piper-looking European Uppercut, and another, and then locks him up in a s ¾ turns neckbreaker, and bounces his head off the canvas.
DJ: Summer Time!!! Summer Time!!! She nailed him with it!!
KF: I can't believe this. Could we have a new Woman's Champion?
Sassy hooks the leg.
Just as the refs hand is about to slap a third time, John Chambers grabs Sassy off of Malum by the shirt, and tosses her across the ring and begins to yell at her. She stands up, and the partners begin to argue. Chambers tells her to "Stay the FUCK outta his way" and as he starts to turn, she shoves him backwards. What she didn't see was that Akia had slipped behind him, and rolls up the champ with a schoolboy.
And again, Chambers barley gets his shoulder up. Malum returns to his feet, and Sassy charges Akia and drop kicks her out of the ring. Sassy follow her to the floor. Chambers goes back after Malum, who still has the barb-wire wrapped around his own neck, and Chambers sends several boots to Malum's gut. Chambers then grabs Malum by the hair and violently tosses him over the rope. Chambers then lurches onto the barbwire that is wrapped around Malum's neck and hooked to the wire covering him. The weight Chambers is pulling back causes Malum to get caught outside the apron of the ring, hanging from the barbwire wrapped around his neck, choking him. Blood is dripping from underneath the barbwire on Malum's neck, where the barbs are fierce fully piercing his skin. Pulling Malum back in the ring, Chambers grabs the excess barbwire and begins wrapping his elbow up. After wrapping his elbow over about twenty times, he wraps until his elbow pad can no longer be seen and it looks like his elbow is covered by a bundle of barbwire. Chambers then drops ALL his weight in a wicked elbow-drop, ripping the wire across Malum's face. Chambers hooks the legs again.
And Malum just manages to get his shoulder off the mat. Chambers kicks at the referee in disgust, and then drives his elbow into Malum's face again. Outside the ring, Sassy sets up Akia for a Tiger Driver, but Akia manages to reverse it into a back drop. She picks up Sassy, and drills her on the mats outside the ring with three rolling German Suplexes. Sassy is dazed, and Akia goes to roll her back in the ring. Chambers continues his assault on Malum, this time by climbing to the top rope, and nailing Malum with a vicious elbow drop that carves again into his face. Chambers goes for the cover.
Malum again manages to barely kick out. Chambers seems to be in some pain, from the barbed wire on his body, and slides out to begin to unwrap himself. Inside the ring, Malum begins to do the same. Akia has Sassy in the middle of the ring, and drills her with the "Falling Angel." Instead of going for the cover, Akia spreads Sassy's legs, and hooks her up in a devastating Lion Tamer. Sassy is screaming in pain, and starts to inch her way over to the ropes. She reaches out and grabs the bottom rope, but again Akia drags her back towards the center of the ring. Sassy seems on the verge of passing out, when Chambers bounces in off the ropes, and drills Akia with a elbow smash to the face, which causes her to release the hold, and drop down and hold her now bleeding nose. The fight goes back to the outside. Chambers has unwrapped himself of all the barb-wire. Both men have small incisions and pierces all over their bodies from the wire. Malum attempts a clothesline, and Chambers ducks. Chambers follows up by lurching around Malum's waist behind him. Chambers then picks Malum up and using all his force, catapults Malum into the steel guard-rail neck first with a vicious German suplex. Malum is down on the mat, as Chambers seems like a man enraged. He sets up a table from under the ring. Chambers now is going completely psychotic. He sets up another table. Ripping the guardrail off of its hinges, he sets a long piece of the steel guardrail along the top of the table. He then slides Malum across the table and climbs on himself. Picking Malum up, he swings him up in the air, holding him on his shoulder. The crowd goes wild as Chambers drops Malum with a Tombstone Piledriver right through the steel guardrail and the table!!
DJ: Somebody stop this sick son of a bitch. He's going to kill someone!!
KF: I guess he's trying to send the message, who in the hell is that?
"The Franchise" Johnny Hawke jumps out from the crowd, and tosses down his "Old Lusty" Sledge Hammer. Chambers is getting up out of the mess, and turns to face Hawke. Chambers swings wildly, but the quicker "Franchise" ducks down and catches him in a modified flapjack that lays him out on top of the announcer's table. The crowd is on their feet, as Hawke grabs his sledge hammer and hops up on the apron. He holds it up in the air, and the crowd goes nuts as he leaps off the apron, and drives Old Lusty down into the sternum of the Convict, causing the table to crash, and Convict to lay clutching his ribs. After a few moments, Hawke gets back up, and looks over the carnage that he just created, and yanks the headset off of Kevin Fisher.
Hawke spits towards him, and then eyes into the ring, where Sassy gets back to her feet, and looks back, before slipping out into the crowd, where the fans start going crazy, patting him on the back, and taunting the Convict. Sassy doesn't see Akia come up behind her, and take her down with a reverse DDT. She calls for Malum to make his way into the ring. And they whip Sassy into the ropes, and take her down with a double clothesline. They pick her up and drill her with a double powerbomb. Akia goes over towards the Convict to make sure he doesn't get in the ring. Malum grabs Sassy up by the hair, when all of the sudden, a figure slips in from the crowd.
We see the figure push Sassy out of the way, and then gray mist sprays into Malum's eyes. Malum drops and grabs his eyes in pain, as the crowd begins to react as they now realize that the "Mystery" himself, Lupin, has returned. He is wearing a pair of jeans, a black CHAOS T-Shirt, his industrial stompers, and a pair of shoot fight gloves on. It appears that dried blood is all over his face.
DJ: Its Lupin!! It's Lupin!! Less than 24 hours ago he had a shoot fight match in Japan, and less that 40 minutes ago, he was reinstated by the EWA. He just saved Sassy!!
KF: Get that damn freak out of the ring. Damn match turned into run in hell, with the washed up Franchise, and this freak ruining the night. Forgive me for saying this, but FUCK them and they're run ins.
DJ: I'll make sure they get to know that.
The Convict spots Lupin, and becomes enraged. He starts to mouth something at the Mystery. Lupin seems unphased, and merely drops down into a ready stance and motions for him to bring it. Convict charges, and the two begin to rain shots on each other. Convict gets the upper hand, and starts throwing stiff forearm shots that snap back the head of his bitter rival. Lupin continues to swing away, and as Chambers goes for a finishing punch, Lupin shoots on his legs and scoops him down with a double leg takedown. He mounts the Convict, who immediately wraps his leg around Lupin to get in his guard, and Lupin begins to rain shots down on the head of the Convict. He also begins to soften him up with elbows. Convicts face begins to swell, and he manages to begin to block the blows. He pushes Lupin off, and attempts to get back to his feet, but Lupin uses this opening to latch on a painful guillotine choke, that he refuses to release. A team of officials run from the back and attempt to get him off of each other.
DJ: Did you see those shots?
KF: Yeah, and it must be nice to jump a man in the middle of a match up.
DJ: Well, the Convict said quite a few things about the mystery, and it looks like his big words are catching up to him. The officials have managed to get Lupin off of Convict, who has been left laying for the 3rd time since the last time they officially got in the ring.
Akia takes the opportunity and moves towards the Convict, but gets met by a stiff kick to the face by Sassy. Sassy knees her in the gut, and takes her down with Summer Time!! Sassy jumps to the top rope, and nails her moonsault, known as the Sassy Effect!! At the same time, Malum manages to get his hand over the fallen Convict.
We have a new champion!! Sassy rolls off of Akia, and looks absolutely stunned. She raises her hand high.
DJ: Sassy's done it. The EWA finally has a woman's World Champion. This is the most shocking night in sports entertainment history!!
KF: I am dumbfounded by this.
All of the sudden, the crowd begins to boo and drinks and litter begin flying into the ring, as we see that the referee has raised the hand of Malum Diabolus, and hands him the title. Malum seems surprised, but takes the belt and rolls to the floor. He holds it up, when all of the sudden, The Convict is back on his feet and nails him from behind. He begins to violently slam his head into the ground, and then yanks him up and drills him with the "Bitch Maker!!" The officials and security guards rush down to the ringside area, and begin to restrain the former champion. Sassy seems irate in the ring, as she is yelling at the referee, and he tries to explain things to her.
DJ: Fans' this is an absolutely shocking turn of events. We all thought that Sassy Summer Kensington had won the World Title, but Malum Diobolus snuck in and stole the belt like a thief in the night. What's this?
We see that Mr. Nagasawa comes running down to ringside. He steps into the ropes and calls for the mic, as Akia is helping Malum from the ring.
Mr. Nagasawa: Hold on just a minute their Malum. Our official did declare you the winner tonight, and deservedly so. But there is no way that I am going to let what happened here tonight go by with out a ruling. Next weekend, on the night of the Sweet Science Tournament, you will put that title on the line against #1 Contender "Franchise" Johnny Hawke. However, in the interest of fair play, a third person will be added to that match. And her name is Sassy Summer Kensington!!
The crowd erupts at the ruling.
DJ: Justice is SERVED!! Sassy gets another shot next week. And the FANS are LOVING IT!! For Kevin Fisher, this is Dave Jackson, saying we'll see you next week!!
The PPV ends with the crowd chanting "SASSY…SASSY…SASSY!!!"