A Return to the old school!!!
Scenes from last nights card flash by in slow motion. We see Renegade run over Eric Pheris with a car, then hanging from the title belt, and falling to the ground to win the Warfare Title. We see Pax and Prime engaged in their hard hitting battle. We see Lupin with and Drago exchanging various submission holds, before the match gets hardcore. We see Lupin place a bucket on Drago's head, and Drago apply a crippler cross face with a nail. Finally we see Lupin get his exhausted hands around the neck of Drago for the win. We see the John Chambers nailing Andy Studd with the bitch maker, and pinning him 1...2....3!! And finally, we see Talon, Hellraiser, and Kid Ego making a non sanctioned appearance and costing Chambers the match up.
Live Tuesday Night 11-6-01
DJ: Welcome fans, to night two of our exciting double night of EWA action. Tonight, its a return to the days of old, as we will be crowning our first Sweet Science Champion.
KF: Last night was quite a night indeed, as the Renegade won the Warfare title. Pax returned impressively, and Atayla, wearing a very nice outfit indeed, got a hard fought win over a woman that held her own just one week ago in the world title match.
DJ: But tonight, we have a rematch of sorts for the world title, as Malum Diabolus defends against Johnny Hawke, and his fiancé Sassy Summer Kensington in a special three way dance.
DJ: Much like last night, we will show you highlights from earlier tonight, and we will go live for our main event. But opening things up tonight was a first round match in our Sweet Science Tournament.
KF: Yes indeed. The evening got started with a bang, as the newlyweds battled each other. Its the #3 seed Raine Dawson vs. the #4 Seed John "The Beast" Steele. Lets go to the footage.
The lights go out, and the soft sound of rain is heard falling in the distance. As a crackle of thunder sounds, a bright flash of strobing light signals at flash of lightening. A warm fog spills out from the back, as the opening cords to “Kryptonite” by 3 doors down begins to blast through the arena PA system. The crowd begins to cheer, as we all can see Raine emerge from the backstage area. She is seen in black wrestling boots, dark green cargo hip huggers that show part of her black thongs, and a black tank top half shirt. Her hair was tightly secure in a French braid, and she made her way towards the ring. The look of determination set firmly on her face.
DJ: Raine looked as determined as usual, as Mr. Nagasawa had placed her in a very difficult position tonight.
KF: But Raine is always a gamer, and as you will see, proved that often during this match up.
{The sound of a beating heart is heard. The extreme o tron flairs with the scenes of the large metal cat once again demolishing the car, butt the end there are scenes of John Steele in his various matches. John comes from back stage to the roar of the crowd he plays to them smiling and even signs an auto graph before sliding to the ring.}
DJ: John seems more relaxed than Raine.
KF: Well, maybe he knows something that we don't.
[The two look at each other as the bell rings. They circle each other uncomfortably. They tie up and Raine takes John down with a quick arm drag. John rolls through and charges again, and this time she takes him down with another deep arm drag. John is down, and as he stands up, Raine drop kicks him in the leg. John drops down, and Raine bounces off the ropes with a stomp, then runs through and comes down with a senton splash. She makes a quick cover for a one count. ]
DJ: Raine looks sharp.
KF: Yeah, I love that thong...
DJ: In the ring Fisher, in the ring.
[Raine gets back up, and as John gets to his feet, she takes him down with a spinning neck breaker. She signals to the crowd, and goes to the top, where she is goes for a shooting star press. John rolls out of the way, and the crowd groans as she lands right on her face. John gets back to his feet, and drops a leg across the back of the head. He then reaches up and locks on the Maul, and Raine screams as she works her way quickly to the ropes.]
DJ: John almost finished it there.
KF: How could he do that to his new wife?
DJ: Business, its just business.
KF: I bet he doesn't get any tonight.
DJ: I bet you don't either.
[John releases the hold, and grabs Raine by the waist as she stands. He nails a German Suplex, and then rolls through again, and finally a third time before releasing the hold. She staggers back to her feet, and John nails her with a belly to belly suplex. 1....2...and Raine manages to get her foot on the rope. John isn't finished. He grabs her by the knee, and comes down with an atomic drop to the knee. He wraps the leg in a grapevine, and latches on a figure four. Raine screams in pain again, and he continues to hold on.]
DJ: Raine is in deep trouble here.
KF: I think she's going to give it up.
[Raine is struggling. John has the hold locked on tightly. Raine puts her hand in the air, and starts to turn. John shakes his head, and Raine gets the crowd behind her as she turns the hold completely over. John is in obvious pain, as Raine has reduced the figure four. John crawls to the ropes, and the referee forces the break. John and Raine both get to their feet limping. They move in, and Raine whips John into the rope, and nails him with a flying clothesline. She hits him with a twisted knee drop, and then locks on a spinning toe hold. John is in pain, as Raine goes again, this time, however, John rolls her up in a small package. 1....2...and Raine grabs the trunks and rolls him over again. 1....2..and John powers out. Raine rushes towards him, but John moves in behind her and pushes her to the ropes and rolls her up. 1....2...and Raine again grabs the tights, and rolls through. 1....2...and John again manages to get out. Raine throws a spinning heel kick, John ducks and sweeps the legs. Raine does a kick up, and they both stand facing each other, as the crowd again rises to its feet.]
DJ: Now this is the tremendous in ring action that we were all expecting for the sweet science title.
KF: I feel like I've time warped back to 86. This is great.
[Raine baseball slides through Johns legs, and pops up behind him. She drills him with a elbow to the back of the head. Raine grabs the head and nails him with a Russian Leg Sweep. She kicks back to her feet, and then scales to the top rope. She drills John with a corkscrew moonsault. 1....2...and John kicks out again. Raine grabs him up by the hair, and shoots him into the corner. She drills him with a knife edge chop, then pastes him with a Piper like European Uppercut. John's head snaps back, and he then grabs her and puts her in the corner for a few chops of his own. He turns her around and drills her with an inverted DDT. 1.....2....and Raine just manages to get her foot on the ropes. John drags her up to her feet, and attempts to shoot her into the ropes. Raine charges in and drills him with a high cross body block, that sends them both tumbling to the floor. The referee begins the count, as the match seems to becoming more heated. 1......2......Raine charges and drills John with a head scissors take down. She climbs on the apron and attempts a twisting knee drop, but John moves, and she smacks her knee on the concrete. 3....4.....5.....6.....and John lifts her up and goes for a Russian Leg Sweep. Raine grabs the ropes, and John's momentum sends him head and neck first into the guardrail. Raine drops grabbing her knee, and John grabbing his head. 7.....8........9.....10!! The referee calls for the bell.]
DJ: What the?
KF: These two both elimininated each other from this tournament.
DJ: What does that mean for later tonight.
[John crawls over to check on Raine, who also seems concerned with John. He gets to his feet, and helps her stand, and both of them raise each others arms. The crowd stands and cheers, and John helps her back to the back as both competitors get a standing ovation.]
DJ: Tremendous respect for a great scientific match up.
KF: They both did seem concerned about the others well being.
DJ: Well this crowd loved that match up. I am just now getting word from the back, that the second Sweet Science match up this evening. Nate Giovanni meeting a mystery opponent, will be for the title, due to the double elimination of these two.
KF: A lucky break for those two, as either of these two opponents would have taken the belt. What's this?
[A pair of bald men in Atlas Collections T Shirts make their way down to ringside. They take a look at the ring, and then move around and pick up the monitors that are in front of Jackson and Fisher, and head towards the locker room.]
DJ: What are you guys doing.
Man #1: You have your jobs, we have ours. This property isn't your property any more.
KF: What the hell?
[The men head for the back.]
DJ: Fans, after that match up, the fans were really into the night. I don't know who the hell those men were. But we decided to move on. That's when we had a very controversial contest. The Cappazi Sisters, right off a PPV win, challenging Ethan Nemesis and Christian Hawke for the Tag Team Championship.
KF: Lets go to the shortened highlight package.
Ethan Nemesis is already in the ring as Traditional Italian music plays over the speakers as The Capazzi Family members come out from behind the curtain. Carlotta comes out first in a black leather trench coat with a fedora and sunglasses followed by Gianna and Angelina dressed similarly. Gianna and Angelina enter the ring and take off their sunglasses, fedora and trenchcoat to reveal that they are wearing Italian flag colored vinyl thong bikinis.
KF: That might be as good as an outfit as Atayla wore last night.
DJ: How bout talking about the wrestling some. I just wonder where the hell is Christian Hawke?
[Nemesis is in the ring. Both Gianna and Angelina charge and double drop kick Ethan. Gianni drills him with a crescent kick, and Angelina follows up with a splash off the second rope. 1....2....and Ethan barely gets out, and looks again to the back to find his partner. Gianna signals to the crowd, and with the help of her sister, she powerbombs Ethan. Angelina goes to the top and drills Ethan with the Drive By.]
DJ: As you can see, the Cappazzi sisters had this one well under control.
KF: But we still couldn't figure out what happened to Hawke?
[Later in the match, Gianna has Ethan on the top rope, and she drills him with the Unpaid Debt, a top rope crucifix powerbomb. Angelina drops off the other turnbuckle and splashes the opponent. Suddenly from the back comes Christian Hawke, he has on a maroon and white fubu jersey. He walks down to the ring with no expression. He slides into the ring and works over both women, clotheslines and dropkicks everywhere. Christian clears the ring leaving on him and Nemesis. Christian helps nemesis to his feet... The exchange a few words and Nemesis goes to the ropes talking to the women. Christian reaches down into his pocket and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and as Nemesis comes back towards him Christian waffles him right in the midsection. Nemesis doubles over Christian stalks behind him waiting. then Christian punches him in the back As Nemesis stands up Christian hooks him in the Rebirth and plants him hard almost breaking the neck of Nemesis much to the delight of the fans. Christian reaches down into his pants and pulls out a sock. He holds it up to his head and shakes it a little. he wraps it around his hand and begins to wale on Nemesis. As he yelps like a puppy. The Capazzi family just stand there watching. Christian steps back and tells them to pin him. Christian goes to the time keeper and grabs the tag team title belt and a mic. He slides the belt in and follows.
Christian Hawke: "Nemesis...you coat tail riding piece of shit! You are just like all the other tag team partners I have made famous. Kamakaze, Took him to the top Twice. Johnny Critical, and you...and what do I get for it? What do I get for all my hard work... Nothing...Well, I should have learned the first time... But who cares now. I'm on my way to the top and don't need no, help from you piece of crap! I would tell you never to show your face in an EWA arena again but without me you won't have that problem..."
["the Answer" Give him a couple more boots for his trouble and then tosses the Tag Team Title belt over to the Capazzi family and exits the ring. The Cappazi's look confused, but use the opportunity to set up Nemesis for Cement Boots. Gianna coves 1....2....3!!]
DJ: We had new tag team champions, as Hawke laid out Nemesis.
KF: But as they were leaving the ring.
[The two Atlas Collection men come out again, and this time appear to be starting to dismantle the ring. Jackson yells at them that he's trying to do a show, but they say "Not for much longer." Jackson sits back down, and instead, the men take the cord and camera from one of the camera guys at ringside, and head towards the back.]
DJ: What are those guys doing, and what did they mean "Not for much longer?"
KF: I don't know, but its starting to annoy me, that's for sure, lets go to live action.
DJ: Well, fans its time for a one fall three way dance match up.
KF: This one could be exiting. Two new guys, and a returning favorite.
Curtis Green: “First to make his way to the ring for this Three Way Dance is…. “The Innnnnnovatooorrr” Jarrrrrrreeeeeeddd Rigggggggggggs!
[The house light dim slightly as the opening cords to, “Click, Click Boom”, by Salvia play out from the EWA PA system. A couple of red pyros go off, as the name, “The Innovator” Jarred Riggs flashes across the Extreme-O-Tron screen. It is at this time that Riggs himself emerges from the back, and out on to the stage. She poses for the crowd briefly. We see “The Innovator” Jarred Riggs wearing red pants with the word “Innovator” spelled out in white lettering along both sides. He is also wearing a shiny pair of red and white wrestling boots. Riggs expressionlessly strolls down to the ring, and hops up on to the apron after which he slides between the top and second ropes into the ring.]
Curtis Green: “Now making his way to the ring and accompanied by his manager… “The Existentiaaalllissssttt” Denis Diiiiidddderooooooott!
[“Tom’s Diner” by Suzanne Vega floods the arena PA system, as images of “The Existentialist” Denis Diderot are displayed on the Extreme-O-Tron’s screen. As the last image is displayed and the music continues to play, Denis’ name is finally displayed as he emerges from the back with his faithful manager in tow. Denis is seen in a black and white stripped shirt, and black wrestling trunks. He tosses a mock crowd pleaser grin out to satisfy a few fans, as his manager Gilford steps into view. He is seen as a very rugged man, sporting the whole Grizzly Adams theme. He wears a red lumberjack shirt, and jeans. Gilford is also wearing a wool hat, and rather big hiking boots. He gestures for the crowd to cheer Denis on, as the two make their way down to the ring. Denis eyes Riggs with determination, as Riggs paces back and forth awaiting Denis to enter the ring. Gilford on the other hand is busy checking out the underside of the ring.]
KF: “What is that rough neck manager of Diderot’s up to?”
DJ: “Probably making sure there are no hidden surprises that could be used against Denis. Smart move if you ask me.”
KF: “Well NO one asked you, so keep that trap of yours shut.”
Curtis Green: “Last, but not least… And making his debut return to the EWA… Maaaaasssssssssstttaaaaaaaaaaaaa KKKK!
[The house lights dim way down, and are replaced with a blue strobe light that pulsates through out the arena. A male voice singles the beginning of the “Du Hast” song by Ramstein, as highlights from past hardcore matches flash across the screen. Finally Masta K presents himself on stage sporting a rather confident grin. He poses, and waves to a number of fans. Masta K is seen in a pair of black jeans, and a very tight white T-shirt. He strolls to the ring very confidently; high fiving a few lucky fans a long the way. Masta K makes a childish gesture to both Riggs and Denis before entering the ring on the far side away from both of them.]
DJ: “K seems rather cocky this evening.”
KF: “Who cares, he is the Masta of cool.”
[The bell rings, and all three men stand in their selected corners gazing at one another. Finally the overly confident Masta K charges Riggs with a spear. But as he connects with Riggs, Masta K instead lifts Riggs up and executes a side walk slam.]
KF: “Holy shit Masta K is starting things off with a bang.” DJ: “But can he keep that kind of momentum up?”
[Seeing this golden opportunity of attack, “The Existentialist” Denis Diderot walks right up to Masta K whom is currently laying into “The Innovator” Jarred Riggs, and drop kicks Masta K in the knees. Masta K rolls off to the side, and springs back up to his feet. Riggs on the other hand takes some time getting to his feet.]
DJ: “Denis is making sure Masta K knows he is in this match. All men are back on there feet.”
[Denis glances from Masta K to Riggs, as if he was goading them to attack him. Masta K grins, and as Denis looks to Riggs, K executes a rather nasty running bulldog. The way Denis’ face bounces off the mat looks rather painful. Riggs advances and begins to lay the boot to Denis face and chest area with a number of angry stomps. The ref warns Riggs about the face, as Masta K grabs Riggs from behind with a belly to back suplex. Masta K gets to his feet and with his back to Denis, laughs at how pathetic Riggs is looking.]
KF: “Masta K is looking great since his return I am just waiting for him to take this match hardcore.”
DJ: “It will cost him this match if he does.”
[Denis shakingly gets to his feet, and takes the time that Masta K is boasting towards Riggs to collect himself. Masta K turns on Denis, after bad mouthing Riggs latches in with a lock up. Both men struggle to best the other, as the ref checks out Riggs condition. Unfortunately for Masta K, Denis uses his superior weight and height, and Irish whips him into the corner. Masta K eats the turnbuckles hard, but surprisingly manages to bounce off wincing only slightly in pain.]
DJ: “Masta K’s momentum is slowing down seeing how he has two competitors to face.”
KF: “It doesn’t matter once the cookie sheet comes out the match will be even.”
[Denis advances on Masta K, as Riggs gets to his feet. Masta K sets up for and gets “The Existentialist” Denis Diderot into an arm wrench. Denis counters, and reverses the arm wrench on Masta K. Masta K kicks around with his foot, and unknowingly nails Denis in the groin. Denis drops the hold, and Masta K tumbles forward. Riggs on the other hand has built up enough strength, and actually manages to spear Denis. Both men hit the mat hard, as Masta K sits back and laughs. Riggs get up, and executes a double knee drop down onto Denis’ mid section.]
DJ: “K is getting a slight breather.”
[Seeing enough, Masta K grabs Riggs and spins him around. Masta K then slams down hard with a neck breaker. Riggs rolls off to the other side of the ring, and Masta K turns to a weary Diderot. Denis looks to be struggling to his feet, as Masta K advances on him. Masta K helps Denis to his feet, and whips him into the ropes. As Denis recoils from the ropes, Masta K manages to dodge a clothesline from Denis, and pull one of his own off. Denis flips backwards, and lands hard on the mat. Riggs, panting heavily, stays in a corner trying to recoup. Masta K advances on “The Existentialist” only to be met by a boot to the face. Masta K staggers back, and Denis gets to his feet.]
KF: “Man I want to see the cookie sheet”
[Riggs charges Denis, but he manages to side step Riggs and attacks Masta K. Riggs turns, just as Denis whips Masta K easily out of the ring. Masta K tumbles to the hard floor below.]
DJ: “K better be careful he doesn’t have to in the ring to loose.”
[Denis turns on Riggs, and those two face off. Denis advances for a knife edged chop to Riggs chest, but Riggs counters by dropping to a squatting position. Riggs takes Denis’ legs out from underneath him with a solid leg sweep. Denis falls backwards, and Rigs advances. On the outside, Gilford watches Masta K with anticipation. He chuckles to himself, as Masta K uses the side of the apron to get back to his feet. Masta K looks in at Riggs and Denis duking it out. Masta K grins wickedly, as he lifts the apron up to look underneath the ring.]
[Masta K stands back up looking rather upset as he olds a black orchid and a note. And add Gilford’s insane laughter is heard.]
DJ: “It seems Masta K was outsmarted by Gilford…”
KF: “Out smarted? Those two cheat.”
[Rather angrily, Masta K slips back into the ring. Seeing this, Denis scrambles to the safety of the outside. Gilford runs over to him, and those two talk.]
DJ: “Denis is trying to remain safe on the outside.”
KF: “See now that proves who is stupid on the outside Masta K can really soar.”
[Masta K looks to Riggs, and narrows his eyes. He turns to Denis whom is still preoccupied with Gilford. The ref begins the ten count, just as Masta K runs towards Denis and Gilford. Masta K leaps up and over the top rope for a suicide dive.]
Both: “Holy SHIT!!!”
[The Masta K gets to his feet full of energy, as does a rather pissed off Denis Diderot. The ref restarts his count, as the two whale into each other with a series of punches. Gilford gets to his feet, and executes a double axe handle to the back of Masta K head. Masta K drops to one knee, and manages to jab Denis sharply in the gut. Gilford clubs Masta K repeatedly, as Denis also attacks Masta K with a series of rather hard-hitting kicks. Masta K unable to stand, drops to the floor and tries to attack from the angle he is at. As the ref nears ten, Denis stops his assault and slips into the ring. Riggs advances and nails Denis with a DDT. Denis curses, and gets to his feet rubbing the back of his head. Riggs charges and Denis side steps and pulls off a back elbow smash. Riggs staggers forward, and Denis advances. He glances to Gilford whom is continuing to pound on Masta K. Denis pulls Riggs into an abdominal stretch. Riggs yells out in pain, and the ref rushes over to break them up. Riggs drops to his knees, after Denis let’s go. The ref’s returns to Gilford, ordering him to leave Masta K a lone. With the ref’s back turned, Denis advances on Riggs and sets up for “The Existential Angst” finisher. He wraps his hands around Riggs’ throat, and begins to choke. Riggs thrashes around, as the ref continues to get some order over Gilford and Masta K. Masta K has regained some ground, and begun whaling on Gilford and smashing his forehead into the steel guard railing.]
KF: “now this is what I was talking about. I actually like this match now.”
DJ: “This match has become a street brawl.”
[Riggs begins to quiet down, and is apparently unconscious as Denis finally let’s go. Denis stands, and slides out of the ring. He spins Masta K around, and whips him into the ground with reverse DDT. Denis gets to his feet, and scorns Gilford as he walks around the ring with his manager. Denis walks up to the announcer’s table, and reaches for something unseen, and pulls out a glass of fine wine. He takes a step as he discusses a few of the fundamentals of wrestling with Gilford. After a good spell, he can see Masta K begin to stir. Denis slips into the ring, and goes for the pin over Riggs. 1…..2….. Masta K scrambles into the ring, and rushes for Riggs and Denis. He goes to pull Denis off Riggs, but it is too late…3!!! Masta K complains to the ref, but he stands by his decision. Denis wins.]
Curtis Green: Winner of this Three Way Dance… “The Existentiallllliiissst” Dennniiissss Dideroooooott!!!
DJ: Great match up.
KF: Not these guys again...
[The Atlas Collection crew make their way out and grab one set of steel steps, and carry them to the back.]
DJ: Dammit, we still have a show to finish. Get back here...
The Match Up for the Finals of the Sweet Science Title Will be Up as Soon as Possible. The mystery man turned out to be no man at all, as Cheri FIELDS made a surprise return and startled a stunned Giovanni. She clocked him with a chair, and then scored a quick roll up and left with the title. However, a second referee came running out and declared Nate the Winner do to a DQ!! The Belt is held up, pending a ruling by the executive commitee.
DJ: Here we are, the main event of the evening.
KF: This one has so many plot twists, I don't know which way to turn.
The lights dim as a sinister laugh is heard echoing through the arena. The fans go silent then they explode into applauds when the lights come up in a shower of silver pyros. The familiar sounds of “Am I Evil?” by Metallica begin to play. Out from the back steps the EWA’s world champion His eyes are hungry as if searching for something. Beside him stepping from the back is Akia. Malum hugs her and spins her slightly laughing and playing to the crowd. Malum then climbs to the ring apron and jumps to the second rope and flips the EWA belt showing it to the crowd.
DJ: Malum appears ready for anything here tonight.
KF: He proved to be crafty as ever in escaping with the win last week.
The arena lights go dim as "Bittersweet Symphony" By The Verve plays. An array of blue and silver Pyros shoot up and into the sold out Stadium, A fine mist of light blue and silver confetti falls amongst the crowd as the rampway begins to flood over with heavy fog. The Extreme O Tron lights up as huge flash bulbs begin strobing the already darken stadium. The sounds of a camera clicking, and a huge 3d banner that reads "Simply Sassy" exploding into bits and pieces of a puzzle. As the puzzle pieces reassemble themselves into different pictures, it comes together as a picture of Summer along the beaches of the Bahamas. Different photo shots are taken, as Summer is dressed out in numerous types of sexy swimwear. As the last puzzle piece forms the picture switches back to the banner displayed before the explosion. As the chorus begins of “Bitter Sweet Symphony” Summer steps out from the fog, pointing to the Extreme O Tron, as the "Simply Sassy" banner once again explodes with all four of the ring posts shooting the blue and silver confetti up in the air, as "Sassy" Summer Kensington walks down the rampway, with the rolling fog disappearing momentarily as Summer heads towards the ring wearing a short black leather jumpsuit, black semi-high heel ankle-high boots. Suddenly from behind Sassy a female figure emerges from the receding fog bank. The female is wearing black leather pants, a white and pink cami, and a pair of black work boots. The figure raises a chair above her head and slams it into the back of Sassy’s head. Sassy goes down like a sack of potatoes.
(DJ: Who in the hell is that?
KF: Its Cheri Fields again!! She just moments ago won the Sweet Science Title by running in unannounced on Nate Giovanni!!!
DJ: Well, she took the belt, but I don't know if that was officially recognized. I think that it was thrown out for her using the chair. But what I do know is that Sassy is feeling her wrath now.
Cheri kicks Sassy violently in the ribs a few times and then reaches into her pocket, pulling out an X-acto knife. Cheri drops down on Sassy and grabs her in a headlock. She starts to apply the knife to Sassy’s head, and Sassy starts to kick and squirm as security runs out. Cheri is grabbed from behind before any real damage is done and pulled off of Sassy. Sassy staggers to her feet as security drags Cheri, kicking and screaming, away. Sassy reaches up and touches her head as a slight trail of blood runs down her face. Sassy glares back at Cheri as she is dragged into the back, but turns and walks down to the ring.
DJ: That was sick. Just plain sick.
KF: Looks like she still remembered who trained her. That's the pride and joy of Wayne Harrison, and I here that she picked up that trick from him.
DJ: How is Sassy going to be expected to compete in this match up. And where is Johnny Hawke?
Suddenly the lights begin to dim as "Thunder Kiss ‘65" by White Zombie begins to play over the arena speakers. Smoke begins to come from the entry way as a purple light begins to shine across the ring and entryway. The song is a few moments but no Johnny Hawke…
Dave: Where is he?
Kevin: I don’t know, I’m sure wouldn’t bail on the match. He is just playing some mind games with Malum.
Dave: That’s quite possible, but I still wonder..WAIT! There he is!
The camera takes a wide view of the entry way and slowly zooms in but instead of zooming in at the walk way the camera pans up and zoom in up top the ‘EXTREME-O-Tron’. There we see Hawke, in a white leather vest opened in front to show his chest, with thin chains criss-crossing across the vest. His tights are also a white leather like look with black boots. He has on his Oakley sunglasses and after a moment of posing for the crowd he tosses the glasses off into the crowd and then begins to come down a zip line that is attached from the top of the big screen to the other side of the arena. The crowd goes wild as Hawke flies through the air and just as he comes in low over the ring, Hawke hits the belt release and catches Malum with a vicious drop kick to jump start the match…
DJ: The match is on!!! The World Title is on the line!!
Sassy slides into the ring as the ref is calling for the bell to start the match. Hawke is getting to his feet as Sassy kicks him in the back and then super kicks him in the side of the head. Malum is getting to his feet as Akia cheers him on. Sassy drops on Hawke and starts in with a series of right hands to his face. Malum knocks Sassy off with a standing drop kick. Hawke is up on his feet quickly as Malum climbs to his feet, still shaken from Hawke’s attack. Hawke eyes him up for the Sweet kiss goodnight, but Malum with a burst, lungs forward and grabs Hawke in a set up for a spine buster. He is about to nail it when Sassy hits him from behind. Malum pushes Hawke off and turns, nailing sassy with the spine buster. Malum then goes for the pin. There isn’t even time for the ref to make the count as Hawke drives a boot to Malum’s head. and goads Hawke to come after him. Hawke runs at him and suicide dives over the top nailing Malum. Both roll around on the outside, in the ring Sassy finally gets to her feat. She slips outside and begins to kick Malum. Before she can get too many kicks in Malum grabs her crotch and then grabs her throat. Sassy struggles with wide eyes as Malum gets to his feat. He then lifts her and slams her down on the announcer’s table. Hawke takes this time to Release Over the Head Belly to back Suplex Malum, and then slips into the ring. Sassy rolls off the announcers table and back into the ring as Malum gets to his feet. Sassy gets to her feet as Hawke steps in and Jumping Leg lariats Sassy back down to the mat. Malum is starting to get in the ring as Hawke pulls Sassy back up by her hair. Sassy nails Hawke with a nasty low blow and shoves him over towards Malum as he steps into the ring. Malum double ax handles Hawke in the back, droping him to one knee. Malum grabs Hawke and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Sassy leans into the corner, sort of watching the events unfold. Malum gets to his feet as Hawke rolls around on the mat in pain. Malum reaches down and pulls Hawke up by his hair and slings him into the ropes. When Hawke comes off Malum tries to take his head off but misses as Hawke ducks it. Hawke hits the ropes and comes off with a Handspring into a slingshot back elbow smash that connects perfectly with Malum’s face as he turns right into it. Hawke drops on Malum for the pin. 1…2.. Sassy comes off the top rope with a senton bomb on both men, breaking the count. Malum gets to his feet and glares at Sassy as she smiles sinisterly.
DJ: Sassy is planning on holding her own. Despite the beating she took early in the match up.
KF: Well, Sassy has been developing quite a mean steak lately. And is proving herself a contender for ANY belt.
Hawke sweeps Malum’s feet out from under him and he lands on his rump. Hawke gets to his feet and eye balls Sassy and Malum, and then goes after Malum with a spin kick. Malum catches Hawke’s kick and leg screws him down. Malum stands up and grabs one of Hawke’s legs and looks to be getting ready to lock on something, but Sassy steps in from behind and locks on a testicular hold which leaves Malum Screaming in pain. Hawke is back to his feet as Malum breaks away from the hold. Hawke steps in with the Sweet Kiss Goodnight, but Malum grabs Sassy and places her in the path of Hawke’s loaded boot. Hawke looks a bit upset that he nailed Sassy. Malum is laughing at Hawke, and this pisses Hawke off. Hawke jumps over Sassy and just tackles Malum to the mat. The ref starts to count Sassy out as the two men grapple away on the mat. Hawke finally gets the upper hand and lands a few sharp rights to Malums head. Hawke notices that the ref is on the seventh count for Sassy and hops off Malum to check on her. Hawke grabs Sassy and starts to lift her up. Sassy shakes her head a bit, and then whispers something into his ear just before she creams Hawke with a low blow.
Dave Jackson: MY GOD…Will Hawke forgive her for that?
Kevin Fisher: Man…I can feel the impact from here. That had to hurt.
Sassy staggers back away from Hawke, right into Malum’s spine buster. Sassy rolls around in pain as Malum plants a boot to her face. Hawke is too his feet and sneaks up on Malum as he boots Sassy in the face. Malum turns on Hawke, just as he looked to be ready for a move, and grabs him around the waste and lands a release belly-to-belly suplex sending Hawke into Sassy. Sassy looks like she is hurting after having Hawke land on her. Malum pulls Hawke to his feet and punches him in the face. Malum goes for another shot, but Hawke blocks it and rakes Malum’s eyes. Hawke Irish whips Malum into the ropes. As Malum comes back bouncing off the ropes, Hawke catches Malum with a release belly-to-belly suplex that sends Malum flying over the top rope and crashing through the announcer’s table below. Then Sassy charges Hawke but Hawke counters with knee lift to the gut. As Sassy is bent over, Hawke picks her up and delivers a vicious Corporate Plunge in the center of the ring. Hawke then slides out of the ring and looks under the ring, as Sassy and Malum still lie motionless. Then Hawke pulls a huge 20’ ladder and sets it up. Hawke quickly ascends to the top of ladder and looks below at his fallen opponents. Hawke looks at Sassy and then at Malum. Finally Hawke starts to leap in Sassy's direction, but at the last possible second alters his course towards Malum and delivers huge St. Croix Dream on Malum on the concrete floor below. Hawke slides back into the ring and pulls Sassy up by her hair. Sassy throws a punch into Hawke’s gut, but it doesn’t seem to phase him much. Hawke takes Sassy down to the mat with a rana. The force of the moves sends Sassy sliding out of the ring. Malum has gotten to his feet and is handed a chair by Akia. Malum lays into Sassy as she starts to get to her feet. The ref spots this and calls for a DQ on Malum. Malum doesn’t seem to care much about the DQ, and keeps on driving the chair into Sassy’s right knee. Hawke comes off the ropes with a huge suicide splash on Malum. Both men are slow to their feet, but Hawke is up first. He nails Malum with a side kick that knocks him into Akia. Hawke grabs Sassy and slides her into the ring. Sassy is still in a great deal of pain as Hawke climbs into the ring. Hawke pulls Sassy up into the Texas Breaker. Sassy looks out as Hawke goes for the pin. 1…2…3!!!
DJ: I can't belive it!! Hawke did it, he's the NEW EWA CHAMPION!!!
KF: What are you talking about, didn't the REF call for the bell?
DJ: I don't know, he counted the pin, lets go to the ring..
DJ: That didn't go down as planned, that's for sure.
KF: Sassy came so close again. I can't wait to see her back in the ring against Hawke. She had it won dammit!!
DJ: Not these guys again?
[The Atlas crew come out again, and take the headset off of Kevin Fisher, then get in the ring and start to unscrew the ring ropes. One of them hands him a note.]
DJ: What the hell is this? Its a note. What? It says that an outside investor has bought the time slot for the EWA!! And that he may have bought the rights to the EWA. What's the meaning of this. We can't be canceled!!!
Dave Jackson: I can't believe this is our last show. I can't believe this is the end of the EWA! Who would have thought it? Damn, what a great run we had, what a damn good show we had to end it..Who did this to us? I thought Nagasawa was turning things around!!
("Push Comes to Shove" plays and the EWAtron lights up with videos of Lightning's greatest accomplishments. Lightning walks out to the boos of the fans, the new owner of the EWA. Lightning, standing just around 6 feet tall letting his blonde hair grow out he extends his arms as if to say "look at me!" He walks down to the announcer's table.)
Dave Jackson: Damn you! What the hell does this asshole want! Get out of here the EWA doesn't belong to you yet!
(Lightning sits down and dons a headset.)
Dave Jackson: Get the hell out of here, you have ruined us! Who the hell do you think you are?
Lightning: Well for the time being I'm your boss, what did you think that I was actually going to buy the EWA and do nothing or say nothing about it. Ya, right. I think that it's ironic that once again Lightning has gotten over on the owner of the EWA, now I'm closing his little fed. The big bad EWA, the fed that wanted to make the Big Sky it's minor league has been run out of business by that fed. How's it going booker man? I've closed the W4, I've closed the EWA, hell if Norm doesn't watch out I'll close the doors on the Big Sky.
Dave Jackson: You need to stop! Get out of here! This isn't your fed yet!
Lightning: Oh contraire, as of right now I own the EWA and all it's enterprises. Oh and Kevin, your fired....bye now.
(Kevin gives him a look of puzzlement, Lightning shakes his hand to leave.)
Dave: You can't do this! You can't fire him, not tonight.
Lightning: Well you had better tell your little partner to get the hell out or I will call security, or maybe you would like to lose your paycheck along with him. Is that what you want little man?
Oh and it's time for us to clean up this place, get the crew down here to bring all this crap down.
(Lightning motions to the back and a crew comes out and starts tearing down all the signs and the ring.)
Dave: Damn you! Can't you give us our last night? I'm not going to work for you, you bastard! Screw you, and screw your Big Sky with it! Your not going to take our boys and make fools of them! No way!
Lightning: Like I want your piss poor roster, no I'm going to take your gimmicks, I'm going to take them and put them on real athletes. Your boys and wrestle in a barn for all I'm concerned, they can do a freaking Jackson Rust memorial cup for all I care.
Dave Jackson: Come on man! You were a worker once, you were a jobber that worked your way up, can't you have some sympathy for the talent that we have in the EWA?
Lightning: Talent? Where is the talent? The only talent in the EWA was when my boys came out and ended your little match last night. No! This is bullshit! Your president said that the EWA was better than the Big Sky, said that we were the minor leagues, now who's the minor leagues? Who outlasted who? Your boys had a chance to jump ship, had a chance to jump onto the winning team, but you wanted to slum down here against minor competition then they must pay a price for their foolishness. All the contracts for the EWA are property of the Big Sky, you know what that means? That means if they wrestle for any other promotion then they are in breech of contract...so let me give you a clue, if any of your boys wrestle anywhere they are making themselves a first class ticket to jail!
Dave Jackson: That's insane! Why are you doing this? None of these guys ever did anything to you! Let them make a living! You won't let them wrestle in the Big Sky, now you won't let them wrestle anywhere! Damn you Lightning! Damn you to hell! You and yours are going to pay for this!
Lightning: Yes, I'm paying for it right now. The money is changing hands. $42 and change for the rights to the EWA.
Dave Jackson: What? You're kidding! Get my lawyer, someone has to stop this injustice! Damn you!
Lightning: Maybe your booker man should have bumped a decent match from time to time? That may have saved it, but not now, it's over for you and the EWA. The EWA timeslot has been bought and paid for, now it will be known as the "J.C. Venom Showcase." Showcasing all of J.C. Venom's greatest matches every week for the rest of the EWA pitiful contract, and you know what? I'll bet I can pull a higher rating!
Dave Jackson: It honestly can't end this way! I'm not going to stand for it, I quit! You can come out here and do your song and dance but I'm not going to be a part of it. No! I'm done!
(Jackson throws down his headsets. He starts up the aisle until he is intercepted by someone running from the back, he gives Dave a piece of paper and Dave reads it over and then walks back to his microphone.)
Lightning: Well, that was quick, someone must have given you a copy of your contract that specifically implies that you also cannot work for any other promotion. Too bad really, I hear you and Hector Mullins could make a lucrative living down in Mexico City doing the dog fights.
(Dave stares intently at the paper. He bows his head and places his mic back on.)
Dave Jackson: Actually, this isn't my contract. This is a fax that we just received in the back.
Lightning: Fax, must be the last rights of the EWA.
Dave Jackson: No, well not exactly. It is from the offices of the Big Sky, right off the desk of Norm himself.
Lightning: Really, yes, I'm sure that he is looking over his new roster and looking for places to job out your boys.
Dave Jackson: Not really, well I'll just read it to make sure that I get it right.
"From the Desk of Norm Gentry, Owner and President of the Big Sky.
To Whom it may concern in the EWA.
I'm sorry that I have to make this fax because I know that it means that the EWA is no more. The Big Sky, although a competitor, respected and was a great fan of it's partner fed. My condolences on the closing, I hope this will be a stepping stone for most of the talented careers in the EWA. As of right now the Big Sky lawyers have finalized the transitions of the EWA roster contracts to the Big Sky from Push Enterprises. As of right now, the Big Sky is the sole proprietor of the EWA roster and not Jacob Cecil.
The Big Sky would be made stronger by an influx of talent from the EWA, but it will not force anyone into the Big Sky nor will it hold the wrestlers to their working agreement with the EWA as their sole promotion.
The Big Sky would love to welcome any or all of the EWA talent into it's promotion, but it will not restrict any wrestler that doesn't want to come into the Big Sky from voiding their contract and participating somewhere else.
The Big Sky will recognize Champions from the EWA that want to bring their titles into the Big Sky until we eventually will merge them into an equivalent title from the Big Sky and eventually phasing out the EWA moniker altogether. We will keep a link to the title history of the EWA and keep a footnote on wrestlers biopages showing that they indeed were a champion in the EWA.
I want to thank Jacob for making this possible, but I would like to assure that any wrestler making the transition into the Big Sky will be treated fairly and will be kept around the same status level if possible as they achieved in the EWA.
In closing, I hope this helps with any transition questions, we hope to see all of you at the next Big Sky show, if not I bid you all a fond farewell and hope that all of your careers prosper wherever you decide to work.
Thank you all,
Norm Gentry, Owner/President Big Sky Wrestling Federation"
Lightning: What the? Let me see that!
(Lightning grabs the paper out of Dave's hands and reads it top to bottom and then over again. Dave Jackson sits with a smug look on his face.)
Dave Jackson: Well, it looks like your little plan didn't work out the way you wanted it. Maybe the EWA stars have found a home, oh by the way, my contract is also a part of the Big Sky now, you don't own shit! All this money you paid and now you own nothing, doesn't look like a great investment to me.
(Lightning wads up the paper and throws it down in disgust.)
Lightning: Doesn't matter! I did what I wanted to do! Screw Norm and his goody ways! Screw the Big Sky, I'll own that damn fed and fire his ass, this isn't over! The EWA closing brought a smile to his stupid ass, on the inside! The EWA closing after saying all those things about the Big Sky is satisfaction for him! He knows it and I know it! Whatever his happy ass fax says! The EWA always thumbed their nose at us, always putting us down...and now it's done! Over! Over for you and over for them!
(Lightning throws down his headset and kicks over a chair.)
Dave Jackson: Well actually, looks like I've already got a spot in the Big Sky as the new EWA reporter. See you all on the next Deviation.