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FDL Technical Bulletin

Bi Phase Generator FDL 60

Status: Optional

Purpose: To provide 100% accurate 240Hz bi phase.

An External 240 Hz Bi-phase tach generator may be installed into the FDL 60. To provide 100% accurate 240Hz bi phase in all mode of operation. This outputs 240Hz-10 pulse per frame in 35mm film only! In 16mm the output is 5 pulse per frame. In most Evertz Time code units this is not a problem. Most Evertz units can be set to 5 pulse per frame, software updates for this setting may be avlible. (If you need only 16mm to be 240Hz/10pulse per frame substitute the 40 in the part numbers to 80. Then 16mm will be correct and not 35mm.)


BEI Motion Systems Corporation

International Encoder Division

805-968-0782 FAX 805-968-3154

Model #: L25-G-F3-40-AB-7406R-LED-SC18 Cost in the 200.00 range 4-5 week model.

Model #: xL25-G-F3-40-ABZC-7406R-LED-SC18 Cost in the 355.00 range

Express 3 day model

Both are:

40 cycles per turn biphase out.

Four hole mount

18" wire output (use your own "D" connector)

No seal (seal cause too much drag)

+5v power in

internal pull up

Also required is a flexible linkage to couple the FDL tacho to the BEI shaft encoder.


Helical products

PO Box 1069

Santa Maria CA 93456


P/N AR112-12mm-8 1/4" to 12mm cost about 19.00 FDL is 12mm BEI shaft is 1/4"

Also requires special custom mounting plate with standoffs be made and some modification to the FDL's tacho housing assembly or a new one made.