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Karen's Kottage ~~ My Best Friend
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My Tribute To Samson


Once in a lifetime an animal finds a person and they rely on each other for security, companionship, and unconditional love. Samson was not just another dog, he was my very BEST friend and part of the family. In the years since his death from inhereted medical problems, I have struggled to find love like his again.

A Tribute to My Friend
"He is your friend, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."
Author Unknown

Samson and Me

Some of Samson's Favorite Things

Samson's very favorite thing (except me)

The people food stopped after I became a veterinary assistant. I became a Hill's Healthcare Advisor and he learned to like a nutritionally correct premium pet food. If you have pets, please click on the link below. Hill's has excellent food and the right formula for your pets needs.

When Samson had to be put to sleep because of the breeder's negligance to have the parents tested for Hereditary Disorders, I began looking for answers. I found them at the Doberman Pinschers Club of America. Everything on their site from buying a puppy to dealing with a loss is information worth reading. If you have a Doberman or plan to buy one, please click on the link below.

I would like to take this time to thank my Mom for making these graphics just for me. My entire family loved Samson and we all miss him terribly. You should visit my Mom's page by hitting the logo button. She has some very inspirational pages and pictures of our family. Princess has a tendency to run around on her pages, I like to think she is looking for her lost playmate. Can you imagine a big Doberman and a Minature Schnauzer wrestling? He was so very careful with her. I miss him and I hope one day I will find another who will be as special to me as 'Samson Dog, The Wondermutt.'
I Love You, Samson
and I love you, Mom.

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