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Karen's Kottage ~~ Good Shepherds
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Good Shepherds


God sent us His shepherds in safety to keep
His baby lambs and each flock of sheep.
We must search daily His sheep to find
That none be lost and left behind.

He loves His sheep, each sheep the same
The ones that become lost He calls by name.
If one of His sheep wanders to go astray
We must lead Him back to His flock in safety to stay.

As good Shepherds the lost is the first we must seek
As we guide God's baby lambs and each flock of sheep.
Each one we must lead in safety back home
That none be lost to wander alone

God doesn't choose just a few that we should keep
His obedient lambs and most faithful sheep.
He sent us His Shepherds that all we should find
That none stay lost and left behind

Iney, 1999

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