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Wildcat Fan Page
I can remember being 12 years old and watching Kyle Macy and the Cats win the NCAA Championship.
Honestly that was the first game I watched Kentucky play, but it was not the last!!! Through the
years I have rejoiced, cried, laughed, PRAYED and wondered which team would show up at each game.
I wear my Blue and White on game days and watch the game with as much excitement as possible. Having been to RUPP Arena,
I know what it is like to watch the game with some 24,000 of my closest friends. Those of you who have never been
to a game there, you must go and feel the excitement and awe you feel when you walk in and see the court. It is an
unforgetable experience and I still get goose bumps when I think about it. Hope you enjoy your stay here, even if you are just passing by make sure you visit my links and sign my guestbook.