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Early Experiences

Apparition: A ghost has been defined as the disembodied spirit or soul of a deceased person; Becoming visible; appearance; visibility

I have always been interested in the paranormal and I have seen an apparition in an townhouse my friend and I lived in. Years ago, too many to say, when my roommate's cousin died. It was a hard death for the family because he was killed in a car accident. She was close to him and took it really hard. I really did not question her about anything concerning the service which they had, in fear it would upset her. About four days after the service I was home alone, and I was laying on the couch. I looked into the dinning room and there stood a young man. The apparition was not solid, it was transparent, but I still could see the clothing. He was dressed in what appeared to be a brown colored suit and just stood there looking at me. Of course the apparition only appeared for only seconds but the image still sticks in my mind to this day. When my roommate arrived home I explained to her what I had seen. I told her not to tell me what he was wearing when he was buried, but to let me tell her. I told her what the apparition looked like, how his hair was combed over to the left side, and how it looked like he was wearing a brown suit. She just the look she gave me confirmed that the apparition I had seen was her cousin. That was the clothing he wore when he was laid to rest.


My older sister had a old farm house which was built in the 1800’s and also had paranormal activity. As a child I grew up with my nephew and niece, my nephew was only 7 months younger than I and my niece was five years younger than I, so they were more like my siblings. I use to stay on weekends with them from time to time until my sister bought the old farm house. I do not think I stayed there more then twice because I felt so uneasy there. The house I guess scared me, I felt there was someone or something there. As time passed and I had children, my son stayed the night at the old house and if I am correct he only stayed the one time. He didn’t relate to me for a few years why he never wanted to stay there again. A few years later he finally told me why he did not want to stay there. Apparently during the night he had awoke to see an apparition of a man, he said appeared to be a civil war soldier standing in the next room. Nothing happened, the apparition just disappeared. But just seeing it one time scared him.

Many years later after my sister sold the house, we had a conversation about the paranormal. I had told her that I had hated that house and that it scared me. She finally said she had her own experiences of the paranormal in the old house. She had never wanted to talk about them in fear people would think she was crazy. She had told me of one day when she heard footsteps on the stairs and crying of a small child and no one else was home at the time. The stairway was in the middle of the house and was enclosed on both sides so you had to look around a wall to see if anyone was there. She slowly walked to the edge of the wall not knowing what she was going to encounter, she peered around the corner she saw a little girl sitting on one of the steps. The sight took her breath away for a second. Even though she could not believe her eyes, she started to ask the little girl if she was alright but as soon as she said anything the little girl faded away.

When I was around 15 years old, a car that had a teacher and three students in it hit my sister’s house killing all. The house sat on a curve and apparently the driver was going to fast and hit the brick wall of the house’s porch. They all attended the same school as I did, that day they also became part of the history of the old house.

She also told me about some of the experiences the new owners. Not to long after the new owners moved in they began making changes in the house. They started hearing knockings and noises, after some time they moved out.

I sure wish she would have talked to me more on what she had experienced.

Growing up, my parents had a cabin we went to almost every weekend, vacation times and hunting seasons, it was our home away from home. The cabin was situated on 180 acres and was over a mile away from another house. The house actually was a old farm house in Michigan. It was a small house, the basement was a dirt floor and the foundation was made from large rocks, it was a two bedroom very old house at the time they bought it. My dad had a wood burning stove he would get going on cold winter nights, sometimes in the middle of the night he would sit near the stove and put more wood in. I remember my Mom telling me that one night she woke up and looked through the doorway and she seen whom she thought was my dad sitting there stoking the fire. As she rolled over in the bed, she realized my dad was still in the bed. When she looked back to see who or what was by the stove the image she had seen was gone. She woke my dad up so he could make sure no one had come into the cabin, no one was there. Could whomever lived in this house before been there all along? I never had talked to my mother about the paranormal so that story she told me has stuck in my mind. I believe she had seen a apparition that night.

I remember going to bed and it would be so dark you could not even see your hand in front of you. As a child it was scary at times because it would be so very still except for the sound of the bugs singing in the night or the sound of a whippoorwill or even a occasional howl of a wolf that made chills go down your body! As all this was going on I would hear the floors creaks, cracks and a bumps as though someone were walking around. As a child the best thing I could do was to hide under the sheets and turn a flashlight on until the noises stopped or I fell asleep. As I sit back now and think of those times, was it childhood fears or did I hear a former resident of this old house.

There are other stories to be told but at a later date, but these are some of the reasons I am involved with the paranormal. My home I live in now has shown me some paranormal events, not major, but enough for me to know someone is here at times. I have thought I have seen shadows, but then again you always wonder if it is the trick of the eye, so to speak.

TKA Copyright ©2008 All rights reserved.

Please be aware that the design of this site is something I have made from my heart and my mind. I have used all resources available to me. From researching what I would like to project from cyberspace. I have not intentionally stolen, pirated, plagiarized, pilfered, or any of the other "bad" things that could be thought of. I have not removed anything from a site that "strictly forbids" me to do so. I am not selling any of these particular graphics to make money. Although, I believe an artist deserves not to have a "creation" stolen, I do believe they should take care to either watermark it or not display it in a way that it could be taken. In closing, I hope we can at least show a little consideration for all, regardless which side of the fence your on. Me? I'm in the comfortable and peaceful middle. If you are the artist of any of the items please email and let me know.
The graphics on this website were made using Gimp and Paint Shop. Some of the brushes used were found at Deviant Art the creator of these brushes can be found here



Shadow People





