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Fun Stuff

This is where you can find a bunch of stuff I adopted, married, won, etc. Enjoy and have fun! Justin's Ebonics-Translator! Sayings change every week!

Click here to marry YOUR nsyncer! I, Robyn, was married on February 14, 1999

I got married to:

Justin Timberlake

...and it almost wasn't legal because ebonics don't exactly count during marriage vows. But he made up for it on our honeymoon!

Want to get married to YOUR favorite *N Syncer? Go to the altar!

Click here to marry YOUR nsyncer! I, Robyn, was married on August 9, 1999

I got married to:

*N Sync

...who cares if it's illegal in all 51 states... not I!

Want to get married to YOUR favorite *N Syncer? Go to the altar!

I'm An 'N Sync Angel
Get One Of Your Own At
The 'N Sync Cafe

Help Him Out...He's everybody's favorite Mississippi Albino
Join NOW!

I'm A Justaholic
Robyn Is Justin's Bodyguard when 'N Sync visit: Marlton/Philadelphia You mess with Justin... You mess with ME!