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The above image is from Nigeria and represents Obatala. As you can see there are children coming out of the head of the statue. This represents Obatala's function as the sculptor and creator of the human race. Under the mandate of Olofi, Obatala was commissioned to create the physical forms of mankind. Later life was breathed into these forms and mankind was made. Obatala had the habit from time to time of partaking in palm wine. Once, he had a little too much palm wine and some of his creations came out less than perfect. Since that time, people born with deformities are considered sacred to Obatala and it is considered an offense to make fun of them. Albinos are also considered to be the children of Obatala. Obatala was not just the creator of human kind, but these is also a story where he was involved in the creation of the earth as we know it. Reportedly, Obatala descended from heaven on a rope with a rooster and a seashell filled with earth. He cast the earth on the primordial waters below and then tossed the rooster on top. The rooster began to scratch around in the earth and reportedly from this act the seven continents were formed. Being the oldest Orisha, one should respect Obatala very much and all the other Orishas has to do the same. He is their father, also. Much respect for the King of the White Cloth.

Not all Obatalas are old and peaceful. Ayaguna is a young and powerful warrior. Wherever he goes, there is war and revolution. He is equally powerful as Chango and many consider him an aspect of Chango. His colors are the same as Chango's, being red and white. Like Chango, he is often pictured mounted on a white horse. For that reason, he is often identified with Saint James. Above is a Vodoun flag of St Jacques or St. James. This saint in Haiti is identified with Ogun. Ayaguna went to Asia, where the people lived in peace and formented many wars. While he was there he also brought back to Africa gunpowder and then things really got hot. For this reason the children of Ayaguna are allowed to use gunpowder in rituals, which is prohibited for most children of Obatala. Olofi once asked Ayaguna why he persisted in creating wars and revolutions, and his answer was simple: Without war and change there is no progress. Ayaguna is not the only warrior aspect or camino of Obatala. There are others that are old warriors. Sometimes when they come down and mount their horses (mediums), they begin to tremble. The trembling in not because they are cold or afraid, but due to rage. Obatala is very patient with his children, but when he gets mad, it is the end of the world. For that reason, he is called in Palo Mayombe, Tiembla-Tierra, which means "shaking earth". When Obatala becomes angry, the very earth begins to shake in fear and we have what is called an earthquake. We do not wish to dwell on the fearfull aspects of Obatala or other Orishas. Those that are pure and come with pure intentions have nothing to fear. Obatala is not one to punish indescrimminately. Evil-doers and those that try to harm his children are the only ones that have reason to fear this powerful Orisha.