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Although Brahma is the creator diety of the Hindu system of belief, many people equate Krishna with Obatala. This is in part due to the fact that Krishna is always accompanied by Radha. Since there are 16 "caminos" or encarnations of Obatala, 8 male and 8 female, this correspondence seems to have some validity. Krishna's association with the full moon, also associates him with Oddudua, a special camino or encarnation of Obatala. Krishna is often depicted with blackish-blue skin, giving rise to the speculation that perhaps the Hindu demi-gods might be related to the african Orishas. It is quite possible that in the earliest times, africans might have migrated to Australia, and from there to India. Our point of view is that all real religions are basically related, since they represent the same basic energies, in slightly different forms with different names.

Obatala is known in Haiti as Damballah. He is the serpent god. His initiates when possessed, slither on the floor like serpents. One of the symbols of Obatala in the Regla de Ocha is also the serpent. The serpent represents wisdom. Being the oldest of the Orishas, Obatala is also the wisest. In Haiti, the "veve", like the one pictured above is used to call the Loa or Orisha. They have to be called in the Haitian tradition with veve and prayers, since they do not reside in rocks and shells as in the Lucumi and Candomble traditions. This veve is usually drawn on the ground, usually near the "peristyle" or centerpost of the "houmfor" or temple and libations are poured and prayers are said to call the spirit of Damballah. In Haiti, the houngans and mambos work with the same energy, they just have different methods to do so, due to the way the tradition evolved in that country.