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IBU ANA is another "camino" or encarnation of Ochun. This Ochun is closely connected with the sacred drums. ANA is the name of one of the three sacred drums that are used to call the Orishas. These drums are very special and have to be consecrated in a special way. You cannot just grab a congo and start beating it and expect the Orishas to come. There is a spirit that lives within the drum that is responsible for calling the Orishas. This is the Ochun of a santero in Venezuela who is going to become a Babalawo, that is one of the reasons that Ochun is seated on top of a "tablero" of Orunla. She lives on top of a drum because she is connected to the spirit of the drum of ANA. Hence, the name of this Ochun, IBU ANA. Ochun has many caminos, but we have only placed information about two of them on our site. Continue below to learn about another aspect of Ochun.

MAMA CHOLA is not exactly a camino of Ochun. MAMA CHOLA is the Congo aspect of Ochun. She is also called in palo, CHOLA WANGA. This is an example of the mixing of two different tribal religious heritages. MAMA CHOLA is not an Orisha. She is an MPUNGO. MPUNGOS are the different orisha equivalents in PALO MAYOMBE or the CONGO rites as they evolved in CUBA. MAMA CHOLA has attibutes of Ochun, but also has spirits of the dead that work together. The true and original palo traditions really only work with spirits of the dead that are placed in cauldrons and other recepticles to work for their owners. None the less, MAMA CHOLA is powerful and some attributes of Ochun, so we include her here. There are other "prendas" surrounding Mama Chola in the picture. The yellow tinaja or yellow ceramic recepticle is Mama Chola in the picture.