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Panzerkraft of WWII

WWII German Heavy, Medium and Light Tank vehicles and other motorized units.

Welcome to Panzerkraft!

This Webpage features a presentation of the numerous different battle vehicles,used by the German Armed Forces on the ground during WWII such as the Wehrmacht and the Waffen -SS.This Website enables you to learn and understand what the German Panzer Divisons consisted of on the battlefield. Enjoy Panzerkraft and please sign my guestbook, thanks!

Note:This site doesn`t promote any racial or prejudist movement, but simply the historical value of WWII.

Panzer.Kpfw I Ausf.A

Specification Number:SD.Kfz.101
Tank Type:Light Tank.
Manufacturer(s):Krupp, Henschel, MAN, Krupp-Gruson, Daimler-Benz.
Production Time:July 1934-June.1936.
Units produced: 2250.
Weight: 5.88 tons
Crew: 2.
Radio Equipment:FuG5.
Armor: Hull Front 13mm; Hull Sides 15 mm, Hull Rear 13mm, Hull Top/Bottom 6mm; Turret Front 15mm; Turret Sides 13mm, Turret Rear 13mm, Turret Top/Bottom 8mm.
Armament: Two 7.92mm MG 13 machine guns
Amunition: Primary Weapon:2250 Secondary Weapon:-
Engine: One 100 hp Maybach NL38TR six-cylinder engine.
Fuel Capacity:145L..
Dimensions: Length 4.02(m), Width 2.06(m), Height 1.72(m).
Speed: Up to 37km/h on road, off road.
Range: Up to 145km on road, 97km off road.

Panzer.Kpfw II Ausf.F

Specification Number:Sd. Kfz.121
Tank Type:Light Tank.
Manufacturer(s):MAN, Daimler-Benz, Henschel, Wegmann, Alkett, MIAG, FAMO.
Production Time:Mar.1937-Apr.1940.
Units Produced:1113.
Crew: 3.
Radio Equipment:FuG5.
Armor: Hull Front 35mm; Hull Sides 20mm; Hull Rear 15mm, Hull Top/Bottom 15mm/5mm; Turret Front 35mm; Turret Sides 15mm, Turret Rear 15mm, Turret Top/Bottom 10mm.
Armament: one 20-mm Kw.K 30 cannon; one 7.92-mm MG 34 machine-gun.
Amunition:Primary Weapon:180;Secondary Weapon:2250.
Engine: one 140 hp maybach 6-cylinder in-line gasoline engine.
Fuel capacity:n.a.
Dimensions: Length 4.81(m); Width 2.22(m); Height 1.99(m).
Speed: up to 40km/h on and off road.
Range: up to 200km on and off road.

Panzer.Kpfw IV Ausf.G

Specification Number:Sd. Kfz.161.
Tank Type:Medium Tank.
Manufacturer(s):Krupp-Gruson, Vomag, Nibelungnwerke.
Production Time:1942-1945.
Units produced:1687.
Radio Equipment:FuG5.
Armor: Hull Front 60mm; Hull Sides 30mm, Hull Rear 20mm,Hull Top/Bottom 10mm; Hull Rear 20mm; Turret Front 40mm; Turret Sides 30mm, Turret Rear 30mm, Turret Top/Bottom 10mm.
Armament: one 7.5cm Kw.K40 gun in turret;one MG 34 machine-gun in hull.
Engine: one 300 hp Maybach HL 120 TRM 12-cylinder gasoline engine.
Fuel Capacity:470(3tanks).
Dimensions: Length 6.62(m), Width ,7 inches; height 8 ft, 6 inches.
Speed:up to 25 m.p.h.
Range:up tp 130 miles.
Suspension: 4 bogie assemblies per side, each carrying 2 rubber-tired bogie wheels; quarter-elliptic springing.

Panzer.Kpfw.V Ausf.D

Specification Number:Sd.Kfz.171.
Tank Type:Medium/Heavy Tank.
Manufacturer(s):MAN, Daimler-Benz, MNH, Henschel.
Production Time:Jan 1943-Sept 1943.
Units Produced:850.
Radio Equipment:FuG5.
Armor: Hull Front 60mm, Hull Sides 40mm, Hull Rear 40mm, Hull Top/Bottom 16-30mm; Turret Front 100mm, Turret Sides 45mm, Turret Rear 45mm, Turret Top/Bottom 16mm.
Armament: One 75mm KwK 42 L/70; 2x7.92mm MG-34(coaxial bow).
Amunition:Primary Weapon:79;Secondary Weapon: 4200-5100.
Engine:Maybach HL230P30.
Fuel Capacity:720L.
Speed: up to 50km/h on road, 30km/h off road.
Range:up to 250km on road, 100km off road.

Panzer.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E-TigerI-

Specification Number:Sd.Kfz.181.
Tank Type:Heavy Tank.
Manufacturer(s)Henschel, Wegmann.
Production Time:July 1942-Aug 1945.
Units produced:1354.
Weight:62.75 tons.
Radio Equipment:FuG5.
Armor: Hull Front 100mm; Hull Sides 60mm; Hull Rear 80mm; Turret Front 100mm; Turret Sides 80mm, Turret Rear 80mm.
Armament:one 88-mm Kw.K 36 gun in turret; one 7.92-mm MG 34 machine-gun in turret; one 7.92-mm MG 34 machine-gun in hull
Ammunition:Primary Weapon:92; Secondary Weapon:4800.
Engine: one 700 hp Maybach HL 230 P45 12-cylinder diesel engine.
Fuel Capacity:682L.
Dimensions: length 20 ft, 8.5 inches; width 12 ft, 3 inches; height 9 ft, 4.75 inches.
Speed: up to 38km/h on road, 16km/h off road.
Range: up to 140km on road, 85km off road.

Panzer.Kpfw.VI TigerII "Konigstiger"

Specification Number: Sd.Kfz.182.
Production Time:Jan 1944-Mar.1945.
Units produced:489.
Weight:75 tons.
Armor: hull front 150mm;hull sides 80mm;hull rear 80mm;turret front 180mm;turret sides 80mm.
Armament: one 8.8cm Kw.K 43 gun in turret;one MG 34 machine-gun in turret; one MG 34 machine-gun in hull.
Ammunition:Primary Weapon:72;Secondary Weapon:5850.
Engine: one 300 hp Maybach HL 120 TRM 12-cylinder gasoline engine.
Dimensions: length 19 ft,4 inches, width 9 ft,7 inches;heigth 8 ft,6 inches.
Speed: up to km/h on road, km/h off road.
Range: up to km on road, km off road.

Panzer.Kpfw.VI TigerII "Konigstiger"

Panzer.Kpfw.IV Ausf.G

Note:By displaying the pictures above, that I gathered around the internet from various Websites, I like to note that it was not my intention to abuse the copyrights distribution. Therefore I like to express my gratitude and thanks, and remind you that a credit-return has been established (see bottom of this page) by displaying a link to your Websites, and again thank you very much.

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Websites you should visit!

The official website from the creators of the Panzer General series.
A resourcefull webpage on german WW2 vehicles.
WWII webpage on recreated battles.
Website on general WWII units, very organized!
WWII website.
Website on armored units.
The military music of the Third Reich.
Panzercommander's official website for the
