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1. All cadets will be in the classroom, at their assigned seat prior to the ringing of the final bell.

2. When the period commences, the platoon leader will take muster. If the platoon leader is not present, the senior cadet will ensure a proper muster is taken. Cadets will maintain standing and silence during roll call.

3. Cadets are to sit properly in their assigned seat. Chairs/desks will remain with all four legs on the deck; cadets' feet will remain on the deck, not on chairs and/or desks. Books and supplies are to be stowed under the seats.

4. Cadets are responsible for providing all needed classroom supplies. Don't report for class without pencils, pens, paper, etc.

5. Sleeping is not allowed in class at any time. If your head is down on the desk, you are considered sleeping.

6. Your grade at the beginning of the school year is an "A". This grade will only be lowered through demonstrated lack of interest or effort on your part. Every nine weeks, grades will be computed as follows:
        (includes inspection grades, compliance with rules, regulations)
PT .................................10%
        (includes classroom conduct and personal behavior)

7. The NSI/ANSI office is "OFF LIMITS" to all cadets below the rank of Cadet CPO. Cadets may enter the office only on official business or when requested by the NSI/ANSI. To enter the office, KNOCK; MAKE YOUR REQUEST; ENTER ONLY WHEN DIRECTED.

8. The storage rooms adjoining the NJROTC classroom are off-limits to any cadet without proper permission.

9. Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are not permitted during instructional periods. Cadets will not normally be permitted to bring food/drink into the classroom. Exceptions to this policy will be made only by the NSI/ANSI.

10. The NJROTC classroom may be used by cadets during lunch periods. The TV/VCR may be turned on with the permission of the NSI/ANSI for viewing special events. The senior cadet present is responsible for the conduct, cleanliness and ensuring the classroom is properly policed and ready for classroom instruction prior to the end of the lunch period.

11. All rules contained in the Duval County Public School Student Handbook and the Robert E. Lee Student Handbook will be strictly enforced. All differences of opinion with regard to interpretation of specific rules will be referred to the appropriate dean for resolution. 12. NJROTC assesses a $15.00 activity fee on each cadet, every year (except NS-4 $5.00) to cover the cost of name tags and general operating expenses associated with the program (PT uniform, brasso, shoe polish, flags, busses, banners, film, etc.)