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1. We will be engaged in a wide range of activities, field meets, out-of-town trips, academic competitions, social activities, community service projects, and fund raising activities. Each of these activities will be designed to further your education in some way. Whether or not you are allowed to participate in any of these activities is strictly up to you. In most cases, we will not be able to include all of the unit in a field trip activity. Transportation and finances will limit the numbers. Therefore, only deserving cadets will be allowed to participate.

2. Each trip will have some unique criteria for participation; however the bottom line generally will be that only cadets who are in good standing with the unit and with Lee High School will be allowed to participate. The criteria for good standing will include as a minimum:
     a. 2.0 overall GPA for the previous nine weeks.
     b. All accounts paid in full (activity fees, fund raisers, etc.)
     c. No more than twice failing to wear the prescribed uniform for the previous 18 weeks.
     d. No more than four unexcused absences for the previous semester. It is the cadets responsibility to provide the NSI/ANSI with a re-admit slip following an absence. This slip will be used to determine whether an absence was excused or not. If there are unique circumstances associated with an absence that are not reflected on the re-admit, discuss them with the NSI/ANSI.
     e. No referrals to the respective dean for disciplinary infractions during the previous nine week period for ninth graders and during the previous eighteen week period for tenth/eleventh/twelfth graders. If your conduct is such that you are being disciplined by the school administration, we will not include you in any out-of-town or off-campus activities. This policy will include referrals that are a result of tardiness.

3. Radios/tape/CD players with personal speakers (headphones) may be taken on field trips and may be played quietly during travel or in your room between official activities. They will not be seen or heard at any other time. Simply stated, if the NSI/ANSI can hear the music or there is a noise complaint, the device will be confiscated for the remainder of the trip.

4. No food or drink will be allowed on the busses without the authorization of the NSI/ANSI.

5. Field trips are not "date functions" and it is imcumbent upon each cadet to ensure that their behavior does not indicate they are treating it as one. Male cadets will sit in the rear of the bus; female cadets will sit in the front of the bus.

6. When staying out of town, male cadets are not allowed in female berthing areas and female cadets are not allowed in male berthing areas. The only standing exception will be for cadet officers in the performance of assigned duties with a chaperon present.

7. Smoking is not permitted at any time no matter the duration of the field trip. If smoking is OK with your parents, stay home with them and smoke.

8. There will be occasions when the required criteria will be even more stringent. Doing the minimum will not always be good enough. If there are fifty cadets wishing to make a trip for which there are only forty-five available slots, performance will be the deciding factor.

9. The NSI/ANSI may modify any of the above criteria if circumstances warrant. In all cases, such decisions are final.