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Shark Valley,
Photo Gallery:

All Photos by Dee Dee, (

Welcome to my flowers Gallery. All the photos here were taken by me in the Everglades National Park. I hope that you enjoy them. If you like any of them, just click on the thumbnail, and it'll take you to a bigger version of that photo. You are most welcome to copy them for yourself, for your own, personal enjoyment.
(Please no commercial use without my written authorization.)
*For better quality of any photo, please feel free to E-mail me.

Botton Bush

Coral Bean

Cow Pea

Southern Fleebane

Unknown, ... Yet

Mini Orchid

Golden Rod

Marsh Mallow


Pickerl Weed

Prim Rose

Bull Thistle

Shark Valley Home Page

This page was created: 5/02/2001
Last update: 5/02/2001

Everglade's pages:

Everglades National Park Home Page (The official web page)
Visiting The Everglades (A coworker's page)


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