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Help Me H!

Help Me H!

Have you ever had a problem where you just couldn't figure out what to do? Lord knows I have, and that got me to thinking. I realized how cool it would have been to be able to ask someone a little bit older than me for advice. So I decided to put my experience/wisdom to work to help others.

This section of T*ND website is going to be totally dedicated to YOU. You can ask me any question you want about whatever...boys, friends, family issues, life in general, anything that is on your mind. Everyone who writes in with a question, will get a response with in one week of the question being sent.

This page will have a question of the week posted on it with the approval of the sender. You guys will get the chance to submit your advice for the question of the week and I will post the best responses as well as my advice at the end of the week.

Just think of me as the Internet "Dear Abby", except that I'm not 104 years old and my name ain't Abby. It's H.

*All names will be kept confidential, no matter what*

"Dear H"

Dear H, I just dumped my boyfreind. The second I dumped him I realized I had made a mistake. I don't want to tell him I still like him but I think he knows and I want to get back together with him. What should I do?

H's Advice

Give it time. Think about it. What made you decide to break up with him in the first place? It's easy to forget those reasons and get caught up in old feelings after you break up with some one. Try just being friends. If this doesn't work for you, then sit down and talk to him about why you dumped him in the first place and why you want to get back together. If he doesn't want to get back together, don't worry about it. You'll find someone new, I promise :o)

T*N Friends Advice I think you should definitely tell him how you really feel. If you don't you might never get back with him because he might be confused with your feelings or think you don't like him...then he might hook up with somebody else and you'd be crushed. Forget about him! I think that once you dumped him you just felt lonely and missed having someone to be with. I know I've done that before. I 've gotten back together with my people before and we ended up breaking up again because we had the same problems we had the first time. Enjoy being single right now. If he still likes you too, then go for it! Tell him why you broke up with him in the first place so you guys can work those problems out. Who knows, the second time around may be even better!

New Question (its from a boy!)

Dear H, Ok, you are a girl so maybe you can help me. Why do girls always play games? Like this girl has liked me forever. Everyone knows it. I finally told her I liked her too and now she shows no interest in me at all! She barely talks to me anymore. I just don't get it! If you know what she is doing, pleeeeeease help me!

Ok people. You've read the dilemma, now send in YOUR advice. Been through this before? Then help a fellow girl (in this case boy) out and tell her (him) what you did (especially if it worked) Now go...shoo...start typing...just click on the mail link at the bottom of this page. Oh! and make sure all advice is sent in before July 2nd.

Submit a question or your advice for the letter of the week.

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