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hot! (july/august 2000)

(july/august 2000)

ALL the pics, ALL the neon

This is the premiere issue of hot! magazine. Do ya think they emphasized how hot! it is enough? We think they should have added a few more "hot" phrases & fire effects just in case anyone forgot what magazine they were lookin' at. We can't knock it too hard though, they obviously do know what is hot! *NSYNC is about 3/4 of the magazine. Now those are some xtra hot hotties!

*NSYNC in the forest.

*NSYNC in the forest.

*NSYNC in the...hey! These are all from the same photoshoot! Not only that, but they are oooooold. Notice Chris? We're guessing braids in front of the face was the "look" that day. He look fionne.

Included in this issue was an *exclusive* interview with the guys. We were laughin' so hard because this is how they answer in our interviews! Those silly goofs :0)

hot!: You guys have said you want to branch into acting. What are your dream roles?

Chris: Tom Cruise from "Risky Business," baby!

Justin: Ferris Bueller. That was my favorite movies as a kid. Wait -- what am I thinking -- I'm still a kid!

Lance: Umm..."Grease."

hot!: Dare we ask what role?

Lance: Danny, of course.

JC: I'd like to be Han Solo in "Star Wars."

Joey: Gene Wilder in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." It's my all-time favorite movie. Ask me any question about it - even the color of the wallpaper - I can tell you what shade it is.

hot!: If you could be any other member of the group, who would you be?

Chris: Lonnie, our security guard.

Joey: I'd be Justin because he has muscles - just kidding!

JC: I'd be Lance, so I could party my tail off all night. I'm always early to bed, so I'd be him because he's out late all the time.

Lance: I'd be JC 'cause I'd get to sleep - or, ahem - stay in the studio working all night long.

Justin: I'd be Chris, so I could feel what it's like to be old.

[Everyone laughs hysterically.]

Chris: Man, that was harsh.

hot!: Besides dancing, which obviously keeps you in shape, what else do you do to stay fit?

Lance: Joey and I started running...then we stopped.

Justin: I work out. I do pushups.

JC: We get plenty of cardio exercise from the dancing, but if we had a choice between working out and dancing, we'd all rather dance.

Chris: I am far from the working out kinda guy.

JC: We have such hectic schedules that we don't have time for working out. Even if we did, I think we'd spend our time doing other things, like working in the studio or just having fun. I mean, it's just not something we focus on.

hot!: What have you heard about yourself in the tabloids that bugs you the most?

Joey: Justin, you get the worst end of that - you even show up in the Enquirer!

Justin: It doesn't bother me until people follow me around. I just want a little personal time, but it's hard to get because every time I walk outside the door, there's someone hiding in the trees taking pictures of me. It can drive me crazy sometimes.

hot!: What's the biggest misconceptions girls have about guys?

Lance: Girls are probably right on - they don't have any misconceptions about us.

Joey: Yeah, we're easy to figure out.

Chris: We're blunt and out there. Girls make fun of us, but we're not as dumb as you think. We really know what's going on.

Lance: Shhhhh...You just gave away our secret.

JC: Girls think guys are ignorant because we just smile and nod, but we really know what's going on.

hot!: Sine we're heading into summer, did any of you ever go to summer camp?

JC: I went to camp in Coney Island, New York when I was 10 years old. My mom went there when she was a kid, so for two summers in a row I had to go. I slept in a cabin, told late-night jokes and poured cold water on people's hands so they would pee in bed.

Justin: Dude, you mean warm water!

JC: Oh, is it warm water? I can't remember - that was a long time ago.

Lance: Every year I used to go to RA's (Royal Ambassadors) Camp. It's a Christian group for boys.

Justin: I went to basketball camp.

hot!: What about you Joey? You're being awfully quiet over there.

Joey: I went to day camp.

Chris: (snickering) Otherwise known as the babysitter's house.

Joey: No, man, my brother and I begged to go.

hot!: Chris, why did you chop off your braids?

Chris: They required way too much time. I had to sit for either hours getting them done - no kidding!

hot!: Joey, any final workds for all the fans who are going to see *NSYNC on tour?

Joey: This album is a step above the first one. We experienced a lot of things since the first album came out. We've grown up a little bit more. Hopefully, we'll evolce with the fans and evolve with the music.

Betcha didn't know:

JC has gotten so many Hard Rock items from fans that he now says he might everything there is to collect!

Justin does about 150-200 pushups a day.

Chris markets a phat clothing line under the name FuMan Skeeto. Check it out at

Joey just bought a house in Orlando and an Acura SLX truck.

Lance goes to tanning salons. (jk) Lance won 125,000 dollars on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and manages his own company.

Freddie (who may not be a member of *NSYNC but is a Totally Cool Dude) claims it's hard playing the dating game, "especially when someone can just go in and rent you at their local Blockbuster (or VFA) store."


Okay, so the magazine took a survey of 200 girls and these were the questions. We added our picks just because we can.

1. Your parents decide to move to Hollywood and you have to pick a new best friend. Who's it going to be?

  • Sarah Michelle Gellar.....30%
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt......27%
  • Katie Holmes..............23%
  • Jessica Biel..............7%
  • None of the above.........13%

    Our choice: Jen Love, hands down!

    2. It's prom time and you get to pick your favorite TV star to bring as your date. Who would it be?

  • Joshua Jackon............22%
  • Carson Daly..............18&
  • Erik Von Detten..........10%
  • David Boreanaz...........7%
  • Jason Behr...............7%
  • Shane West ..............3%
  • None of the above........34%

    Our choice: Dang! Those "none of the above" peeps are picky! Although most of those guys are pretty good lookin, we would choose Josh Jackson. Maybe we're biased, but that boy is so witty (not to mention a cutie!)

    3. Who is Hollywood's biggest hunk?

  • Freddie Prinze, Jr......34%
  • Ryan Phillippe..........23%
  • Paul Walker.............13%
  • Josh Harnett............7%
  • Chris Klein.............4%
  • none of the above.......20%

    Our choice: We welcome all of you to chant with us...FREDDIE, FREDDIE! Like that was a surprise.

    4. Who's your favorite girl teen sensation?

  • Christina Aguilera......43%
  • Jessica Simpson.........14%
  • Britney Spears..........13%
  • Mandy Moore.............12%
  • none of the above.......19%

    Our choice: Definitely Britney...BUT a very close honorable mention goes to Jessica for keeping it real.

    5. There are a lot of up and coming bands out there. Who's your choice as the next big thing?

  • 5ive....................22%
  • Youngstown..............21%
  • No Authority............9%
  • The Moffatts............5%
  • Westlife................4%
  • None of the above.......39%

    Our choice: We gotta go with the majority on this one. None of the above! BUT, tell us we have to make a choice and we'd say Youngstown. We love the theme to the Inspector Gadget movie. But the "next big thing?" Naw.

    6. Boy bands are all the rage. Who are your best boys?

  • *NSYNC................35%
  • BSB...................21%
  • 98 Degrees............16%
  • LFO...................9%
  • Hanson................4%
  • none of the above.....16%

    Our choice: We are *N with the Sync.

    We out.

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