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J-14 (april 2000)

(April 2000)

ALL the pics, ALL the neon

The cover, which promised exclusive info and new album secrets. As usual, they were just promises.

Yeeeah right! Like Justin would ever wear those glasses. Nice try J-14.

It's easy to date each picture now based on Justin's hair size. This one is around September.

Lance got married? Look, he's confused too. (note the diamond ring on the left hand)

Looks like JC won the jean jacket war again. Poor Lance, he never wins.

One of the ten FREE stickers in this months issue. We decided to put this one on our cars and H took both the Freddie stickers and put them on her pillow. She even says "morning Freddie" (sometimes "morning pookie") and then insists on setting out a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch, you know, just in case he gets hungry.

Um, defiently January.

Other Stuff:

  • *NSYNC was both # 1 in music and had the favorite song with "Bye Bye Bye."

  • In the embarressing moments star story section, Jessica Simpson told about one of her most embarressing stories. "It was my first day in junior high, and I was in history class when the teacher asked if anyone could name the continents. I raised my hand and blurted out "A-E-I-O-U." Those are vowels, they're not even consonants. I never lived that down..."

  • There is a section on stars and their best friends, meaning their dogs! Of course Chris and Busta were featured, but it is the same ol' pic we've all seen a million times. He said "Busta is the coolest dog. He's got a great personality." Sounds kinda like his owner. Except the coolest dog part.

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