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J-14 (february 2000)

(February 2000)

ALL the pics, ALL the neon

LOOK! Justin shaved all his hair off! Wait, did he draw white and black swirlies on his head? Oh, our bad, that's a bandanna.

Lance should know, you go against JC, and he's gonna beat you everytime, or twice.

That's the ticket Lance, play Joey.

Joey and Justin both with some fans. Yeah, so Joey is a little nicer to them...dang Justin. That poor girl. She probably is saying "Man, Justin use to be my favorite. But he is scary. Lance is my favorite now."

They sure do make some strange friends. They must have met this guy at a club or something.

It's time to PARTAAAY! Wait a sec, JC, what do YOU think we just said?

Chris being a sweetie and signing some autographs, Joey getting fashion tips from Lenny Kravitz. Yeeeeah. Looks like he might have told him to change his hair, like "Joe, that shade, not normal. Now your friend Chris, he's got some mad style. Those dreds were hot."

Lance and Gwyneth. The caption read: don't worry girls, they're not a couple! Yeeeeeah. Please say no one thought that. Wooooah boy. The other pic is self-explanatory.

A couple of tidbits were in this issue about Justin. One, he had this to say: "It's funny that people actually ask me for autographs. The main thing I want our fans to think about is that we are normal just like them. We like to do things just like them. We like to go to the movies just like them." Got it peeps? The other bit of info is that Justin was featured in the "ups & downs" section. If you are not familiar with J-14, here is all that it is. Every month they choose 4 people/groups of people that are "up" and 4 that are "down." They always provide some sort of justification to accompany their choices. This month Justin is UP! TRUE! They commented on all of his dedication to various charities, specifically helping to raise money to fund music education. A downer this month? Carson Daly. They say he just "isn't the same" since him and Jen Love split.

Just read the story, nuff said.

Fashion Police:

They said that Britney looked like a Furby in the last pic. Hahahhaha. You gotta admit, it is kinda true...

Seriously, one of the cutest things in the magazine this month was Freddie's quote. See, in Highschool, as hard as it is to believe, Freddie did not fit in. Here is what he had to say about it all: "It was hard. I had to somehow figure out how those guys could call me those names and feel OK with themselves, and sleep at night knowing that they hurt my feelings." Sucks for those people that tried Freddie back in the day, he is one cooooool cat.

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