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AMA 2000

"Giiirl, Let ME Tell You!"

WOW. So many peeps had so much to say about *NSYNC's AMA performance that we weren't able to put ALL of the responses. We think that's a good thing : )Thanks to everyone who particpated. A lot of feedback was gained! Now read on to see what other *NSYNC fans thought, along with commentary from your two favorite *Nsync Chicas!

SVP2002 wrote: I had my whole dorm suite watching the performance and we all agree when we say that: First of all...THE performance was THE BOMB !!! The pinocchio song, the puppets, and the "no strings attached" vocals was such a creative and perfect way to introduce the upcoming album,(let alone the song). I personally loved the "hands" in the backround. The human marionette people in the backround was kinda funny but cute! but anyways to sum-it-all-up...the song is hot, the album (will be) hot, the choreography is hot, and most importantly LansteN ChiS JoeY JustiN JC are hot ! From : Sara & The girls in suite C at URI

Did you notice how at the very end of the performance the guys went and pulled the "human marionette" dancers legs? Kinda like "hahaha, you had to be on the strings just like we symbolically were not too long ago, na na na na boo boo." Come on guys, play nice...and no taunting.

crunkcutie805 wrote: hey girls! whats up? well when i first saw the performance i was like wait...what are they doing? And then i finally i got it and i thought it was a great performance i mean i knew what they were trying to let everyone know by there performance and i thought it was a very creative idea, there was no better way to make there point clear. They made it clear that they are not being controlled anymore and that they make there own decisions now. It was a great performance especially the dance moves! the guys did a great job! You go boys!

The puppets were creative, but freaky if you didn't know anything about *NSYNC. Just think about that for a sec. You are in the audience, they announce *NSYNC, and all you see are these massive puppets...either you would be intrigued, or laugh your butt off... wrote: Hey, girls! I loved the outfits, I loved the new dance steps (man, who said Lance couldn't dance? they were wrong!), and...I hated those guys behind them. The puppets were okay-they were cute but those hands and the backup dancers (not really-they were more like props) have GOT to go. My friend HATES back-up dancers, and that's what she thought they were at first. The Pinnochio bit was very cute, and I think that NSYNC was AWESOME. Chris could use a little more energy, but other than that, they looked and danced (and sounded) great! I know they weren't lip-syncing, they were just singing with a tape, which is fine. They were awesome, and this is one of my favorite performances. :)

Lance did do good. Go white boy, go white boy go! We think it's the lasso move though, it has a real "ropem cowboy" feel. Just for the record, we agree that the mickey mouse hands in the background need to go. They occasionally would go with the beat of the song and it was distracting. The background dancers, whatever. Either times it was cool with them there, but it's really *NSYNC's performance that was slammin'.

LELA29 wrote: That was by FAR the BEST performance at the AMA's! They really showed the WORLD how incredible they are and proved that they are going to be around and nsync for a very long time! I am 20 years old, and I constantly am being made of by my friends for liking the "teenage group" nysnc...but monday night I did not here one snide remark as about 20 of us watched the awards, I was waiting for the boys to speak and they did..they were like...that is kinda a catchy song....yeah, we are all waiting now for the album. I know the wait has been long, but Monday they proved that it is worth waiting for!

Yeah, we hear that! A lot of "older" people, especially college kids, do have apprehensions about "boybands." It's not envogue to like pop music in college. Only REAL music is accepted. Trust us, we know how that goes. We say WHATEVER to that(because we know that we are cooler than them)...believe us, this is only the beginning of a *new* generation of *NSYNCdom. Yeah, *NSYNC sings pop music, but incorporated is a lot of hip-hop, r & b, jazz, and so on. All of their musical tastes are so varied that when you bring it all together they are bound to hit a lot of markets. This album is truly their first opportunity to showcase this. And we can't wait. So take that all you KISS fans! wrote: They rule! I thought the AMA performance was awesome. They didn't wear anything too freaky (example Billboard Awards) and the puppets on a string idea was so cool. Also I loved the new dance moves I saw. It makes me so psyched to see the video. Overall the performance was the highlight of the night. And it helped console me when they lost to the Backstreet losers uh... Boys. Yeah boys.

Ooooh, hahaha. We can totally explain those Billboard outfits. We told them that we saw this reeeealy cool movie called "Wing Commander" and that they should dress like the Pilgrims would have, had the Pilgrims been able to attend the Billboard Awards. Sorry for the confusion, they really should have explained the look they were shooting for. Note: we are in NO way promoting "Wing Commander" as an actual movie you should go and rent. Nooooo, uh-uh. We strongly advise that you don't. You would have to be Freddie's momma to like that movie for real.

CrunkBoyMikEE wrote: First off i think i expected too much from AMAs cause i found it very dissapointing. NEway Nsync's performance was the best of the night even though i wish they did more of an intro. The stage looked so huge and it made all the performances look small and weak. Maybe if nsync's band was there on a platform or something of that sort. Again, i expected a lot more. The dancing was alright. But as always they show cased that they are an amazing group.

What? You don't think the 73 feet puppets or the 59 feet hands took up enough space? What did you want them to do? Add a 173 feet by 254 feet lifesize version of Lou actually holding the puppet strings???

ScoopTC wrote: Okay all I have to say is WOW!! I mean I always expect a good performance from them, but that was perhaps the tightest one I have ever seen them do! It was totally off the hook!!! Too bad that they were on so early cause the rest of the show had no choice but to go downhill after that. And the new moves that were added just made the whole thing sharper, it was just amazing...too bad I had just learned all the old ones...Hats off to the guys for managing to always impress us!! I mean from the glimspes that we have gotten so far, "No Strings Attached" be it CD, tour, whatever is going to blow us away...Nsync2000

Christina's performance was good. Other than that though, wooooah boy. Even Enrique was strugglin. Mariah's acceptance speech was really nice. That's what we love about her. She really does cherish her fans and would do something for all of them if she could. More artists should be like that. *Hint hint* BSB...If Mariah ain't big enough to blow her fans off, then neither are you. wrote: Hi, this is Stacy. I was so happy with Nsync's performance at the AMA's. I thought it was great as always. I was also impressed with Joey who did not look like Ronald McDonald. I'm so glad his hair isn't glow in the dark anymore. Don't get me wrong, I've always thought he was hot even with the extremely bright red hair. I think all the guys looked great. Their suits were simple but cute. I liked the different colored shirts. They all looked so HOT!!!!!

Yeah, Joey got tired of little kids always coming up to him, sitting on his lap and asking where the Hamburgler was.

KickIT018 wrote: Hey Totally *NSYNC Chicas- Man, I really did think the AMAs were awesome! It was a really original idea and it was so clever. I really liked how the puppets just got like cut down and the hands on the screen were like moving the puppets above them. Once again, they managed to top themselves, they are just amazing. Their dancing and singing was just on point, as it always is. It was really awesome-it topped all of their other performance I think. See ya!

A HADDAD wrote: Hey! First of all I just wanted to say that your site rocks! It's not like those other ones where 10 year olds run it! It's really different and interesting! Anyway, I'm really into Nsync and I saw their performance on the AMA's and I thought it was completely slammin! I think it was one of the best performances that night! I know tons of people at my high school who can't stand Nsync and when I went in the next day they were ALL talking about how good the new song is and how cool the performance was! So, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed it a lot! I'm looking forward to the new album because of Bye Bye Bye! Thank you!

Aaaw, thanks ;o) wrote: I LOVED THEIR PERFORMANCE!!! I thought my man JC looked sooo fine and the puppet idea was so creative. There was NO doubt about it, our men gave the best performance of the night!!!

Smply2smle wrote: I really liked their performance on the AMA's...i thought it was a nice surprise and very creative...i noticed that they changed the dance a little and it's still great...i wasn't too thrilled with those big hands on the screen in the back...the whole "no strings attached" message was cool but the hands didn't look right...i mean two big white hands moving around behind them while they were was a little weird...i liked the big was a nice touch...all in all it was a great could it be anything but awesome when *Nsync is performing? ...i was a little dissapointd that they didn't win an award...they totally deserve one!!

Be patient. Awards will definately come.

CoolBlu15 wrote: ok i thought the performance was cool. the puppets looked nothing like the guys but oh well they were...well, cool but odd. the perfomance itself was great but i would have liked to see their faces a little more. most of it was shot from farther away so you couldnt get a close up veiw. the dance moves were good as always and the clothes were very vivid. i havent quite decided if thats good or bad yet though. all in all i like it and thought it was one of the better shows.

We think the far away shots were so people could SEE the whole picture, hands and all. Plus, whenever they do a lot of close-ups you miss important dance moves. Who wants to see their sweaty mugs anyway? jk jk... wrote: I unfortunately missed the beginning Pinnochicco (that's my best guess on how to spell it) thing, and the (from what I hear) BEAUTIFUL harmonization of No Strings Attached, but I did catch most of it, and was impressed. My friends that are just as *NSANE as I am filled me in, and are having me over to see what I missed. Even my boyfriend and his friends, who don't all like our guys (but a few do admit to owning their own copy of the debut album), told me today that they thought the Bye Bye Bye performance last night was totally rockin'. A few might buy the No Strings Attached album when it (finally) hits the stores. I think that's mighty impressive! So, I think it was a great performance, and so did the rest of my town! wrote: Hey...wassup Chicas?!? This is Christine from Detroit. First off I jus wanna say that I Luv your site!! It's totally Crunk! Anyways, in response to your AMA Question...Wut the hell was up w/ Justin's hair? I mean c'mon, even his side burns were curly!!! Now that that's out, I thought it was really UNIQUE, but pretty cool in some way! I mean, most of the moves looked really awesome, not to mention complicated(things BSB could NEVER do). Yet some of the moves were kinda weird, like when JC and Lance plopped on their butts and Chris and Joey helped them up. Anyhow, I thought it was cool how they started off saying "No Strings Attached" then came from underground and those spark thingys and smoke shot up...and the huge hands didn't even look like they were controlling the cheesy dancers in the background which I could definitely do w/out! It's not like anyone pays attention to them anyways. Oh yeah, and in addition to the nappy FRO, wut kinda color shirt was Justin wearing!! Eeeeewwwww--puke yellow!!! Well, I luv them all neways so I'll stop criticizing them now!! Justy jus need 2 getta tiny trim. LOL! Guess that's all...L8er dayz and God Bless!!!!

Ya sure BSB couldn't do those dance moves? We mean, Lance looked good doing them...TOTALLY KIDDING. Yeah, we know. As far as we are concerned there is no need to compare the two groups. They are far more different then they are alike.

JNSM15 wrote: I loved the performance it was awesome. I liked how the guys in the background were hanging and seemed at least to me trying to do the dance. I like the new dance moves they put in. I'm not the only one who agreed on it because on the Rosie show she said that they blew her away and that they are great. They only weird thing was those dolls. They looked really freaky. I mean what are they going to do with them now. I mean are they going to save them as a souvenir or something.

Actually, they are planning to use them as hot air balloons on their next world tour. Nooo, they aren't going to be souvenir's. They *might* use them for the tour, but it only took the dude who made them like a week total. We suggested they auction them off for charity like the Rosie Chairs on Ebay or wherever. Imagine how much those suckers would go for...If having one of those sittin in your front yard wouldn't get you on FANatic, we don't know what would! wrote: i thought it was so cute, the puppets were a good idea, i didn't like the dancers in the back, i loved the dance that they did, and everybody looked really good except for Justin because, his hair is getting too long he needs to cut it.

The hair controversy. He's growing it because he CAN. We don't feel the need to elaborate on this. Just to give a shout out to Jive & CO and props for keeping it real.

Abrcrm3031 wrote: I thought that their performance at the AMA's was awesome!!! I loved the thing with the puppets!! The dancing was especially great! They all seemed really energized!! I can't wait till No Strings Attached!!!

BLuEyEs361 wrote: Well, when I first saw the performance I thought it was, well, different, but the whole giant puppet thing was very, very creative. Now that I've watched it a couple times it has totally grown on me and I love it. The new choreography is so awesome, they looked great. I hope they continue thinking up amazing performances like this.

IJulzieI wrote: i saw the puppets the first 5 minutes into the show and i was so afraid they were going to make complete fools of themselves. it's not bad enough they normally dress like asses at awards shows but have to make asses of themselves when they perform too?! but i continued to watch, yes it was hard, norm macdonald is the most annoying man in the world. his jokes were completely lame. he annouces 'nsync, finally and well lookie there, big blow up dolls of the guys. my first thought, joey's idea. and they start playing the pinocchio song. the first time i saw this i didn't even know it was playing b/c i was still in such horror of the damn puppets! but then they did that nice little hum of "no strings attached" that was nice. and finally they rise from the ground. i really liked the performance mainly b/c of the choregraphy. it was awesome, i love darrin henson, he's the best! anyway they sing, i dance along, they lasso, i see jc's boxers, then it's justin's turn. seriously, the 'fro is getting out of control! to quote my friend, "yes, yes here we go! justin cut your 'fro!" i bet he's got little people living in that thing, it's so huge. and it was so greasy! i'm afraid, something going to pop out of his hair and bite someone. and it was over. overall, i really liked the dancing, jc looked hott but the shirt wasn't doing anything ('cept when it came up a bit), lance looked hott (surprisingly), justin looked gross, and then there was chris and joey. so i liked it!!! it was great! but i do have one thing to say. how many darn times can they tell us they aren't "puppets on a string" we get the darn point. you can stop telling us. but as it turns out, they won't stop telling us. the "bye bye bye" video features them as "puppets on a string", joy. thank you for letting me voice my opinion, i have a lot to say!

So, tell us what you really think. JK, made many legit points...We liked the "Lance looked hott, Justin looked gross...and then there was Chris and Joey." Poor guys, always neglected. Just for the record, we dig the fro. Sooo much easier to rub your hands through... wrote: the moves were absolutely amazing!!!! LOVED the performance! ok.. the puppets were a bit odd at first.... but it was a unique idea! Overall.... the performance was WONDERFUL!

JustinsBaby05 wrote: OMG I COMLETALY agree with the coolness of the preformence. It was the bomb!!!. I LOVED IT SSSOOOOO MUCH!!! They r so great. I heard that the music video is going 2 be as exciting!. CRUNK UP THE FUNK AND STAY *NSYNC!!

We prefer slam dunk the crunk...but that's just us.

Daydreamgirl23 wrote: I watched the AMA, and I mostly watched it to see *N Sync. I was dying when I saw them perform! I thought that they did such a good job! I love them soooooooo much! I wasn't surprised on what a wonderful performance they did, because as always they blow me away, with their performance, voices, dancing moves, and damn they are fine! I love Justin. :) Anyway, I was disappointed when their album was pushed back, but I understand. I just hope that it doesn't get pushed back again.

Don't die! That would be one less *NSYNC fan in this world.

ILoVeNsYnCmOmH wrote: i was lovin the performance,they are soooooo hot. nothin suprises me when it comes to them. I can't wait for them to go on tour. I wonder if they are gonna have the same nsync puppets not the real size 24ft but maybe like 12 inches. that would be so cool.

Yep, actually they are planning to throw the 12 inch puppets to the people in the crowd. But then we reminded them how many cat fights would ensue like "Maaaan. I got a freakin' Joey puppet! I would have settled for Lance, even Chris maybe...but Joey? Wait a minute... The chick next to me is smaller than me... Jackpot! I'll just take her Justin and run." Yeaaah, no.

SMJS01 wrote: the whole idea of the "bye bye bye" performance by NSYNC was soooooooo awesome. the huge puppets in the beginning, the dancing, the guys in the background in the air, everything was so really great and i can't wait to be able to see them live again for their new tour. thanx a bunch.

Overall, the boys out did themselves. We are so proud! *wipe away tear*

That's it people! Thanks for writing in! Glad to see we all agree *NSYNC rox da hoooouse!

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