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VMA 2000

"Giiirl, Let ME Tell You!"

Every year the VMA's are projected to outdo the year before. This year was no exception. Between the performances, the skits, and the speeches (not to mention the crazy RATM dude climbing up on the stage scenery), the 2000 Awards lived up to everyone's expectations. Here's what some of you Totally *Nsync Peeps had to say about all of the (of course) the comments of K and H. wrote: My dish on the VMA's? Two words: HAVE MERCY!! *NSYNC's performance was incredible, despite Kid Rock's sarcastic "technologically impressive" remark. Obviously, they put a lot of thought and effort into it...I think Joey must've contributed the hordes-of-girls idea :) And I must say that Lance's moves just keep getting better and better --country-boy can 2-step with me anytime! :P And those red jeans Lancey-poo wore...yummy :) All the guys looked hot during the performance...I'm so glad Chris lost the crazy hair -- it was creative, but he just looks so much hotter these days. However...their non-performance clothes were another story. Uh, JC babe, I love ya, but the fur has gotta go -- I thought Joey was the one with the penchant for freaky furry stuff! Lance's denim was a beautiful shade of blue, but ix-nay on the itter-glay honey! Joey and Chris looked good, not too flashy, and Joey wears the Bono shades well. Justin must be taking fashion tips from Britney now that they're dating -- those tight pants and ribbed shirt were scorchin' baby! Well, I could go on and on about the rest of the show, but suffice it to say that Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance and JC rocked both on the performance stage and at the podium...they were very gracious and good sports about all the various jokes at their expense. Congrats to the guys on all their hard work!

See, we liked the "technologically impressive" comment. Even with the sarcasm, coming from Kid Rock that's quite a compliment. If we didn't know better, we would think the guys a fan...The "*NSYNC's commercial with McD's was far better than BSB's for Burger King" and then a non-diss on their performance. See, *NSYNC is winning the World over, one rockstar at a time.

Yeah, and they did put a lot of time and effort into this performance. Whether you liked what they did or not, at least it was something that has never been done before. That's our boys, always keeping it real.

Lance and two-stepping go together like Bert and Ernie. They are inseperable.

Okay, we've both done a great deal of making fun of the boys and some of their fashion decisions. But, in the end they are pop stars, and they are suppose to set trends and whateva. Keep in mind that it is only at TV gigs and awards shows that they wear most of those clothes. We loooove some of their choices. Don't get us wrong. And it use to be that Joey was the easist to poke at, but's mos def JC. We agree. Fur on male=baaaad. wrote: I saw the vma's and let me tell you I have a lot to say about that. First of all i just wanna say that i just LOOOOOVED the nsync performance. It was just sooooo off the hook! The vma's it's self was kinda ugh. I mean I love the Wayans brothers andeverything, and they did good and all, but people just didn't laugh. Some of their jokes were dumb, yeah I won't deny that, but c'mon people just weren't laughing. Can we say "no sense of humor?" Back on the topic. Everything was good. I just adored that janet jackson performance, I mean home girl did really good! And so did Nelly oooh he was just too hot! I also liked that Christina Aguilera's performance, girl blew it up! Especially when Fred Durst came on stage with her that was sweet. And as for Miss Britney Spears...well, I can't really say much about her performance. I mean it was good and all but she could've worn that outfit in a different color And she needs to actually sing when she performs. I heard her sing, but it was like for a second, then they turned her music back up. What's up with that? Is she scared to sing live? Overall I guess the vma's were kinda cool because I watched it over again when it came on MTV, over and over and over again! and nsync...well, words can't describe them.

Let's see. Words to describe *NSYNC's performance...creative, witty, booty-shakin' energy, madd-hot, impressive, and technological. There's a few. But we feel you. It was dope. Word.

Britney does sing! It's when the dancing that she does gets so intense that instead of having to hear her out of breath, we hear her sing over a track of herself. We LOVE to see her perform and do her thing. No one is as good of an entertainer dance-wise as Brit. She always adds some twists to her already slamming routines. The rock rendition she did of "Oops" was probably one of our favorite performances she has ever done, hands down. wrote: I love pop culture and all the stars in it. But I have to say that MTV's video music awards were extremely bad this year. It seemed to me that it was a competion of who could be the most outrageous or raunchiest. It seems to me that everyone was trying to out do everyone else. Between Britany's strip act, Christina and Fred's foul mouthed song, NSYNC's grind session with some hoes, and Emienem's joke with the made me wonder if there were any sense of morals left in Hollywood. I'm not saying that I normally look to MTV for morals but this was above and beyond their normal distaste. I know its bad when I open up my hometown paper and it reads "Moral decay of MTV." That's when we know things are out of control. I think these stars need to realize the impact they have on teen culture and start taking responsibility. I'm tired of them saying one thing and acting another. I'm tired of seeing my 9 year old dance students try to emulate something that is so unworthy of them emulating. I love NSYNC and Britany and Christina but I don't excuse their actions.

Wow. We agree with so much that you had to say that it's scaaary. But, the thing about MTV/awards shows/Hollywood is that they are in the ENTERTAINment Industry. This industry is for the enjoyment of the public, therefore they present what people want to see. Our society has decayed morally. That's where the blame belongs. Hollywood is just a reflection of the times. Now, as for the "Teen" stars, what people need to keep in mind is that there is a big difference between their stage personalities to their off-stage personalities. We are not saying that they sacrifice their values to be popular, but instead that they are going out there and having fun...which is partly what makes the "popstar" lifestyle exciting. *NSYNC are respectful gentlemen, and just because they provide a performance that is meant to portray a club with people dancing, that does not mean that they are immoral. The VMA's (and MTV for the most part) is geared for an older teenage audience through those in their upper 20's. *NSYNC then (and the other artists) are there to present themselves in front of a supposed mature, adult audience. If parent's do not feel that the VMA's are appropriate, then it up to them to monitor what their children watch. We are often times put off by a lot of things that we see on MTV and in the movies, but it is our choice to sit there and subject ourselves to that particular form of media. If we don't like it, we turn the channel. If enough people do that, Hollywood would get the message. But, as far as we can tell, especially being in college, we are the exception. What we find distasteful, other people might really enjoy. That's their choice just as much as it is ours to be offended by the same medium. Even after all this, we do agree with what you had to say. We wish things were different, but instead we just deal with the reality...and do what we can to stay true to ourselves and our beliefs. wrote: My opinion of *NSYNC's performance at the vma's is that it was the most original, most creative, and all together the best performance i've ever seen. I'm not just talking about *NSYNC performances but of all performances by anybody. They just totally rocked the house. Christina's surprise (fred durst) was cool but you could definitely hear that her voice was still not good after cancelling they syracuse NY performance that i was supposed to go to. I think Eminem needs to get more creative with his performances. Ok, so he did something a little different by having all the look a likes but I still think it was a pretty boring performance. They Wayan's Brothers did a pretty good job, better than Chris Rock anyway. I think one of the best skits was Jimmy Fallon dressed as *NSYNC. Britney's performance was alright but i don't get why she always starts out really singing and it's a slow song and next thing you know she's lipsyncing a faster song. Anyway, *NSYNC was, in my opinion, the best of the night.

Right on Brotha Man! wrote: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That was GREAT!! One question...what dead animal did JC decide to wrap around his neck? Just curious. LOL Anyway the whole TV thing was AWESOME. And now that we now they really do go clubbin'...well...I'll just behave myself. LOL They all looked good on stage. Justin needs to keep that facial hair, it looks great on him. He looks more mature and less pretty-boyish. Britney's performance was good too. Everyone is making this big stink about her outfit and I thought it looked good on her. I liked the suit better than the thong-baring pants, but she looked good. The actual performance was excellant. All I have to say is I wouldn't mind chillin' with some of her shirtless dancers!

That's what we're talkin' bout! Basically, you said *NSYNC rocked, Britney rocked, and that JC needs some serious fashion intervention...what, do you read our minds or something?? No, really. Because that's just weeeird. Either way, since you agree with us, you must be cool :0) wrote: I liked Janet's performance. I thought that was cool that she performed again. Eminem was funny. :-) Christina was awesome cuz I liked the end when Fred came out. That was good. She still sounded a little sick though...maybe it's just me. Britney was ok. I liked her dancing. As for the guys, they were...interesting I guess you could say. Very creative. I liked the beginning when they used the screens. That was cool. But the best part was when The Rock and Kid Rock came out and Kid said that *NSync's commercial was better than BSB. HA! I loved it. Even if you don't like *NSync, you have to admit that it was better.

No joke. Those BK commercials were just wrong. Notice how they act like it's so normal that this "Burger King" worker just drops by in their limo and on their tour bus. If we found some random dude sitting on our bed, we wouldn't care if he had a whopper combo meal with a diet coke (or Sprite). wrote: I really enjoyed the whole VMA's! The gigs of Brit & Nsync were the best! And I was really happy that they got 2 Awards! They deserved it!!

They actually won 3 awards, but who's counting??

On a side note: Has anyone else noticed that this is probably one of the only award shows where nobody ever talks about who actually won the awards?? Everyone got so focused on all of the other stuff (Britney, Christina and Fred, Eminem's speech) that the fact that oh, Sisqo won for best Hip-Hop video over "N 2gether Now" and "Everything is Everything" or the fact that the Red Hot Chili Peppers "Californication" video got beat by "The Real Slim Shady"--another Eminem parody video? How about Blink 182 taking home best group video?? Don't get us wrong, Mark, Tom, and Travis are some of the COOLEST and funniest guys you could ever chill with! But, as far as a video is concerned, yet again...Red Hot Chili Peppers or even *NSYNC had better actual videos. This isn't meant to be a diss towards the VMA's, 'cause for real we loooove this show. It was just another T*N chicas observation. Aight, that's it. Peace.

Thanks again for all of the great comments! We are so happy that all of the cool and smart *NSYNC fans visit our site. Keep your eyes open for the next Be Heard opportunity. Suggestions are always welcome.

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