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MTV : 9999 : VMA

"Giiirl, Let ME Tell You!"

SugrBer69 wrote: If you ask me, I think this year's VMA's were really bad. They had too many performances and not enough time so they ended up ripping people off. I don't think they should have asked NSync to give a side performance even thought I love them and I'm glad they did but I mean they were only on for like 2 mins. Plus I so think they should of won the viewers choice award instead of the Backstreet Boys. They are way better dancers and singers.

Don't we all know it...and we think that they at least got to prove they were better dancers/performers than "that other boy group." We would love to see BSB attempt to dance like takes mad skillz.

Carebrrr85 wrote: they are so hot

Good observation.

SVP2002 wrote: first of all...I just wanted to say that the NSYNC performance at the 99 MTV awards was PHAT!! I was a little upset because it would have been better to hear THEIR beautiful voices,...but it was still real good overall. Anyways I was so upset when TLC won the best group video (even though they're good) but I really think that the video wasnt all that and the video didnt show much originality like the "Tearin Up My Heart" video did. To get to the point, I truly believe that NSYNC should of gotten that award, and hopefully there'll be some justice in the next awards ceremony...NSYNC has my vote all the way!! thanx -Sara Rhode Island

We did get to hear THEIR beautiful voices, just not for very long...

Lifestrsat wrote: i hate brittny

No comment. (that is kinda random though) but hey! at least you spelled her name right...

LfGdBonita wrote: Hello angel I thought the guys looked great , as always. I also thought there performance w/ Brittney seemed to fun. I wonder if you can get the remix to buy? I just want to say this because it kind of botherd me that when Lance was asked what his one wish would be on one of those stopid web-sites(prob like this one) that it seemed to be real self absorbed. I hope the guys did'nt loose their originality and turn it into a non-realistic self cotained Nsync world because everyone gets their 15 mins it what you do with it that makes you an Nsync fan

Ok, first off, who the heck is angel? Secondly, "a stopid web-site"?...we won't even go there... To ease your fears, Lance nor any of the guys have not lost their orginality. They are as cool as they've always been. Maybe that other "stopid" web-site took something Lance said out of context. We agree, it is what YOU DO with your "15 minutes" that makes a person special. And no, you will not be able to buy the remix that *NSYNC or Brit sang at the VMA.

phat1_18 wrote: Hi, my name is Stacey and I thought all the guys looked totally hot at the mtv vma's. I don't think there is anything they could wear that would make them look otherwise. No matter what they are wearing, they always look really good. I especially loved Lance's suit because it was just so cute and Justin's suit was cool too. I am not just mentioning these two because they are my favorites or anything because I thought all the guys looked awesome but I just loved the suits that Lance and Justin were wearing. Well, I guess that's all I'm gonna say because if I don't stop now I'm gonna just keep rambling on and on. My e-mail address is incase you need it for anything. Thanks for listening to my opinion on what the guys were wearing at the vma's. Bye. Stacey

You loved Lance's suit? He will be glad to read that cause we told him he looked like Huckelberry Finn...

NLNSAAF wrote: i thought they did a good dance routine, i really was into it. but you guys didn't sing that much you guys aren't a dance group you guys are a singing group!!!!! but much love to you all!! mostly justin and j.c. i love you guys!!!!!!!

ANDNSYNC wrote: Very cute

Why, thaaaank you! Oh wait, you meant the guys didn't you.....teehee

VLe2262058 wrote: I was so mad I boycotted mtv but it did'nt last so long b/c I love nsync and the music of my heart came on so I had to see

So the boycott lasted what, a day? Who can stay away from MTV? No Carson? No TRL? NO NSYNC! :o)

BrynNsync wrote: What was up with saying they lipsynched. JC was live and all that. I was pissed BSB won Viewers choice. And did you see the girl from "Drive Myself Crazy" sitting between Chris and Joey. I think she was with Joey. hopefully. Bryn

Nope, you're right, they were totally live. MTV doesn't allow any performers to lip synch at all anymore. Yes we did see Danielle with the guys, isn't she the cutest girl? She's with Chris though, not Joey.

Joy1683 wrote: I really didnt have a problem with the VMA's except for the fact that 'N Sync didnt win anything!!! And how Chris Rock called them the Spice Boys!!! Thanks Joy

So, which spice boy would that make Lance? Mississippi Spice?

Dawn Roller wrote: I think the backstreet boys shouldnt have won viewers choice award at the MTV video music awards, because nsync is the best group around,and backreet boys' I want it that way video was kinda boring and plain. nsync had more effort into their video,"tearin up my heart" dont you think email me. please e-mail me

We dunno...standing in a circle of screaming girls takes a lot of talent and practice...And NSYNC's best video wasn't even nominated. "God Must Have Spent" and " I Drive Myself Crazy" were worthy of something! (Even though they weren't the videos that spurned the NSYNC craze in the states...)

Kandie411 wrote: Hey ya'll? What up??? Well first of all, about the VMA awards 'N Sync deserved to win every award they were nominated for!!! About their outfits they all looked good. Especially my 2 personal favorites J.C and *Justin* because they both looked fine because no matter what they wear they'll alwayz look fine in my eyez. I love all the Guys so much!!!

Fuh1 wrote: My name is colleen and i just wanted to say that i was really annoyed that nsync didn't win any vma's. i was also annoyed that they weren't on the house of style's best dressed list cause they looked really hot that night, and every night.

I know, what's up with that right? Come on Rebecca, what's up? And that whole deal about BSB being one of the best dressed? Most expensive does not necessarily mean best looking. And that's what we got ta say about thaAat.

NSYNC10187 wrote: you guys should hsve won joey i love u with all my heart!!!!!!!! e mail me please!!!!!!

He loves you too girl... : )

Rosie78884 wrote: I think that there is some kind of conspiracy against 'N SYNC and I wouldn't be surprised if the backstreet boys were behind it. 'N SYNC had such a huge year. They deserved to win an award at the mtv vma's. I was wondering why their ''God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" and "I Drive Myself Crazy" videos weren't nominated at all. I feel that those two videos are two of their stongest. That seemed a little scetchy to me. I thought it was a little fishy how they weren't nominated for best dance video also. I think the backstreet boys and their managment had a little to do with all this contraversy. I think that mtv new that they had to nominate 'N SYNC for a few things since they had such a big year. so mtv decided not to nominate two of their strongest videos of the year so they wouldn't win an award. and instead they nominated "Tearin UP MY Heart" for catergories where it was extremely hard for them to win with this particular video. ''Tearin up my heart'' should have been nominated for best dance. But they didn't nominate them for this catergory because they knew 'N SYNC definately would have had to win it if they were nominated. 'NSYNC really deserves to win an award especially after the great year that they have had. They are my favorite singers and performers and I get really bitter when they get screwed over by mtv. My theory might not be true but I did think it was exremely scetchy that their other videos weren't nominated. Also even though ''Tearin Up My Heart" should have won an award any ways. Thanks for listening to my theories!

There is more truth to what you just said than you know.

BAYBE777 wrote: LOOKIN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SEXY!!!!!! I love Justin Timberlake and all the rest of the boys : *

WBeach46 wrote: I think they are kinda ugly (the outfits) but it's cool that they are wearing something different and new

Ahaha...Thanks for your honesty!

LuvsNsync105 wrote: Hey! U know what I think? I think that 'N Sync is so hot that when ever I c them I melt. They r hot like FIRE. Who cares about the BSB! I think that there shouldn't be any more BSB. All we need is 'N Sync. They can do everything to make it right for us! Don't u think?

Down with BSB! Oh, wait, sorry. Just got carried away. You persuaded us...

NSYNCCLAMSwrote: Hey, although some of the guys were stugglling just a tad with their outfits, I think Nsync, as a whole, looked mighty fine. What struck me as "odd" at first has now become a "trade mark"...Joey's hair!! I love it and I'm sure everyone else does too. The only beef I had with Nsync's performance was the lack of vocals. I know Nsync for their beautiful voices. When they weren't lip synching, we barely got a snippet of "Tearin Up My Heart." Their dancing was amazing...But what's with the dancers? When I watch Nsync I want to see them, not 20 other people taking up space! I want all of my attention on them. Although I totally support Nsync...I do feel that Nsync fans got jipped of Nsync's full performing potential...We know what they can do! So why didn't they do it? Let's just hope that the dancers don't some on any tours. Yes, I've dished some criticism, but I adore Nsync and have supported them for over a year now...A fans opinion should count. ALL Nsync fans out there...Well, Stay Nsync!

What? You didn't like some of their outfits? nooooooo way! (j/k) What can we say, they got their own style. WE like Joe's hair too! It's different, but that's what makes it so cool. About their performance...THEY DID NOT LIP SYNCH! It was totally them. We didn't mind the dancers, but maybe the guys should have dressed a little more distinctly from them,so they didn't blend in as much. But hey, that's just what we think.

Jules2269 wrote: hot hot hot..thats all i gotta say about the guys on 9 9 99.

Tru Tru! All we gots ta say is truuuuuuuue!

AbediabedabeThat's aallll folks! Thanks for writing in and sharing your thoughts on the MTV VMA! Stay Chill and *Peace!

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