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Teen (april 2000)

(April 2000)

ALL the pics, ALL the neon

Justin is tryin' to start his own Kriss Kross trend. Cause he's the mickidy mickidy mickidy mickidy mack daddy.

Chris looks intense. JC looks serious. Lance looks...tan?


Most random goes to JC. Cuddliest goes to Lance. Predictable goes to Joey. Truuue! goes to Justin. Huh? goes to Chris. And just think, you can win these!

We wish there was a way to get them down from there...

Aw Jeeze *NSYNC! All you had to do is not hold on to the strings. It was that easy! You didn't even need scissors or a pretty model to break free.


Justin: This is so exciting. I have never had this done before.

Mary: You're an Aquarius with a Sagittarius moon which make you a good musician. You like a good sense of humor. You like a girl to have a good time. You don't like these Victorian uptight people. You're like, "we're all human here. Let's just drop the barriers and go for it."

Justin: I just got done saying that. Confidence is sexy to me. I don't like insecurity and jealousy. Sometimes in teenage romance people try to get to know the other person before they get to know themselves. You start dating someone and acting like someone you're not. I want a girl who knows herself and is comfortable with herself.

Mary: That's where you are emotionally and that's what you want in a female as well. Someone with a good sense of humor. Aquarius is the screwball of the zodiac so you like strange and unusual things. You also like people a lot. You get along well with masses. Ronald Reagan was an Aquarius.

Justin: Well I'm not running for president.

Mary: A big major change is coming up for you. You've been making an investment and it's time for it to pay off for you. I would say emotionally and careerwise although the two are connected. It seems like all of you are moving. Are you moving too?

Justin: I just moved.

Mary: And you're going to stay there.

Justin: I just bought a house in Orlando.

Mary: Did you just get out of a relationship as well?

Justin: It was like a year ago.

Mary: It was a major one not casual.

Justin: Yeah. It was a big one.

Mary: And that's still on your mind. It's as if this person you're starting to see her way of things a little more. Why things went the way they did. You're starting to understand it better.

Justin: Ok.

Mary: In fact, you're going to be talking to this person soon. Was there a lot of battering about towards the end?

Justin: It was ugly. She cheated on me and everything but it's all good.

Mary: She is a difficult person that's the way she is going to be. She would have been this way with anybody. It's just who she is and where she's at. In fact, that's probably why she's where she's at. That aspect in her personality. She's someone who's driven, and that's probably why she is successful but you can't take it personally. In fact, she may want to see you again, to get back together but I think you're passed it.

Justin: Right.

Mary: There is something that needs to be finished up with this last relationship that hasn't been. It could be finished in your mind here but it's not finished in the back of your mind.

Justin: That's the truth. It's a situation where I have to see this person. It's not something I can avoid. I really feel like I've dealt with it. I'm seeing other people now and I'm very happy where I'm at.

Mary: As for family, I get a bigger family with you. Not right away though. It's going to be bachelorhood for a while.

Justin: I don't know. I'm not even thinking about that right now. I think that when I meet that certain person, I'll know it. I'd make a good daddy, but not anytime soon! I've got lots of things I need to do.

Mary: Once you trust somebody you trust someone. You put your all into it. There's no point in being in a relationship if you have to second-guess each other. And you're the type of person who would say we're just dating but I'm not interested in a long-term relationship. You would say that. You're not a fantasy type. You'll say we're just dating and having a good time but I'm not going to be interested in anything further. You're looking for Loyalty. Maybe it comes up after the fact that she cheated on you?

Justin: Definitely. I think people lose their loyalty because of their insecurities. You get insecure about something and you don't really communicate like you want to and you lose your loyalty just like that. And all of a sudden you're in another situation that you don't want to be in. It's tough for me to try to have a relationship with anyone because every little move I make with someone that's a friend or someone that I've been interested in has been publicized by the media or super sought out by the tabloids.

Mary:In 2000 you're going to be more emotionally focussed. You'll focus more on relationships than yourself. And look for somebody who is deep spiritually and emotionally.

Justin: With a nice butt.

Mary: I think you're a little apprehensive about this upcoming year and you shouldn't be. There are going to be a few things in your career that are going to test you. You're going to grow through it. It's not as bad as you might think.

Justin: I just had a conversation with one of my best friends about how these past couple days I've been feeling weird about how everything is going to go this year. Like with our careers and everything. It's going to be a big step for us in our career. It's our second album. Umm. We've done some different types of things. We just hope they work.

Mary: Go with it. It's going to be fine. I see you worrying. You're not much of a sleeper. You probably sleep six hours a night.

Justin: If that. I don't sleep a lot. If I get any more than seven or eight I've slept too much and I'll be tired the rest of the day.

Mary: You've just got to learn to relax if you're worried a bit. I think it's important that you start communicating a little more with your band members. There just seems to be this one kind of little irritating thing there. It's nothing critical. It's nothing major.

Justin: It's funny that you say that because when we first formed the group it was just us and we really got to know each other. We were like brothers.

Mary: But you haven't gotten to know each other since you've become successful.

Justin: Right.

Mary: For your love life, you like being single. You like outgoing, flamboyant girls with a sense of humor.

J.C. I like the sophisticated mama.

Mary: You like someone with personality who is outgoing. You have a thing for hair.

J.C. Do I?

Mary: Just a lot of hair. Nice, long flowing.

J.C. I guess so, sure. I m not going to agree with everything you say! I don't really notice if it's a lot of hair. I know that I prefer dark hair to light hair though. I don't k now if I like it long or short or any at all. I know that I prefer dark hair to light hair, and I love exotic-looking girls. Anyone who isn't afraid to be different.

Mary: I don't see you settling down for a good while. I don't get that you're interested in settling down right now. Again you're a high-energy person. In fact a relationship right now would weigh you down. It'll be 7 or 8 years.

J.C.: I don't put a time line on these things. I just take it as it comes. If she's the one, hopefully I'll know she's the one.

Mary: I don't get a traditional type of marriage situation with you, maybe a more cosmopolitan situation. A lot of travel. You could be on the east coast she could be on the west coast. Multiple homes. It's not going to be such a focus on family it will be more of a cosmopolitan situation, bi-coastal.

J.C. I want someone who is career oriented.

Mary: That's why I get the opposite from Lance. You want someone who is interesting.

J.C.: I want her to teach me something. The most amazing quote I have ever heard was from this 6-year-old boy from Zimbabwe. It was on Nickelodeon. "I need a woman who is strict and smart because otherwise I would spoil myself." Six years old this kid said this. Blew my mind.

Mary: You don't like: Someone who is sedentary, too homey, not active. You'd get bored. You want someone who can mentally challenge you and get you to rise to the occasion. In fact you're a little lazy that way. Perhaps you're looking for a partner who can put a fire under you and keep you going. You like to be approached directly.

J.C.: I don't know. I just don't like whacked pick up lines. I don't like when a chick's approach is cheesy.

Mary: What kind of line works for you?

J.C. It was like she approached me, she let me know she was interested, well I said I'm kinda chillin right now I have a lot of things to do and she said well if you miss the train this is the one you need to catch. That's it in a nutshell. Like, if you miss this one there are not a lot out there like me. It wasn't cocky, it was confident and I think that's very attractive.

Mary: In 10 years you'll have a strong woman running your life you're going to love that!

J.C. I don't need a Yoko now.

Mary: The Queen of Swords.( a card he's pulled) She'll be very sophisticated. She knows what she wants and she'll know what you want. Are you selling a home or moving. You have some situation where you don't know what to do?

J.C. You know I'm temporarily homeless. I got kicked out of my old place. I'm actually living with two friends who have an extra bedroom (in Florida).

Mary: Do you have someone looking for a place for you?

J.C. I got a lady who works for a management company. She's in touch with a realtor.

Mary: That's got to get settled. Even though you're on the road you need a home base it can be kind of unsettling without one. I don't know why that's taking so long. You could get your living situation together if you knew what you wanted.

J.C. I do know what I want. I'm picky. I don't like new homes I like old house with character. I want some place where I walk in and the floors creak a little bit. Some place that actually tells a story.

Mary: Move to San Francisco.

J.C. I was just telling my friend that the other day. It's a great city...My family is thinking of moving from Wash D.C. to Florida. Are they going to make the move?

Mary: Within the next two years yes. But if they were thinking of sooner. No. They're doing it for a reason and that's going to kind of fall through. That's not going to happen and then out of the clear blue something going to come up and they'll be like yep we're doing it. Not in two years. I would say toward the end of this year.

J.C.: Really.

Mary: As for the band, they are going to be a little more credible, different, individualistic-it's as if their personalities will come through more. And I do get a solo career for you at some point. It doesn't mean you're leaving the band but it definitely is going to be in addition to what you're doing so that is not a bad thing at all.

J.C: I probably wouldn't go solo, but I have started writing for other artists.

Mary: I see you getting to a point in your life where you have a lot of decisions to make. You're a leader and you know what it is you want....And as far as the group goes, you're the glue to the whole thing. You might not come off that way but that's really who you are behind the scenes.

J.C. This is something I noticed the other day. Sometimes I'm a great listener and sometimes I'm a terrible listener. What's my deal?

Mary: Sometimes you get a little too preoccupied with what's going on with yourself and once that's more stable, of course you're going to listen to somebody else. There is some distraction. You're evolving into someone else and you're not quite sure where it's at. Have you been absentminded?

J.C. I have been pretty focused as far as album album album. I need to get better at expressing myself lately.

Mary: It just seems funny to me because it's as if you sell yourself short with what you're saying. You give the band a lot stability in specific areas. It's funny to me that you want a woman to keep you going because you've got a lot in you. It's as if you're not taking credit for it.

J.C.: There are five guys and I do what I do to make it work. Everyone has their different personality and that's what attracts people to the group. We all have our part. When the camera is on maybe I'm not Mr. Personality like Chris but when we go into the studio, I have some decent ideas in there.

Mary. I see you really finding yourself this year. I know you feel it's as if you are wavering but you're not. There is this really strong aspect of your personality that's really focussed and directed. You're really not a follower by nature although you keep coming off as if you are. And there is a real strong sense of will and confidence and direction and that is just going to start shining through. I'm not sure why one part of you is fighting it. But once you get into it you'll enjoy it and like it.

Mary: I see you in a live-in relationship. I can't see a stable marriage right now--not for another 8 or 9 years. And in that case, it might be for business reasons.

Chris: That's good for me. I like that. But don't tell that to my girlfiriend! Actually the girlfriend I have now is the first girlfriend I've had for more than two months. We've been dating for about a year and a half.

Mary: Kids down the road. I see the Empress (card). That comes up loud and clear. The pregnancy the children would be fine. It would be nice if you could have waited a little longer. It's going to be sooner than you would have liked. I'm not saying this year I'm not saying next year. It will just be a little untimely. But it will be ok. Two kids. A boy and a girl.

Chris: I am not a family person. I can be a one-woman guy, but marriage scares me. It's permanent.

Mary: That is why this going to be an unexpected situation, the empress is very fertile but it's not now. It is going to do you good, even though independence is key for you and you wouldn't want someone to weigh you down.

Chris: I like free spirits. People that can have fun doing whatever. They don't need money or Disney World to have fun--it's really about having a good time with what you've got. I don't like it when girls come with demands. That's baloney!

Mary: What I get here is that this relationship is taking you to the next step. It's as if you have out grown your area and you have to move. Are you moving?

Chris: I just bought a house. (In Orlando) I built it. It's rad. It's got a pool in the middle of the house. I spent a lot of money on the pool since it's the focal point of the house. It's got a waterfall and a Jacuzzi. I haven't gotten to see it hardly at all. It has five bedrooms and a loft that's actually a TV room and a loft that I've turned into a gym.

Mary: This move is very good. Just like I was telling Joey, July is going to a real hectic month for you so if you have any time to rest up July is going to be really trying on you. Not in a bad way. There's going to be a lot of work and such.

Chris: We have this album promotion that we're doing.

Mary: Your career is predominantly what's going on. This is the first level of your career. The first stage of your career. I get you more as an artist. Have you been doing some crazy paintings or sculpting? I get you as having a need to create something tangible that you can look at feel.

Chris: Music.

Mary: Something tangible that you can look at and feel.

Chris: UHH...I dunno. My house.

Mary: Is it medieval looking? I keep getting a lot of wrought iron. It's like a happy dungeony. It's not dark. It's kind of like a castle with stones.

Chris: I dunno the doors we have on the front are big wooden doors with little bars. The rest of the house is real modern. It's a courtyard house the courtyard is just a swimming pool.

Mary: You're not into the marriage thing, you're not into the family thing, you're in a live-in relationship and you'll leave it that way as long as you can. Eventually you're going to get pushed hard enough to want to get married. You just can't have it all your way. It will happen. Your going to feel like it's worth it at the time even though you're not quite sure you want to do it. So the family life is going to come in whether you like it or not.

Mary: You're going to live in the country. It's not a heavy city. It's not California. You're not a beach person either.

Chris: I'm a surfer. I'm a big surfer.

Mary: Is that right? I'm not getting you at the beach at all.

Chris: We used to go Daytona.

Mary: As far as an individual shining through, you're going to be more of a control type of person. The organizer, the things and projects you want done or the lyrics you want or the songs you want are going to be listened to and done more so. It's as if you're the direction giver of the band. And as far as a career I can see you taking that further in life, in your 40s, working with other bands, coordinating, producing. I don't know if that's the right word but being the main person in that. Promoting them.

Chris: Yeah. I've got Ron. I'm producing for a friend of mine. I'm helping him write. Ron Arizari.

Mary: That's really where you excel. And that's where you're happiest. I also keep getting communication. That there is going to be a little something the band is going to have to iron out. Let's throw those cards away. Did someone steal your last car?

Chris: No.

Mary: You are the one who has got a ton of Aquarius in his chart, I mean a ton-four planets in Aquarius. Acquarius is the screwball of the Zodiac. Your kind of off the wall. You have a good time with big groups of people. You're not so much of a one-on-one person if you don't have to be. You're probably the life of the party.

Joey: Oh yeah. I can be. People say I'm outgoing. Always joking around, saying what's on my mind.

Mary: It seems that acting is your first love before music. And that is going to be where you are at in the next 10-15 years. So if you are pursuing it on some level, it will come to pass so whatever it takes to get there.

Joey: It is. Of course I first want to do things with the five of us but I do hope to do other things as well. When I first started I did musical theater. Dramatic plays, Shakespearean plays and stuff like that (in high school). Hopefully, I'll do a little bit of this and of everything. I think I'd love to try a little bit of everything. The more difficult the character, the better.

Mary: I see you as more of a dramatic actor.

Joey: You think. Who knows?

Mary: I think.

Mary: You can never say what you're really thinking. There is marriage there because most people need a stable person in their life.

Joey: But mine isn't going to be so stable?

Mary: It'll be stable. At home it'll be stable.

Joey: Whoa.

Mary: You like women that are very outrageous. Not afraid to wear certain things. Not afraid to do certain things. Changeable. Seductive.

Joey: I like a girl that can hang out in sweats and sneakers and look good like that. As long as she's comfortable, that's cool. But then if we're going out at night, I want a girl who can dress up and look sexy.

Mary: You are very aggressive. You are the approacher.

Joey: No no. Not necessarily. In the state that I'm in now usually people will approach me. But for people that don't know who I am or whatever I just talk to them and say hey it's nice to meet you blah, blah, blah. I just ask questions. I'm not into a pickup like "hey babe."

Mary: I don't get you as a shy type.

Joey: No. Never.

Mary: The lady wouldn't have to worry about not being protected. You're someone who is there. You don't stray off paying attention to other people. You pay attention to the person you're with. There's a lot of guys who go out and the next thing you know they're off with their friends and they say, "See you later," and I don't get that from you.

Joey: I do sometimes. But I let her know. I'm not a one woman type of guy right now. You gotta keep your options open.

Mary: But when your with your friends you always looking over what she doing, is she there, who she talking to? Attentive. That's the word I'm looking for.

Joey: You're right on that one.

Mary: I could say you're going to have a stable marriage but never mind I'm not going to say it.

Joey: We'll talk later.

Mary: I know I keep going back to this but there's a lot of positive changes for the band this year. Things you've been wanting for some time? Are you interested in motorcycle riding?

Joey: Not really. I'm going to be getting a car. A sports car. An Acura NSX. It's like a sportscar but it's not really high maintenance like Porsches where you have to keep getting things fixed.

Mary: It could be a sport involving racing or speed. Where do you live?

Joey: Florida.

Joey asks: How many kids will I have?

Mary: Do you have any now?

Joey: As far as I know no. I hope I don't.

Mary: Not for a while. Four or five years. One (kid) I don't get a ton. A boy.

Joey: I would say two or three at the most for me personally.

Mary: I think he likes the East Coast.

Joey: I ain't moving here!

Mary: L.A. is not your thing. It could even be upstate something countryish but close to the city. A retreatish area but close to the city for when he needs action for the two diverse parts of his personality. When you want to get away from people you don't want to see anyone. You're like leave me alone.

Joey: Where do you see me in ten years?

Mary: Dramatic actor for film. It's not going to be a difficult transition to break into. In fact, if I had to compare it, it would be like Ashley Judd. You see how well she transitioned. People won't say hey that's that 'N Sync guy.

Mary: What you really look for in a woman is someone who is down-to-earth. A practical person and not a boring type of practical but someone who can appreciate nature and the basic things in life. You don't like the glittery type of woman-the Hollywood star seeker. You want someone who's basic and real. Not too materialistic either. You're not a materialistic person. These are basic qualities that you appreciate. That's a good thing.

Lance: I like an innocent type of girl. She has to be sweet, not outspoken. No one who's crazy or a loudmouth. Someone who can baby me. I don't like egotistical girls. I see myself getting married in my late 20's. I'd probably be married in my early 20's if I wasn't in *NSYNC--I am from the South, you know.

Mary: I can even see you up in a ranch at some point I your life.

Lance: I'd want horses and a ranch.

Mary: That's exactly where I pictured you. That's later. We all have to do what we have to do now. You're young and your career is ahead of you. What's going on now is just the beginning.

Lance: I've always wanted to live on a ranch and I love horses. I just want horses and a ranch house. Every time I get a chance I ride especially here in LA. I have a friend that works at Disney and I go with her. SO far this is very true. I love the innocent type of girl. I don't want anyone in the business. I like southern charm. She's very on.

Mary: It's also someone who is going to appreciate you for you. You don't let a lot of people know you deep down. There's the exterior you and the you you. So the woman you're with is going to have to cater to that. I don't want to say a mother type of woman but someone who can take care of you and each other. You need a stable home base and you're a philanthropic person. You need a stable relationship. Someone who can appreciate you and your goals so with that security you can move ahead and do bigger things in your life that may be philanthropic giving. I could see the band at some point doing benefits getting into a cause not just on the surface. Actually getting involved in humanitarian things.

Lance: Every year we throw a "Challenge for the Children" charity event in the summer. We get all our friends together. We did basketball. This year it's going to be bigger. It's a three day event and it all goes to children.

Mary: So again, the woman you're with would have to be that type of personality. Not a selfish person. You're going to get some good news from somewhere. It's not just for the band but it will pertain to you directly. You have a lot of luck coming up as far as that's concerned.

Mary: You're definitely someone who has to be in charge -- wear the pants in the family. You're the dominant one. Whoever does eventually marry you is going to be a very lucky person because you're a lifer. You won't go through a lot of marriages. You won't give your heart up easily. You'll give your all to it. Marriage for you will be within the next five years which is relatively soon. (One of the cards) shows a birth so children will come right away. Two kids. No more than that. They'll be two boys.

Lance: That's what I've always wanted! I always said that I would never have more than two. And I do want do want to have them right away. I've always liked interesting names like Xander. I like that for a boy.

Mary: Here you are with all this love in your heart and your going to have kids right away. But your wife will be career oriented as well. She'll be working together with you. It's got to kind of happen. There's no set formula in fact I think the set formula turns you off.

Lance: Mmm hmm.

Mary: 'N Sync is a big band but this year is going to be the pinnacle of their career. I just feel a new twist or a new direction they're going in which is definitely the right direction. You're going to sense more of a true personality out of each individual in the band and it's going to be met in a favorable manor. It's not a surface-y type of thing. They're going to get more credibility.

Mary: Ten years down the road where's Lance? On a ranch. Not retired. He's not the retiring type. Still involved with music but it will be in a different direction.

Lance: Do you see us doing a movie this year?

Mary: One of the members I was getting that for. Joey-definitely breaking out into acting. But that's really the breakout actor of the group. Anything could happen of course.

Lance: What do the cards say? Any new hobbies for me?

Mary: Home decorating! Do you have a new home?

Lance: I just bought a new house.

Mary: Well you're going to be very busy with that. I see a lot of red.

Lance: I like everything in the house I just got. Every room is a different theme. One is a Doctor Seuss room and everything is very red and blue. Very bright. Then I have like a Medieval room and Victorian one. The main floor of the house is just very modern, velvet. There's a big kitchen I like southern stuff. Casseroles. I love grilling chicken and hamburgers. I love cookouts.

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