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Ladies of GaMmA Eta PagE II

SisTers of Gamma Eta 1999

Ana Nat & Janice ChiLlIn* @ La CaSiTa

The Beautiful Ladies of Gamma Eta pose for a pic @ the O' Connell Center

Dori Sharon & Yomary pose for a pic @ the 1999 Woodser

Epsilon class gets ready for the night's activities

Gamma Eta's own siamese twins Janet & Mileidys connected by the hips!! Donde esta una esta la otra! LoL

Alex Yenisel and Ondi mesmerize the judges with their beauty talent and smarts @ the 1999 HSA Pagent

The sisters of Gamma Eta are proud to have one of their own sisters, Adriana, as the Queen

Lynette & Janet lookin* cute

Sisters at a party

Big Sister Natalie with Lil Sister Jeannette

Mileidys Vivian & Janet @ the 1998 formal

Big Sister Janet poses with LiL Sister Jen @ the 34st Wall ...painted extraordinarily well by Epsilon class --i am being totally biased i know...GO EPSILON!

Enid Janice and Jessie in a canoe @ last year's woodser... descarada Janice u didnt paddle ...just in there for the ride!! LoL

Natalie & Chris

Natalie lookin angelic with her doggy Carmelo

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK
