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LaDiEs Of GaMmA EtA I

Chillin @ the Lambda*s PJ Party

Our ladies lookin as lovely as ever!

Gamma Eta sisters & Lambda Beta*s Enrique

In February was our ANNUAL WOODSER...

Annette, Linda, & Jeannette look fabulous!

Doing the our dance!! Heeeeeeeeeeeey!

Nat, Chris, Alex, Greg, & Jen proudly pose by their tent

YaY Michelle...nice job setting up camp!

Hmmm...Melissa just passed out! Camping is exhausting! LoL

Gamma Eta's Jennifers pose for a group pic

Ladies loooove to Camp @ Ginnie Springs, FL

Stina & Janet proudly display our "Shake your bon-bon by the bonfire" Woodser T-shirt

Then...we were off for MARDI GRAS 2000 in New Orleans!

Michelle, Melissa, Maria, & Chris finally arrive after maaaaany hours of driving!

Going to our 1st beads yet...

...We start our collection...Hey Mr. throw me some beads...where's the love?...HEYY BUDDY!!...


Our sissy Nat & her LiL bro...Que Kute We Love u Mario!!!

Gamma Etas tired as hell eating..beniegts?...err elephants ears in the French Quarter @ Cafe Du Monde

The Week after that...GREEK WEEK 2000...rolled around...GAMMA ETA wins the MOST SPIRITED AWARD!!

Gamma Etas @ the Exchange dinner with Delta Gamma

Gamma Eta's Annette, Chris, & Ingrid unite with Delta Gamma & FIJI for the Picture Scavanger Hunt..we win first place!!!

The Gamma Eta team posses for a pic @ Norman Field

Adriana does the 3-legged race @ the greek games

Stina tuggin @ the rope during the Tug-O-War

Our WholeGreek Week Team Pic

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK
