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Ladies of Gamma Eta IV

MoRe DM 2000

Sissies dying for then end to come...LOL

...and they hit the floor after 36 hours of standing up!

Gamma Eta Luau 2000

Adriana and David spicing things up @ Brick City

Jojomay and James lookin as cute as ever in their matching outfits!

Jorge and Chris..they hadnt seen each other since high school graduation...and look where they end up finding each other!!

Jose showing off his slick moves.

Flip and Chris ham it up

Andrea, Chris, and Jen sporting their Hawai'ian smiles.

¥-._How can anyone forget UEPA's Batamú Night??_.-¥

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK
