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Gamma Eta's Virtual Scrapbook

Hey there!
Thanx for coming by to see our Virtual Scrapbook. We, the Ladies of Gamma Eta, want the whole world to see what we are all about. Unfortuantely, we were not able to carry a photo album everywhere...until now!

If you are interested in learning more about our organization, please don't hesitate to go to our Official Website at the link below to get more information. This also applies if you are interested in starting a Gamma Eta chapter at your university. We would love for you to become one of our sisters.

Pics 1999

Pics 2000

Pics 2001

Pics 2002
New Pics! ~* always check update date *~

PiPP0*z WorLd

KeEp ComiN* AroUnd CuZ TheRe aRe UpDatEs All The TimE!! LoTsa HuGz n* KiShEs n* GaMmA EtA Luv!
PaGe DeSiGn By: ChriS "SuNny" MedRanO
GaMmA EtA EpSiLon ClAsS

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK