Ok, this is a short story about mostly Nick, but the other guys are in it too... it's kinda sad so if you don't feel like being depressed or something, please don't read this. I hope this never happens, it's just a story.
A figure walked slowly into a bar on the streets of Orlando, Florida, and sat down at the counter. The bartender walked over and said, "What do you want?" The figure shook his head and waited until the bartender went to get someone else's drink. The figure finally got up after about 10 minutes of sitting and walked out the door.
Nick Carter bounced into his brand new house, and ran to the answering machine and pressed play. He went to get something to drink as he listened. There was a message from his mother, one from someone at Jive, and then a quiet voice came on. Nick frowned and walked closer to the answering machine. Kevin's voice came out of the speaker, flowing softly as though something were different. Nick listened carefully. "Hey Nick, when you get home, whenever, give me a call ok? I have to tell you something."
Nick picked up the phone immediatly and dialed Kevin's house number. When no one picked up, he quickly hung up and dialed his cell phone. "Hello" Kevin's voice broke out. Nick brought in a shaky breath and said, "It's me." Kevin sighed and said, " You better get over here. We're at St. John's Mercy Hospital." Nick replied, "What's going on? What happened?" Kevin just said, "Come now." and hung up. Nick held the phone for a moment and the slammed it down and ran to get his coat that was thrown over the couch. He ran out the door, putting his coat on and locking the house behind him. He hopped into his Durango and pealed out of the driveway.
AJ looked at the floor ahead of him. He was sitting in a hospital chair, and wishing Nick would get there soon. He shut his eyes to keep the tears from coming and leaned his head back onto the wall.
Nick came into the hospital and found AJ asleep in a chair in the hallway. Nick shook him violently and cried, "AJ get up! Now!" AJ lifted his head and said," Oh I'm glad you're here. Um... let's go find Kev." Nick shook his head. "Tell me what's going on." AJ just rose from the chair and started walking, leaving Nick no choice but to follow.
Nick and AJ walked into a room, and they saw that Howie and Kevin were in there sitting. Nick looked around, glancing at everything. He sighed and said "Ok... what's th..." His voice gave out as he saw a person laying in the hospital bed. He quietly, slowly walked over to the side of the bed. He was looking into the face of Brian, his best friend. Nick stood there for a long time, just looking. Finally, realizing Nick wasn't doing anything, Kevin walked over to him and put his arm around his shoulder and said, "That night we left the tour, when you left for home, his heart stopped beating at my house. He's dying Nick." Nick looked blankly still at the face of the person he knew best, who had always been there for him, and who had taught him to be a better person.
Nick opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. The other guys came over and put their arms around him too, knowing that he was feeling their loss, times 10. Nick shook his head and said in a voice just under a whisper, "No..." He shut his eyes and felt dizziness come upon him. "No..." He felt the floor spinning and he sat ubruptly down on the floor. He burried his head in his hands and said in a voice a little louder, "No..." his voice continued to increase until he was shouting. "NOOOOOOO!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. A doctor came in the room to see what had happened. He ran out of the room, recognizing the promblem. He returned, and with him was a nurse. He looked at Kevin for approval, and when he saw Kevin nod slightly, he reached down and held Nick from squirming, while the nurse stuck a shot into his upper arm. Nick stopped screaming and looked slowly at Kevin with a tortured face before drifting off into a heap on the floor.
Kevin looked thankfully at the doctor and smiled slightly. The doctor said, "I thought it would be best..." and left. The guys were so tired from Nick that they sat in chairs that were in the room, leaving Nick asleep on the floor.
* the next morning*
Nick lifted his head, and looked around. He rubbed his face and sat up. He was in a room, somewhere... He sat until he heard a noise at the door, and turned around. AJ stood there, and without either of them speaking, Nick got up off the floor and followed him out of the room. AJ led them into a conference room, where he saw Kevin and Howie sitting in the stiff chairs. Thoughts from the previous night flowed through his head. He managed to choke out, "Brian...?" Kevin looked Nick in the eyes and said, "He died last night, Nick." Nick looked down and nodded slowly. "I better go..." he said. Howie, always the kind one, nodded and said, "Yeah, go home and get some rest. One of us will call you later on." Nick nodded once again, and turned slowly from the room. He wandered threw the hallways for a while, just thinking until he came to the front desk. The girl on duty smiled at him in a way that he would have died for, had this been three days ago. He gave a lone nod and walked out the front doors. He got into his car and drove carefully home.
When he got inside his house, he let his jacket fall to the floor as he locked the door behind him. He went up the stairs and walked to his bedroom, where he, completely clothed, laid down and fell asleep.
*fifteen years later*
A man walked slowly down the gravel road, and onto the grass. He held the hands of two children, a girl of seven and a boy of four. He led them to the spot where he had come for comfort many times as a teenager, had come for laughing and crying sessions with the one who had understood him more than anyone in his entire life had. He had told the contents of his heart to this one spot, through heartbreak, happiness, and sorrow. This one spot of land had been his counselor and comfort since that day, fifteen years ago to the day. Since that day that the soul of that one spot of land had left him with the biggest fear of his life, losing a loved one. The man kneeled next to the ground and pulled the children into his lap, and started to speak. "I'm going to tell you about this spot of land, underneath this grass, who was... is... my hero..."
***in memory of Caleb, my best friend, who was and still is my hero***