Fan Fiction!

Who Would've Guessed? ~Finished~

When Your Best Friend Dates A Backstreet Boy

Exclamat!on! ~Finished~

Touring The States With Fate As Your Chauffeur...

All fan fics featured have been written by me. If you feel that one of my fan fics is a rip-off of something that you have written, I apologise but my fan fics have been based on my own ideas and most are somewhat similar.

Now for all that legal stuff:

I am not in contact with any members of the Backstreet Boys or anyone connected in any way with them. All stories are 100% fictional so please read them with an open mind. Nothing is based on any truth whatsoever!

Please Note: "Who Would've Guessed" contains a little bad language; "When Your Best Friend Dates A Backstreet Boy" also contains some bad language, it also contains some 'kissy' moments; "Exclamat!on" also has some bad language and there is a"mature" chapter up...*lol* please do not take it too seriously!

If you have any comments or you would like me to host your fanfic, please email at the address below.


I haven't updated my website for several months as I have been so busy, but coming very soon are some new fan fics! These are:

* Hidden
* Reciprocation

If you would like to know a little bit more about these new fan fics before they're published on my page, check out these taster pages!

Preview Of 'Hidden'

Preview Of 'Reciprocation'

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