Breaking the Phalanx "A New Design for Landpower in the 21st Century" |
MacGregor, Douglas |
When Things Start to Think |
Neil Gershenfeld |
AI |
Artificial Neural Networks Concepts and Control Applications |
Vemuri |
AI |
Artificial Neural Networks Concepts and Theory |
Mehra and Wah |
AI |
Computers and Human Language |
Smith |
AI |
Neural Networks A Comprehensive Foundation |
Haykin |
AI |
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition |
Bishop |
AI |
Spoken Natural Language Dialog Systems |
Smith and Hipp |
AI |
CASE Current Practice Future Prospects |
Spurr and Layzell |
C |
Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) |
Chikofsky |
C |
Computer Generated Forces (CGF) Assessment |
SAUS-OR Nov 1995 |
Video Simulation Tests |
Natural Selection, Inc. |
Strategies for Effective Human Computer Interation - The Voice Input-Output Testbed |
MITRE - 1997 |
Simulating an Intelligently Interactive Adversary |
Natural Selection, Inc - Sep 1996 |
Simulating an Intelligently Interactive Adversary |
Natural Selection, Inc - Sep 1996 |
Modular Semi-Automated Forces (ModSAF) Preexperiments Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A) Report |
DOA - August 1996 |
Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation |
1998 |
Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation |
1991 |
Computer Generated Forces (CGF) Assessment |
AMSAA 1996 |
Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation |
1996 |
Handbook of Computer Communications Standards (Vol. 2) Local Network Standards |
William Stallings |
Network and Internetwork Security Principles and Practice |
The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog |
O'Reilly and Associates Inc |
Handbook of Computer Communications Standards (Vol. 3) Department of Defense (DoD) Protocol Standards |
William Stallings |
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach |
Peterson & Davie |
Advances in ISDN and Broadband ISDN |
Stallings |
ATM Theory and Application |
McDysan & Spohn |
X.25 and Related Protocols |
Black |
Handbook of Computer Communications Standards (Vol. 1) The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model & OSI-Related Standards |
William Stallings |
Multidatabase Systems: An Advanced Solution for Global Information Sharing |
DB |
Object-Oriented Databases Technology, Applications, and Products |
DB |
Query Processing in Parallel Relational Database Systems |
DB |
Limits to Parallel Computation P-Completeness Theory |
Scheduling and Load Balancing in Parallel and Distributed Systems |
Shirazi, Hurson and Kavi |
OSF DCE Guide to Developing Distributed Application |
Foundations of Parallel Programming A Machine-Independent Approach |
Lewis |
The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms |
Distributed Systems - 2nd Edition |
Mullender |
Concurrent Programming |
Burns and Davies |
Architectural Alternative for Exploiting Parallelism |
Lilja |
12th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation |
IEEE Computer Society |
Global States and Time in Distributed Systems |
Yang and Marshland |
Parallel Computers Theory and Practice |
Casavant, Tvrdik and Plasil |
Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis and Logical Design - A Software Engineering Approach |
Firesmith |
Object Solutions Managing the Object-Oriented Project |
Booch |
Object Success - A manager's guide to object orientation, its impact on the corporation and its use for reengineering the software process |
Meyer |
The CRC Card Book |
Bellin and Simone |
UML Distilled - Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language |
Fowler and Scott |
Understanding Object-Oriented Software Engineering |
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 1) |
Texel and Williams |
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 3) |
Texel and Williams |
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 4) |
Texel and Williams |
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 5) |
Texel and Williams |
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis - Modeling the World in Data |
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 2) |
Texel and Williams |
Object Development Methods |
Carmichael |
Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software |
Gamma, Helm, Johns, Vlissides |
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis - A Model Driven Approach |
Embley, Kurtz and Woodfield |
Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software |
Gamma, Helm, Johns, Vlissides |
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications |
Booch |
Object Lifecycles - Modeling the World in States |
Shaler and Mellor |
Objects in Action - Commercial Applications of Object-Oriented Technologies |
Harmon and Taylor |
Object Models Strategies, Patterns, and Applications |
Coad, North and Mayfield |
Object Orientation - Concepts, Languages, Databases, User Interfaces |
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design |
Rumbaugh, Blaha, Premerlani, Eddy and Lorensen |
Object-Oriented Software Development - A Practical Guide |
Object-Oriented Software Engineering - A Use Case Driven Approach |
Object Analysis and Design: Description of Methods |
Hutt |
C++ Primer Plus (CD ROM included) |
Prata |
PL |
Software Design Techniques for Large Ada Systems |
Byrne |
PL |
The Practical SQL Handbook - Using Structured Query Language |
Bowman, Emerson, Sarnovsky |
PL |
Software Systems Construction with Examples in Ada |
Sanden |
PL |
Software Engineering with Ada |
Booch and Bryan |
PL |
Software Components with Ada - Structures, Tools and Subsystems |
Booch |
PL |
Programming in Ada - Plus an Overview of Ada 9x |
PL |
Hooked on JAVA |
Van Hoff, Shaio and Starbuck |
PL |
Ada - Problem Solving & Program Design w/3.5 disk |
Feldman and Koffman |
PL |
IEEE Standard for Information Technology - POSIX Ada Language Interfaces - Part 1: Building for System Application Program Interface API) |
IEEE Std 1003.5-1992 |
PL |
Behavior Models - Specifying User's Expectations |
RE |
Domain Analysis and Software Systems Modeling |
Prieto-Diaz and Arango |
RE |
Rapid Evolutionary Development - Requirements, Prototyping and Software Creation |
Arthur |
RE |
Software Specification and Design - A Disciplined Approach for Real-Time Systems |
Shumate and Keller |
RE |
Standards, Guidelines, and Examples on System and Software Requirements Engineering (Copy 1) |
Dorfman and Thayer |
RE |
Standards, Guidelines, and Examples on System and Software Requirements Engineering (Copy 2) |
Dorfman and Thayer |
RE |
Systems and Software Requirements Engineering |
Thayer and Dorfman |
RE |
An Implementation Guide to Real-Time Programming |
Ripps |
RT |
Advances in Real-Time Systems |
Stankovic and Ramamritham |
RT |
Real-Time Object Oriented Modeling |
Selic, Gullekson and Ward |
RT |
Real-Time Systems Abstraction, Languages, and Design Methodologies |
Kavi |
RT |
Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis - An Engineers Handbook |
Laplante |
RT |
A Practical guide to Real-Time Systems Development |
RT |
Software Engineering Economics |
Boehm |
SC |
Implementing Configuration Management - Hardware, Software and Firmware |
Software Configuration Management |
Berlack |
Software Engineering |
Dorfman and Thayer |
SE |
The OLDUVAI Imperative - CASE and the State of Software Engineering Practice |
DeGrace and Stahl |
SE |
Strategies for Software Engineering - The Management of Risk and Quality |
SE |
Software Reliability Engineering |
Musa |
SE |
Software Engineering (IEEE Standards Collection 1994 Edition) |
SE |
Software Engineering Explained |
SE |
Software Engineering - A European Perspective |
Thayer and McGettrick |
SE |
Software by Design |
Salzman and Rosenthal |
SE |
201 Principles of Software Development |
SE |
Software Engineering - Programming Approach |
Bell, Morrey and Pugh |
SE |
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 5) |
Banks, Carson and Nelson |
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 4) |
Banks, Carson and Nelson |
Virtual Reality |
Chorafas and Steinmann |
Simulation Validation - A Confidence Assessment Methodology |
Knepell and Arangno |
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 3) |
Banks, Carson and Nelson |
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 2) |
Banks, Carson and Nelson |
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 1) |
Banks, Carson and Nelson |
Modeling and Simulation "Linking Entertainment and Defense |
National Research Council |
Software Risk Management |
Boehm |
SM |
Software Engineering Project Management |
SM |
Software Management - 4th Edition |
Reifer |
SM |
Managing Software Development Projects |
Whitten |
SM |
Making Software Development Visible - Effective Project Control |
SM |
Controlling Software Projects - Management, Measurement and Estimation |
DeMarco |
SM |
ISO 9000 for Software Developers |
SM |
Assessment and Control of Software Risks |
Jones |
SM |
Software Maintenance and Computers |
Longstreet |
SMaint |
Software Merging and Slicing |
Berzins |
SMaint |
Software Evolution - The Software Maintenance Challenge |
Arthur |
SMaint |
Software Metrics - Establishing a Company Wide Program |
Grady and Caswell |
SMet |
Derivation and Validation of Software Metrics |
SMet |
Measures for Excellence - Reliable Software on time, within budget |
Putnam and Myers |
SMet |
Object-Oriented Software Metrics |
Lorenz and Kidd |
SMet |
Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and Process Improvement |
SMet |
Software Metrics - A Practitioner's Guide to Improved Product Development |
Moller and Paulish |
SMet |
Structured Design - Fundamentals of a Discipline of Computer Program and Systems Design |
Yourdon and Constantine |
SMeth |
Structured Analysis and System Specification |
Demarco |
SMeth |
Evolutionary Systems Development - A Practical guide to the use of Prototyping within a structured systems methodology |
Crinnion |
SMeth |
Modern Structured Analysis |
Yourdon |
SMeth |
Effective Structured Techniques - from Strategy to Case |
Allen |
SMeth |
Technology Projection Modeling of Future Computer Systems |
Cutaia |
SP |
The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis |
SP |
Improving Software Quality - An Insider's Guide to TQM |
Arthur |
SQ |
Software Excellence |
Shiller |
SQ |
Software Review and Audits Handbook |
Hollocker |
SQ |
The Cleanroom Approach to Quality Software Development |
Dyer |
SQ |
Practical Software Reuse - Strategies for Introducing Reuse Concepts in your Organization |
Reifer |
SR |
Software Reengineering |
Arnold |
SR |
The Three R's of Software Automation - Re-engineering, Repository, Reusability |
McClure |
SR |
Software Reuse - Architecture, Process and Organization for Business Success |
Jacobson, Griss and Jonsson |
SR |
Software Reuse - Analysis Patterns - Reusable Object Models |
Fowler |
SR |
Software Reuse - Guidelines and Methods |
Hooper and Chester |
SR |
Reusable Software - The Base Object-Oriented Component Libraries |
Meyer |
SR |
3rd International Conference on Software Reuse - Advance in Software Reusability |
Frakes |
SR |
Software Reusability Volume 1 - Concepts and Models |
Biggerstaff and Perlis |
SR |
The Handbook of MIS Application Software Testing |
Mosley |
ST |
Conformance Testing Methodologies and Architectures for OSI Protocols |
Linn and Uyar |
ST |
Software Reliability and Testing |
Pham |
ST |
Test and Measurement 1997 Catalog |
Hewlett Packard |
T |
Test and Measurement 1996 Catalog |
Hewlett Packard |
T |
Test and Measurement 1996 Catalog |
Hewlett Packard |
T |
Interactive Software - Tools for Building Interactive User Interfaces |
Larson |
UI |
Modeling and Simulation Sensory Response for Real and Virtual Environments |
Proceedings of SPIE |
V |
Visual Object-Oriented Programming Concepts and Environments |
Burnett, Goldberg and Lewis |
V |
Visual Cues - Practical Data Visualization |
Keller |
V |
Virtual Environments and Advanced Interface Design |
V |
Understanding GIS - The ARC/INFO Method |
V |
The Image Processing Handbook - 2nd Edition |
Russ |
V |
The Dictionary of Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality |
V |
Systems Engineering Maturity and Benchmarking |
V |
Practical Optical Systems Design |
Fischer |
V |
Joint Strike Fighter Visual Library |
Naval Air Systems Command |
V |
Graphics File Formats a reference and guide |
V |
Environmental Remote Sensing from Regional to Global Scales |
Foody and Curran |
V |
Digital Image Processing |
Chellappa |
V |
Digital Illusion - Entertaining the Future with High Technology |
Dodsworth |
V |
ARC MACRO Language - Developing ARC/INFO menus and macros with AML |
V |
Visualization in Geographic Information Systems |
Hearnshaw and Unwin |
V |
Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation - 3rd Edition |
Lillesand and Kiefer |
V |