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Book List by Section
Title Author Section
Breaking the Phalanx "A New Design for Landpower in the 21st Century" MacGregor, Douglas AFS
When Things Start to Think Neil Gershenfeld AI
Artificial Neural Networks Concepts and Control Applications Vemuri AI
Artificial Neural Networks Concepts and Theory Mehra and Wah AI
Computers and Human Language Smith AI
Neural Networks A Comprehensive Foundation Haykin AI
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition Bishop AI
Spoken Natural Language Dialog Systems Smith and Hipp AI
CASE Current Practice Future Prospects Spurr and Layzell C
Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Chikofsky C
Computer Generated Forces (CGF) Assessment SAUS-OR Nov 1995 CGF
Video Simulation Tests Natural Selection, Inc. CGF
Strategies for Effective Human Computer Interation - The Voice Input-Output Testbed MITRE - 1997 CGF
Simulating an Intelligently Interactive Adversary Natural Selection, Inc - Sep 1996 CGF
Simulating an Intelligently Interactive Adversary Natural Selection, Inc - Sep 1996 CGF
Modular Semi-Automated Forces (ModSAF) Preexperiments Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A) Report DOA - August 1996 CGF
Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation 1998 CGF
Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation 1991 CGF
Computer Generated Forces (CGF) Assessment AMSAA 1996 CGF
Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation 1996 CGF
Handbook of Computer Communications Standards (Vol. 2) Local Network Standards William Stallings COM
Network and Internetwork Security Principles and Practice
The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog O'Reilly and Associates Inc COM
Handbook of Computer Communications Standards (Vol. 3) Department of Defense (DoD) Protocol Standards William Stallings COM
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach Peterson & Davie COM
Advances in ISDN and Broadband ISDN Stallings COM
ATM Theory and Application McDysan & Spohn COM
X.25 and Related Protocols Black COM
Handbook of Computer Communications Standards (Vol. 1) The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model & OSI-Related Standards William Stallings COM
Multidatabase Systems: An Advanced Solution for Global Information Sharing
Object-Oriented Databases Technology, Applications, and Products
Query Processing in Parallel Relational Database Systems
Limits to Parallel Computation P-Completeness Theory
Scheduling and Load Balancing in Parallel and Distributed Systems Shirazi, Hurson and Kavi DIST
OSF DCE Guide to Developing Distributed Application
Foundations of Parallel Programming A Machine-Independent Approach Lewis DIST
The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms
Distributed Systems - 2nd Edition Mullender DIST
Concurrent Programming Burns and Davies DIST
Architectural Alternative for Exploiting Parallelism Lilja DIST
12th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation IEEE Computer Society DIST
Global States and Time in Distributed Systems Yang and Marshland DIST
Parallel Computers Theory and Practice Casavant, Tvrdik and Plasil DIST
Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis and Logical Design - A Software Engineering Approach Firesmith OOM
Object Solutions Managing the Object-Oriented Project Booch OOM
Object Success - A manager's guide to object orientation, its impact on the corporation and its use for reengineering the software process Meyer OOM
The CRC Card Book Bellin and Simone OOM
UML Distilled - Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language Fowler and Scott OOM
Understanding Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 1) Texel and Williams OOM
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 3) Texel and Williams OOM
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 4) Texel and Williams OOM
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 5) Texel and Williams OOM
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis - Modeling the World in Data
Use Cases combined with Booch OMT UML (Copy 2) Texel and Williams OOM
Object Development Methods Carmichael OOM
Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software Gamma, Helm, Johns, Vlissides OOM
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis - A Model Driven Approach Embley, Kurtz and Woodfield OOM
Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software Gamma, Helm, Johns, Vlissides OOM
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Booch OOM
Object Lifecycles - Modeling the World in States Shaler and Mellor OOM
Objects in Action - Commercial Applications of Object-Oriented Technologies Harmon and Taylor OOM
Object Models Strategies, Patterns, and Applications Coad, North and Mayfield OOM
Object Orientation - Concepts, Languages, Databases, User Interfaces
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design Rumbaugh, Blaha, Premerlani, Eddy and Lorensen OOM
Object-Oriented Software Development - A Practical Guide
Object-Oriented Software Engineering - A Use Case Driven Approach
Object Analysis and Design: Description of Methods Hutt OOM
C++ Primer Plus (CD ROM included) Prata PL
Software Design Techniques for Large Ada Systems Byrne PL
The Practical SQL Handbook - Using Structured Query Language Bowman, Emerson, Sarnovsky PL
Software Systems Construction with Examples in Ada Sanden PL
Software Engineering with Ada Booch and Bryan PL
Software Components with Ada - Structures, Tools and Subsystems Booch PL
Programming in Ada - Plus an Overview of Ada 9x
Hooked on JAVA Van Hoff, Shaio and Starbuck PL
Ada - Problem Solving & Program Design w/3.5 disk Feldman and Koffman PL
IEEE Standard for Information Technology - POSIX Ada Language Interfaces - Part 1: Building for System Application Program Interface API) IEEE Std 1003.5-1992 PL
Behavior Models - Specifying User's Expectations
Domain Analysis and Software Systems Modeling Prieto-Diaz and Arango RE
Rapid Evolutionary Development - Requirements, Prototyping and Software Creation Arthur RE
Software Specification and Design - A Disciplined Approach for Real-Time Systems Shumate and Keller RE
Standards, Guidelines, and Examples on System and Software Requirements Engineering (Copy 1) Dorfman and Thayer RE
Standards, Guidelines, and Examples on System and Software Requirements Engineering (Copy 2) Dorfman and Thayer RE
Systems and Software Requirements Engineering Thayer and Dorfman RE
An Implementation Guide to Real-Time Programming Ripps RT
Advances in Real-Time Systems Stankovic and Ramamritham RT
Real-Time Object Oriented Modeling Selic, Gullekson and Ward RT
Real-Time Systems Abstraction, Languages, and Design Methodologies Kavi RT
Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis - An Engineers Handbook Laplante RT
A Practical guide to Real-Time Systems Development
Software Engineering Economics Boehm SC
Implementing Configuration Management - Hardware, Software and Firmware
Software Configuration Management Berlack SCM
Software Engineering Dorfman and Thayer SE
The OLDUVAI Imperative - CASE and the State of Software Engineering Practice DeGrace and Stahl SE
Strategies for Software Engineering - The Management of Risk and Quality
Software Reliability Engineering Musa SE
Software Engineering (IEEE Standards Collection 1994 Edition) IEEE SE
Software Engineering Explained
Software Engineering - A European Perspective Thayer and McGettrick SE
Software by Design Salzman and Rosenthal SE
201 Principles of Software Development
Software Engineering - Programming Approach Bell, Morrey and Pugh SE
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 5) Banks, Carson and Nelson SIM
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 4) Banks, Carson and Nelson SIM
Virtual Reality Chorafas and Steinmann SIM
Simulation Validation - A Confidence Assessment Methodology Knepell and Arangno SIM
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 3) Banks, Carson and Nelson SIM
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 2) Banks, Carson and Nelson SIM
Discrete-Event System Simulation (Copy 1) Banks, Carson and Nelson SIM
Modeling and Simulation "Linking Entertainment and Defense National Research Council SIM
Software Risk Management Boehm SM
Software Engineering Project Management
Software Management - 4th Edition Reifer SM
Managing Software Development Projects Whitten SM
Making Software Development Visible - Effective Project Control
Controlling Software Projects - Management, Measurement and Estimation DeMarco SM
ISO 9000 for Software Developers
Assessment and Control of Software Risks Jones SM
Software Maintenance and Computers Longstreet SMaint
Software Merging and Slicing Berzins SMaint
Software Evolution - The Software Maintenance Challenge Arthur SMaint
Software Metrics - Establishing a Company Wide Program Grady and Caswell SMet
Derivation and Validation of Software Metrics
Measures for Excellence - Reliable Software on time, within budget Putnam and Myers SMet
Object-Oriented Software Metrics Lorenz and Kidd SMet
Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and Process Improvement
Software Metrics - A Practitioner's Guide to Improved Product Development Moller and Paulish SMet
Structured Design - Fundamentals of a Discipline of Computer Program and Systems Design Yourdon and Constantine SMeth
Structured Analysis and System Specification Demarco SMeth
Evolutionary Systems Development - A Practical guide to the use of Prototyping within a structured systems methodology Crinnion SMeth
Modern Structured Analysis Yourdon SMeth
Effective Structured Techniques - from Strategy to Case Allen SMeth
Technology Projection Modeling of Future Computer Systems Cutaia SP
The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis
Improving Software Quality - An Insider's Guide to TQM Arthur SQ
Software Excellence Shiller SQ
Software Review and Audits Handbook Hollocker SQ
The Cleanroom Approach to Quality Software Development Dyer SQ
Practical Software Reuse - Strategies for Introducing Reuse Concepts in your Organization Reifer SR
Software Reengineering Arnold SR
The Three R's of Software Automation - Re-engineering, Repository, Reusability McClure SR
Software Reuse - Architecture, Process and Organization for Business Success Jacobson, Griss and Jonsson SR
Software Reuse - Analysis Patterns - Reusable Object Models Fowler SR
Software Reuse - Guidelines and Methods Hooper and Chester SR
Reusable Software - The Base Object-Oriented Component Libraries Meyer SR
3rd International Conference on Software Reuse - Advance in Software Reusability Frakes SR
Software Reusability Volume 1 - Concepts and Models Biggerstaff and Perlis SR
The Handbook of MIS Application Software Testing Mosley ST
Conformance Testing Methodologies and Architectures for OSI Protocols Linn and Uyar ST
Software Reliability and Testing Pham ST
Test and Measurement 1997 Catalog Hewlett Packard T
Test and Measurement 1996 Catalog Hewlett Packard T
Test and Measurement 1996 Catalog Hewlett Packard T
Interactive Software - Tools for Building Interactive User Interfaces Larson UI
Modeling and Simulation Sensory Response for Real and Virtual Environments Proceedings of SPIE V
Visual Object-Oriented Programming Concepts and Environments Burnett, Goldberg and Lewis V
Visual Cues - Practical Data Visualization Keller V
Virtual Environments and Advanced Interface Design
Understanding GIS - The ARC/INFO Method
The Image Processing Handbook - 2nd Edition Russ V
The Dictionary of Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Systems Engineering Maturity and Benchmarking
Practical Optical Systems Design Fischer V
Joint Strike Fighter Visual Library Naval Air Systems Command V
Graphics File Formats a reference and guide
Environmental Remote Sensing from Regional to Global Scales Foody and Curran V
Digital Image Processing Chellappa V
Digital Illusion - Entertaining the Future with High Technology Dodsworth V
ARC MACRO Language - Developing ARC/INFO menus and macros with AML
Visualization in Geographic Information Systems Hearnshaw and Unwin V
Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation - 3rd Edition Lillesand and Kiefer V