One Day At
A Time
When life is good, and all seems bright,
you don't have to worry if the
day will come out right;
But if trouble comes,
and you are filled with despair, and you know in
your heart that no one will care;
Take it one day at a time.
One day at a time,
we can be patient and strong;
One day at a time, but the day is sometimes long;
the heart is not brave
and the soul is not strong;
"dear God, we pray,
be near all the way, to give courage and strength ,
just for the day"
Swift comes His answer, so clear and sweet:
"I will be with you, your troubles to meet;
I will never forget you, nor fail you when you grieve;
I will never forsake you, I will never leave"
Not yesterday's loads are we called on to bear;
nor tomorrow's uncertain and shadowy care;
Why should we look forward,
or backward with dismay;
Our needs, as our mercies, are but for Today1
One day at a time, the day is His day;
He has numbered it's hours,
though they hasten or delay.
His grace is sufficient, we walk not alone;
As the day goes, so his strength goes,
He gives us his own!
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