Now it's August 2nd 2001 and I jumped out of my sleep around 11:30 AM in Tallahassee! O my God I said I'm late today is the concert and the journey is 6-8 hours long. I gotta go I gotta go I'm seeing Nsync today in Miami. Hopped on the I-10 heading eastbound, sped through Madison County @ 90 miles an hour (for anyone who has ever gone to school in Tallahassee knows do not speed through Madison County cause 98% of the time you will get a ticket) I'm sitting there OOH IM LATE Gotta get to Miami before 7:30.

Cleared I-10 in 45 minutes it's usually hour and fifteen, hopped on the I-75 usually they're police free most of the time so I took my chances, increased my speed up to 95 miles an hour (keep in mind I am driving a 2001 Honda Accord) Got to Gainesville in 30 minutes that's also usually an hour, oh man I gotta get my cousin she's going to the concert with me, she's in another city about an hour from Miami. YAY i'm in Wilwood within an Hour so far that's two hours and 15 minutes I'm on the highway, only highway left is the Florida Turnpike I knew if I get to Orlando soon I knew I had around 3 hours of the journey left, I know I can do this! Then! it happened! IT STARTED RAINING!!!!

Oh no not RAIN! I can't speed in Rain and the concert is still about 5 hours away. Slowed down to around 50 miles an hour, oh it's not looking good, I'm just outside Orlando and I gotta get to the show and traffic is basically crawling on the turnpike. To calm myself down I played my copy of "Celebrity" and attempt to sing along to some of the songs, until I get to Girlfriend then I kinda just kept it on repeat. Ok back to the rain, closer and closer the sign said Ocoee exit 2 miles, woohoo Grandma's house gee can't stop today gotta keep going. Ok a window of opportunity came up, the rain finally eased a bit or so I thought. It's now 3:00 and I am now in Orlando officially great I might be able just in time to see an opening act. But first gotta stop and fill up the tank again, so I pumped gas and made a potty stop and hopped back on the highway.

Woohoo!! A Grand Cherokee flew by me at a high speed, now for all you who don't have a DL yet here's the thing. If you're in a rush and another vehicle passes you at a high rate of speed! Get behind it, they're what I call the Just In Case cars, you heard me right just in case, "Justin Case A Highway Patrol is checking Speeds Ahead they'll get the ticket instead of you hehehe". He was doing 95 in the rain on the wet road, but that's what I called a hydro ride all I wanted to do is make it home to see my guys and you know my hopes are getting really high now cause I'm moments away from seeing my guys. Did I mention that it started to pour again but I was there right behind the cherokee and I knew they were going my way because not only are they heading in that direction cause they broward county tags.

OOOH I'm getting closer now cause I just passed the sign that said now entering palm beach county. I'm getting closer and closer, I can just imagine the sweat dripping off Lance and staring at him while he attempts to thrust it one time for me babeh. Then I noticed the strangest thing, I'm seeing tourbuses heading north. There were two of them and one of them looked like they had a bodyguard sitting in the front seat. Now I'm sitting there saying I need some sleep cause now I'm hallucinating cause I swore that was one of the guards. But it can't be Nsync cause they're getting ready to perform so it can't be their bus heading northbound on the turnpike. Now I'm acting stupid now cause I'm attempting to dance and sing "im gonna see nnnnnnnnnsync im gonna see nnnnnnnssssync."

I looked at the clock in my car it said 4:15. Now I'm thinking DANG I made it in four and half hours now keep in mind it's a six hour journey damn! I'll admit it I deserved a ticket for that. Anyway moving on, FINALLY SOME SIGN OF BEING NEAR "ENTERING BROWARD COUNTY". Now I'm thinking to myself ooo turn off the cd player and go to Y-100 cause you know they gotta be at the show. Then it HAPPENED the KENNY WALKER came on and said "IF YOU HEARD THE RUMORS YOU HEARD IT RIGHT THE NSYNC CONCERT IS CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN, BUT IT WILL BE RESCHEDULED, YOU HEARD RIGHT THE CONCERT IS POSPONED TILL FURTHER NOTICE, THE GUYS FEEL BAD ABOUT CANCELLING AND ARE ALREADY ON THEIR WAY TO SAN ANTONIO BUT THEY'LL BE BACK." Oh FUCK NO! that's what I said out loud in the car, I'm thinking forty bucks in gas, thirteen dollars and forty cents in toll and for WHAT! A weekend with my mom and my sister and her two kids AAAAAAHHHHH shoot me now! Not to mention the time off I took from work! and NO NSYNC. This gotta be a prank or something, soon as i got home I called my other Nsync buddy in Miami and she confirmed it for me sniff sniff i wanna cry, but first I gotta kill two of my friends who just the night before were like hahahahaha they're gonna cancel your show and when they do we'll laugh at you. I GOT ONE THING TO SAY TO BOTH OF YA'LL "SCREW YA'LL" :::FLIP YA'LL OFF TOO:::!

So that was it I made my journey and that was my outcome. I guess my punishment for speeding was not seeing Nsync! Now I wonder if I promise not to speed again will they try again and reschedule for Pro Player? Heck I'll even do the Orange Bowl would you even consider the cereal bowl, I just wanna see them perform, is that too much to ask?

I Want To Go Home

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Or back to humor More Laughs PLEASE
