Why is it that they forgot to flush the urinals and wash their hands before they ran out in the MTV superbowl commercial.

Why is it that Joey talks before he think about what he wants to say. EVIDENCE: They have to practice taking the stage together and putting it apart.

Why is it that Lance seems to be afraid of grabbing himself.

Why is it that JC is so Cheap, wow he updated his car from a Cherokee to a Ford. Note to JC: You got Money LIVE A LITTLE. Ford and Cherokee same price range.

Why is it that Chris Broke up with Dani as soon as I was starting to like her.

Why is it that everytime you see Nsync somewhere you see Britney Spears. Note to Britney: You're already a Star and we all Know you are seeing Justin geez enough already.

Why is it that JC seems to be looking like a werewolf these days.

Why is it that Justin has been Changing his hair styles so often.

Why is it that Lance is running low on dates. Note to Lance: I Still Love you and will date you. lol

Why is the Lance was looking at that girls butt in the This I Promise You Video when she walked by.

Why did Steven Tyler looked at Lance after they Sang Dude Looks Like Lady. Are you trying to tell us he is a lady.

Why is it that Chris' Marionette looks like it should have been one of them in Puppet Master.

Why did JC kicked Chris in the face on the Making of the Tour Tape. NOTE: WATCH CLOSELY AND YOU'LL SEE IT, it's Much clearer if you have a DVD. NOTE TO CHRIS: YOU GOT KNOCKED THE F*CK OUT.

Why is it that Lance seems to take his Momma everywhere.

Why is it that Lance has a cocker Spaniel like Mine (same color too) cept she's a girl.

Why is it that we don't see Justin in wifebeaters anymore.

Why is it that Joey had a Champagne bottle in the Making the Tour Video.

Why is it that I find Myself listening to Britney Spears Everyday.

Why is it that Justin likes to play peek-a-boo. EVIDENCE: He moved from one side to the other with Chris on the N The Mix Tape and did the same with a tree on the Making the Tour Tape.

Why was Joey attacking that girl on the Making the Tour tape during the Pyro display.

Why am I not surprised at Joey becoming a daddy. The guy's got enormous feet,he's perverted and dirty, he's clumsy, and everything he wears seems to tear on him. Why couldn't we see it coming? - thanx CeCe

Why won't Lance make up his make up his mind if he wants to have facial hair or not. NOTE TO LANCE: Grow the darn thing.

Why is it that Joey acted in a movie about a greek family and he's Italian.

Why did JC lick the Floor in the Concert on HBO. NOTE TO JC. I see you like licking "carpets".

Why is it so hard to find a concept behind This I Promise You.

Why is it that Lance's eyebrows Still Looks better than mine.

Why did Just made that really loud belch on the Maury Povich Show. Note to Justin: I know your mommy taught you better than that.

Why do I miss hearing Lance saying "Cuz I'm From Mississippi".

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Email: lanceizpoofu@aol.com