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Pink & Lavender Panthers

Pink & Lavender Panthers

Hans-Peter Weingand The Rosalila PantherInnen, or Pink & Lavender Panthers, is a group of Gay men and women in Graz, Austria. For Ulrichs' 175th jubilee, Hans-Peter Weingand, Thomas Ehrlich, and Kurt Zernig, three members of the group, made their fourth visit to Ulrichs' grave.Kurt Zernig (Photo:Pride) Hans-Peter has been writing about Ulrichs since 1996, the year the trio made its first journey to L'Aquila.

This year, too, Hans-Peter wrote an item detailing his visit to Ulrichs' grave. The article begins with a description of a "motley gathering" of people at Ulrichs' grave. "All of them answered a call from the Internet" to join Max Consoli in order to celebrate Ulrichs' 175th jubilee.

In 1997, the Pink and Lavender Panthers continued with major restoration work on Ulrichs' grave. Armed with gravel, the proper tools, and trade tips, they followed up on the repairs to Ulrichs' gravestone begun in 1995 by members of the Göttingen (Germany) Gay Center. The stone is now even fitted with a stainless steel foundation, and it is less likely to crack or break any further.

Hans-Peter, Thomas Ehrlich & Kurt Zernig Members of the Pink and Lavender Panthers are calling for funds to purchase a memorial plaque, to be placed on one of the buildings in L'Aquila in which Ulrichs lived. Email them for more information.

Hans-Peter's written contribution to the Jubilee 2000: "Karl Heinrich Ulrichs: Wie aus dem ersten Schwulen der Weltgeschichte ein geachteter Bürger wurde" (KHU: How a Respected Citizen Became the First Gay Person in World History), Lambda Nachrichten (Lambda News) Literary Section, no. 4 (2000): 59-63.

  • See also this article on Ulrichs by Hans-Peter (Aug. 2000)
  • Select this link for Hans-Peter's latest article on Ulrichs in Pride (Oct. 2000): Page 1 Page 2, which you can also read in English
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