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Alex enjoys a meal and some quiet time with Mommy and Daddy

Mommy can I have some more of those yummy carrots?

Thank You, Mommy - You're the BEST!

Can you see my two teeth! Now I know what I want for Christmas...

...All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!

Alex definitely favors his Mommy at this point...

But he definitely has his Daddy's smile!

I'm a cool little kid! I look like both Mommy and Daddy!

Mom, could give me a hand out of this thing? I have to go potty!

Boy, I feel so much better after I get out of all those dress clothes!

Mommy...Aunt Diana's having a bad hair day!

That's funny, Daddy! Do it again! Do it again!

Alex and Aunt Diana are zonked on the couch after lunch Sunday afternoon....By the way, look at all those gray hairs!

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