Chapter Thirteen

Thin streams of light filtered into the dimly lit room as a light breeze waved through the sheer curtains. Birds could be heard chirping softly outside the open window, greeting the new day.

Clothes scattered around the floor of the room appeared only as motionless heaps, unrecognizable as actual articles of clothing. The bed sheets were twisted around the comforter, as the occupant lay contorted beneath.

A slight stirring under the covers signaled the figure beneath to be wakening. A deep intake of breath, followed by a slight snorting confirmed the assumption.

Lois yawned, stretching a slender arm over her head as she tapped her fingers on the headboard above her. Tucking back into a ball, she rolled over and glanced at the clock. 7:45am.

Closing her eyes again, she groaned. She was expected at work by ten at the latest. She didn't have any appointments until after eleven, but needed to work out some drafts before hand.

But the last thing on her mind right now was work. All she could think about was the restless nights sleep she had had, and the reasons behind it.

She couldn't really understand why she had been so restless all night. She had spent the majority of her night eating junk food and watching old episodes of the Osbournes. She loved to do that. She had a relatively hectic lifestyle, so any relaxation she could obtain was usually greatly appreciated.

But last night was not as much fun as it should have been. Or had been in the past.

All she could think about was that Joey was out on a date.

And that drove her insane.

She had no idea why it bothered her so much, and hell would surely freeze over before she would ever admit that was why she was irritated, but it bothered her never the less.

Joey had been on thousands of dates during their friendship. More than Lois could ever be able to count, she was sure. So why was this one bothering her so much? It was just part of a bet they had made, and he was following through with what was expected of him. Hell, Lois had been the one to pick the girl out. She practically set them up. Then why was she sitting on her couch until two in the morning, eating ice cream and barely laughing at Ozzy as he yet again swore at the dog for crapping on the floor?

The only thing she could come up with was that it was because of the fact that this girl was a little different from the girls he normally went out with. This girl, was a little too much like Lois. And that wasnt necessarily a good thing. In Lois' mind, anyway.

She had spent the rest of her night, after going to bed, pondering that exact thought. And what did she come up with?

Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

That probably bothered her as much as the actual fact that Joey was on the date. The fact that she couldn't figure out why it bothered her.

Lois was not a person to be irked easily. She was relatively easy going, and didn't care much for the usual pressures of life. Most of the worlds problems were brought upon people by their own minds, and Lois had learned that early on, believing it to be true. She swore to never let anything that wasn't really important bother her. In her opinion, if it wouldn't matter next week, don't stress about it now.

But she wasn't sure that this wouldn't be a problem next week. Really, she had a little less than four weeks before this particular problem was going to go away.

She had thought of that many times. But something else she realized when thinking of this, was the inevitable question: What if Joey actually began to like this girl? Actually, truly like her.

Sure, it was just a bet to them at first, but what if actual feelings developed during the course of their game? It had been thought about only a few times, and Lois was pretty sure that she wouldn't have to worry about it. Joey rarely ever got attached to people that easily, with the exception of his close friends. Sure, there was the odd person here and there, but on the whole he was a relatively closed off person. Deep down, anyways.

To the world he was outgoing and friendly. Would talk to anyone, and life was a party. Which, in part, was true. But when it came down to people who actually mattered to him, he was quite selective. He didn't give his heart to just anyone. And his trust was sometimes even harder to gain than Lois'.

During the course of her night, her thoughts would occasionally drift to Brian.

As usual, she would smile at the thought of him.

He was a great guy, she had to admit. She wasn't quite sure why Joey had picked him to be her conquest. She had gotten into his life rather easily. She knew it wasn't wise to think that way, because that usually sparked an episode to prove yourself wrong, but the thought arose anyway.

Brian was fun. Attractive. Friendly and sweet. He did things that Lois knew guys did, sometimes, like open doors for women and paid for the meals. She supposed she was a little too modern, being a little shocked when she realized this to be true about him, but it was also one of the things she liked most.

But when she would actually think of the chances of her falling for Brian, she didn't get that feeling.

She was a true believer that when you met the person you were meant to be with, you would know. She wasn't necessarily a romantic person, but this was one old fashioned fable she held tight to.

Lauren would laugh at her sometimes, saying that Lois was such a hardass, but still believed that Disney movie mentality of the 'meant to be'. Lois would dismiss her laughter, saying that was just something she really believed. Which was why she hadn't had a serious relationship in a while. She hadn't had 'that feeling'.

She really liked Brian, but that feeling wasn't there. She could honestly see herself having a wonderful friendship with him, but not a long term romantic future. She wasn't exactly sure what it was that made her know that for sure, but she did.

Which wasn't really a bad thing. Again, this was just a bet, and it was better that real feelings of the heart didn't get mixed in to this, but still. She had to wonder why she wasn't feeling 'that feeling.' Brian was an amazing man, she still she felt nothing more than admiration and friendship.

Which again, made her thoughts travel to why she wasn't feeling that way.

She began to question herself. Was she incapable of feeling that way? Was she never going to meet anyone who made her even consider a long term relationship? Was she incapable of being with anyone longer than it took to eat a pudding cup?

Those thoughts depressed her, so she began to think back to Joey. Not that those thoughts were any less depressing, considering he was out with another girl instead of there with her, making her laugh, pulling her toes and generally pissing her off, but it was better than questioning her like ability.

By around four in the morning, she had gotten sick of thinking, and tired to turn her brain off. It didn't work too well at first, but after a long night of ice cream, Ozzy, and thinking, she had finally fallen asleep.

Now, she was awake again, feeling as if she had never even slept at all.

Opening her eyes again, she looked around her messy room. She really did need to clean one of these days. Either that or pay Justin to do it.

Rubbing her tired eyes, she pulled back the twisted mess of blankets and rolled out of bed. Sluffing into her bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face to help her wake up, and try and wash away all the thoughts still rushing through her head.

Returning to her room, she set out her work clothes across the chair in the corner, before heading for her door.

The moment she opened her bedroom door and looked out into the kitchen, she wished she hadn't gotten out of bed.

The last thing anyone needed to see first thing in the morning was Justin Timberlake, wearing only his boxers, drinking milk from the carton, and greeting them with a loud burp.

"Mornin' Lolo" Justin greeted with a proud smile after completing, what he was sure, was one of his better burping moments. He really wished he had taped that one. Chris would have been proud.

Rolling her eyes, Lois emerged from her doorway. "Justin, you are such a pig."

"Oink, oink, baby." he grinned.

Walking up to the counter, Lois hopped up onto a stool, resting her elbows on the countertop.

"Justin," she yawned. "Why the hell cant you just pour the milk into a glass like a normal person?"

"I never do anything like a normal person." he stated as he replaced the milk carton back in the fridge.

"Yeah, I know," she smirked. "Lauren told me."

Justin turned, gawking at her in shock. He was just about to protest, before Lois cut him off.

"What are you doing here, anyways?" she asked, giving him an annoyed look.

He wiggled his eyebrows at her. "You don't remember last night, baby?"

"No, I do remember having a nightmare." she said, tilting her head in thought. "But I don't remember anything quite that bad."

She grinned at herself. A bad nights sleep, an early morning, and she was still able to poke fun at Justin with award winning style. God, she was good.

Justin only grumbled obscenities in response as she rummaged through the fridge in search of something to eat.

"So, Joey had a date last night, eh?" he called, his back to Lois.

Lois only nodded, with a soft "Uh-huh."

"Sounds like he had a good time." Justin said as he emerged from the fridge, a carton of eggs in his hand.

"You talked to him?" Lois said, her surprise easily registered.

"Yeah," Justin answered. "There was a message on the machine here when Lauren and I got home last night. You didn't hear it?"

Lois shook her head.

"Oh, well, yeah. You were in bed when we got about around one or so, and there was a message from Joey. He said he just wanted to let you know he had a really good time with Rae, and that you should probably bring those plans over to his place, because he has a few alterations he wants you to make on them before he wins." Justin explained as he cracked several eggs and dropped them into a now hot pan. Tossing in some hash browns and bacon, Justin screamed when the bacon spit at him, a hot dribble of bacon fat landing on his bare chest.

"Justin, don't scream like such a girl," Lois reprimanded. "I don't want our neighbors thinking something is wrong over here."

"Shut up, Lolo" he whined as he rubbed the sore spot on his chest.

Sighing loudly, Lois dropped her head into her folded arms. "So, he had a good time?"

"Sounds like it." Justin replied as he dodged another spit of the bacon.

"What the hell are you making, anyway?" Lois had to ask.

"A JRT special." he nodded proudly.

"Oh God, Justin, no." she whined. "Last time you tried to make that you almost burned the place down!"

"At the risk of sounded redundant, SHUT UP!" he whined. "Besides, Ive been practicing."

"Is that why Lauren had to go out and buy you knew pots and pans the other week?" Lois asked, a sly smile on her face.

Justin immediately frowned. He never said a word.

Turning her head on her arms to look out the window, Lois sighed.

She had figured Joey would have a good time last night on his date, but now hearing it confirmed, she felt that twinge in her stomach again. The one she had tired to ignore all evening, and the same one that had kept her up all night thinking a million and one stupid things.

But still, she couldn't quite place that twinge. What kind of feeling was it?

Shrugging to herself, she dismissed it as PMS. She always got wacky around that time of the month. Hell, once she even thought JC was trying to get her into bed, because he said she looked nice one day. JC spent the rest of the day trying to avoid Lois and her wandering hands.

"Oh," Justin spoke up as he flipped an egg. "Kayla called. Lance, her, JC and Mel are going to some thing at Mels work, and Kay wants to borrow your red dress."

"Mmkay." Lois said, her voice quiet.

Kayla was Lances girlfriend of almost two years. Lois still remembered the day she had set them up. It was one of her better attempts at match making. Considering it was the only one that actually worked.

Kayla was working with a sister of a coworker of Lois'. Kayla taught deaf children sign language, and Lois' coworkers sister was an administrator at the center where Kayla worked.

Lois had met her a couple times, and thought she would be perfect for Lance.

Lucky for her, she was. They hit it off immediately, and she still loved to remind them that it was her who set them up.

Mel, also known as Melissa, was JCs girlfriend. They had only been dating for a few months, but things were going well. Oddly enough, they had met at McDonalds while JC was waiting for Joey to get out of the bathroom. JC hadn't realized he was leaning on the door to the womans rest room, and when Mel opened the door, JC had fallen inside. Needless to say, it wasn't one of his smoothest moments, but it worked anyway.

"Okay, dokay!" Justin exclaimed excitedly. "Two JRT specials!"

Lois was almost afraid to turn and look at whatever Justin had just placed in front of her. He wasn't known for his cooking skills. Sure, the man could sing, dance, and had a body you would love to eat hot fudge off of, but cooking he could not do.

Cautiously looking up, she was almost shocked out of her seat when she noticed that nothing on her plate was burnt. This really was a first for Justin.

"Dont look so surprised, Lolo" Justin smiled.

"Sorry, J, but this is the first time you ever cooked without setting the smoke alarm off." she noted.

"What can I say, I'm good." he smiled as he sat in the seat beside her, placing his plate in front of him.

Popping a small amount of food in her mouth, Lois smiled. "Wow, J, this is actually good."

"Again, don't be so surprised." he smiled.

Looking over, Lois noticed that he hadn't yet eaten anything from his plate. "What are you waiting for?" she asked.

"Just wanna make sure you don't die before I eat anything." he stated. "I have fans that love me."

Lois pinched his arm before moving over to put a chair between them.

Laughing, Justin turned to his plate and filled his fork. Shoving more food in his mouth than any normal person should, he chewed happily when he didn't taste burnt chunkies, as he liked to call them.

"Mmmm," he grinned. "Hello, bliss, my name is Justin."

Lois rolled her eyes at him. She hated it when he introduced himself to inanimate objects. Something he did way too often.

Swallowing his food, Justin turned to Lois. "So, how is your thing with Brian going?"

Lois shrugged. "Good. We had lunch yesterday."

"I know that. Remember, I'm your ref." he stated as he shoved more food in his mouth. "I wanna know the juicy details here girl, I need the info to help make an accurate decision when this thing is over." he continued, a chunk of egg falling from his mouth.

"Ugh, Justin, for fuck sake don't talk with your mouth full!" she scolded. "I don't want egg bits all over my kitchen."

He waited until he had swallowed before continuing. "So? How is it going?"

"Fine, I said." Lois shrugged again.

"Kissed him yet?" Justin asked.

"No." Lois replied, looking at him funny.

"Huh" Justin commented, his lip sticking out in thought. "Why?"

"I don't know, Justin. Maybe he's a gentleman and is taking is slow? Maybe I'm not going to just jam my tongue down his throat?"

"Why not?" he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Shut up." she replied.

"Well, then I guess Joey is winning so far." Justin commented as he took a sip of his orange juice.

"Why?" The moment the question was asked, Lois wished she hadn't open her mouth. Deep down, she knew she didn't want to know the answer.

"Because he already kissed Rae." Justin said, not noticing the almost painful expression that immediately overtook Lois' features.

Lois made sure to regain the control of the look on her face before Justin noticed, immediately saying something smart ass in response. "Well, trust Joey to move it right along."

Justin laughed. "Now don't be bitter just cause you aint gettin' any."

"Shut up, Justin." she frowned.

"Aw, poor Lois. Shes all sexually frustrated and had no one to take it out on." he teased.

"I have you to take other frustrations out on Justin, so I would shut up if I were you!" she warned.

"You cant touch me." he smiled proudly. "Lauren wont let ya!"

"Dont be so sure of that Justin." a third voice entered the conversation.

Lauren yawned as she exited her room, joining the two at the counter. "JRT specials?" she asked Lois.

"Yup" Justin answered before Lois had the chance. "And I didn't even set off the fire alarm"

Smiling at him, Lauren kissed the side of his head. "Im so proud of you." she grinned. "My baby finally learned how to cook eggs."

Justin didn't bother to notice that she was making fun of him, instead smiling tauntingly at Lois as he shoved another fork full of food in his mouth.

"Oh, hey, Lois." Lauren called as she stepped up to the fridge. "What was wrong with the phone last night?"

Lois did bothering looking up as she answered. "I was trying to have a peaceful night, so I took it off the hook. Why?"

"Because I tired calling you last night, and only go the machine." Lauren called over her shoulder as she grabbed the empty carton of milk and shot Justin an angry glare. He only smiled sweetly in return.

Lois shrugged in response. "What did you want?"

"Nothing much." Lauren yawned again. "Justin and I went to that new games place downtown. You know, the arcade, pool hall, basketball thing. Like Chuck E Cheese."

"Its not like Chuck E Cheese!" Justin whined. "Its a grownup place, dammit!"

Lauren only rolled her eyes at him as she continued. "Anyways, I wanted to call and tell you that I saw Brian there last night."

Lois' head immediately looked up from her plate. "What?"

"Yeah, he was there with his nephew." she smiled.

"You talked to him?" Lois gawked, her eyes popping from her head.

"No, but I heard him mention to someone that the kid was his nephew." Lauren answered, as she grabbed a fork and began to eat from Justins plate. Justin tried to swat her away, but she other stabbed him with her fork before continuing to eat. "It was cute."

Lois didn't say anything. She only stared at her cousin.

She was almost panicking when Lauren said she had seen Brian. Even though she had agreed to go along with it, Lois knew that Lauren didn't approve of the bet she had going with Joey. She immediately thought the worst, and figured Lauren had told Brian everything.

"Did you hear about Joeys date?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah." Lois answered, her voice dull.


"And what?" Lois asked, looking up to stare at Lauren.

"Are you having second thoughts about this bet yet?" Lauren asked.

"No. Why would I?" Lois said, shrugging. God, she had been doing that a lot this morning.

"I don't know. Maybe just thinking about him out there having fun with someone else when he would normally be having fun with you would make you have second thoughts." Lauren smiled knowingly.

"Ha! Lois is jealous! Lois is jealous!" Justin taunted as he bounced in his seat.

Reaching over to poke him with her fork, Lois frowned. "No I'm not." she grumbled. "We don't spend that much time together, Lala. Jesus, you're acting as if I'm a jealous ex or something."

Lauren only shrugged. "No, not a jealous ex." she corrected. "Just someone who may feel a little threatened. Or worried that they may lose something they didn't realize they wanted, until someone else had it."

Lois only gawked at Lauren. Why the fuck was she talking about? Lois loved Lauren more than anyone, but sometimes she just wanted to kick her and run away. That was the only thing she could think of to do when she talked like this.

Shaking her head at her cousin, Lois stood from her stool and turned towards her room. "Lala, you're crazier than your boyfriend."

Justin was about to protest, but the sound of Lois' closing bedroom door cut him off.

Lauren only grinned down at the plate between she and Justin. "You know, baby." she said, smiling at the tiny egg on the end of her fork. "Maybe this bet isn't going to be such a bad idea."

"What makes you say that?" Justin asked, his eyes questioning.

Lauren smiled wider. "Because sometimes it takes something bad, to force something good."

Chapter Fourteen

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