Chapter Twenty

"Shh," Lauren said, as she reached over and grabbed the remote. Muting the TV, she listened carefully. Or at least tried to over Nickis wailing laughter. "Nicki! Shut the fuck up, focker!"

Nicki snorted, before quieting down to glare at Lauren. "Focker." she whispered.

The room got quiet, as all the girls listened carefully for whatever it was that was making the faint noise.

A soft clang sounded, and all their eyes shot towards the window.

"There, I heard it!" Suzy exclaimed excitedly.

After assuring Lois that none of them held any ill will towards her for the bet she had with Joey, they turned their girls night into a full night of 'Making Lois feel better'! They had spent the last hour and a half watching movies, and chatting like they always did.

Lois didn't think they would be able to make her feel better, but she should have known that if you put Nicki, Lauren, Suzy and Crystal in a room together, that no one would ever be unhappy. They were too hilarious not to cheer anyone up.

They had been having the time of their lives reliving old tour memories when Lauren shushed them all, saying she heard something out on the fire escape.

Lauren was notorious for hearing noises and everyone dismissed her concern. Moments later, she had muted the TV and they were all listening intently for whatever was making the noise.

Another light clang was heard, and everyone jumped.

Lauren crawled towards the window on her hands and knees, keeping her head below the window level. Once she reached her destination, she looked back as all the girls watched her with wide eyes.

Armed with her trusty remote control, she sprang up from the floor, threw the window open and stuck her head out.

A loud, girlish scream sounded, causing the rest of the group to scream.

Once everyone got quiet again, they heard something else.

It was laughter.

Lauren was now on the floor, laughing so hard she was clutching her stomach in pain.

Suzy crawled over to her, looking at her strangely. "What the hell! Focker! You scared the hell out of us! Why did you scream!" she rambled.

Suddenly a pair of arms shot through the window, grabbing Suzy by the shoulders. Suzy screamed, reaching behind her to punch the assailant in the head repeatedly.

Pushing away, she shot across the room towards the others.

Turning around, she saw her attacker.

It was Justin.

The focker!

He was clutching his head in pain, hanging the upper half of his body inside the window while Lauren laughed even harder below him.

"Dammit, Suzy!" Justin yelled, rubbed the side of his head. "What the fuck did you hit me for?"

"Because you scared the shit out of me, you focker! Now I have to change my underwear!" she yelled back, clutching her rapidly beating heart.

"Yeah, Justin," Crystal interrupted. "And its not even Sunday, yet!"

Suzy gawked at a now hysterical Maf, throwing a pillow at her head. "Bitch."

Justin crawled the rest of the way in the window, falling onto the floor in a heap.

"Lauren, why did you scream?" Lois asked, looking between the two.

"That wasn't me," she laughed. "It was Justin!"

"You scared the shit out of me, jumping through the window like that!" he defended.

"You sound like a girl, J." Nicki informed, already bored with the conversation and returning to her bowl of ice cream.

"Focker." he replied quietly.

"Justin, what the hell do you want?" Lauren asked, regaining her composure to glare at him. "We already kicked you out of here."

"I know," he pouted. "But I wanna be included! All the guys are out, and I wanna play too!"

Lauren turned to look at Lois. Slowly, smiles came to their faces. They knew what each other was thinking.

"Okay, Justin," Lois said, extending a hand to him. "You can stay."

"I can?" he said, surprised at her offer.

"Yup." she smiled evilly. "You can stay and have a girls night with us."

The others all looked at the smiles on the faces of Lois and Lauren, and knew that Justin was not going to be glad he climbed in that window.

Those smiles only meant one thing.

They were up to no good, and Justin was their target.

Suzy covered her mouth, as she tried for the tenth time to stifle her laughter.

"Would you shut up, focker!" Maf warned, her eyes narrowing. "Dont wake him up!"


"Stop calling me a focker!"

"Would you fockers shut up!"



Finally, Lauren reached over and covered Maf and Suzys mouths. The last thing she needed was him waking up right now. That would not be good. How was this supposed to be funny if he woke up now?

Giving them both warning looks, she glared. "Shut up, or go over there with Kayla and Kate and be quiet!"

When the nodded in agreement that they would behave, Lauren removed her hands.

Looking back down to Justin, Lauren had to fight the urge to laugh.

Only an hour after he had crawled through the window complaining he wanted to be included in their girls night, he had fallen asleep.

He had let them paint his toenails, put curlers in his hair, let them dress him up in a pair of Lauren's pajamas, and listened to Lauren rambled on and on about Landon and her obsession with soccer. He was not impressed with that topic, and whined that she was mentally cheating on him. She smacked him over the head, and continued her rambling.

Now, he was curled up on the floor. Red nail polish on his toes and curlers in his hair, he was fast asleep.

And completely at the mercy of nine very bored, but very creative young women.

Reaching over, Lauren carefully picked up Justins hand and placed it in the bucket beside him.

Suzy, crouched on his other side, quietly spread grape jelly on his hand. Huge gobs of goop covered his palm, and she again had to fight not to laugh.

When they had finished their plan, they all scooted back.

The nine women gathered around, looking at their poor little victim with amusement.

Sure, they all loved Justin. He was a good guy, but also a huge pain in their ass. They couldn't count the number of times he had played some sort of prank on them, and this was just their way of getting him back.

Reaching behind her, Lois grabbed the feather pen on the table. Slowly, she leaned over Justin's sleeping body.

She smiled at his quiet figure. He looked so peaceful, she felt almost hesitate to wake him.


Using all the control she could not to laugh, she reached over and tickled the end of his nose with the feather.

Nothing. He didn't even move.

She repeated the action. Sliding the feather over his face.

He stirred a little, a deep intake of breath before he mumbled and fell back asleep.

Again, she slid the feather over his nose. This time, he reached up and rubbed his nose.

The girls all fought to keep quiet, the sight of a purple line under Justins nose enough to make them lose control.

Lois tickled him again, and again he rubbed his face. This time, more forcefully, gobs of grape jelly covering his face.

Slowly, he came awake, his eyes scrunching in confusion as to why his face was sticky and he smelled grapes.

Looking around, the girls started to laugh. One by one, they burst into hysterics, all laughing and falling over.

Sitting up, he looked around confused.

When had he fallen asleep? Why were they laughing? And why the fuck were his toenails red?

"Whats going on?" he mumbled, rubbing his face again. The action caused the girls to laugh harder, and Justin felt a funny slime on his face.

Moving more, he felt his other hand feel wet. Looking over, he noticed they had placed his hand in a bucket of warm water. He wondered why he had the sudden urge to pee.

"You fockers!" he yelled.

Stumbling to his feet, he made his way over the laughing women towards the bathroom.

Walking inside, he reached over and turned on the light.

The girls outside quieted their laughter, waiting for what they knew was coming.

"FOCKERS!" Justin yelled, causing them to laugh harder than they had all night.

Justin stormed out of the bathroom, grape jelly dripping from his face. "You guys all suck the largest suckable things in the world!"

"Well, that sure as hell isn't you, now is it hot stuff?" Lois laughed, winking at Justin.

Justin didn't even know what to say in response. Usually, he would have a world class comeback for that little comment, but he was still half asleep. The best he could come up with was "Focker!"

Stomping into Laurens room, Justin shut the door.

The girls all laughed for a while longer, before Lauren agreed that she better go in there and 'make things better.' They all made her promise not to make them have to hear anything that would scar them for life, before they turned their attention to a new movie and Lauren retired to her room to pacify Justin.

Lois had to admit that she left a lot better. She still had no idea what she was going to do to fix the mess she had created, but with Brian and the girls behind her supporting her, she knew that things would work out. She didn't know how she knew, but she knew none the less.

She had told Justin about the days events, and he agreed that it was best that she had told Brian the truth. Justin liked Brian, and admitted that even he felt bad knowing what was going on and having to keep quiet about it.

Justin agreed to help in any way he could to get Lois and Joey together, reminding her that he was the one who thought it would be cool if they were together.

Justin had met Rae, and told Lois that she seemed like a nice girl. This didn't make Lois feel great, but it did set aside any fear that the girl she had involved in this was mistreating Joey.

She hadn't met her yet, since Justin was the only one so far who had, but she trusted Justins instincts. If he said she was nice, she would have to believe him.

Lois knew she had to do something soon, before things got more intense between Joey and Rae. She had no idea what she was going to do, however. She felt horrible at the thought was she was going to have to come up and tell Joey all this, after setting him up with probably the first nice girl he had been with in a long time.

But Brian was right. It wasn't fair to anyone for Lois to keep her feelings to herself. And Justin had told Lois that Joey had mentioned something to him a while back about feelings for her, just as Brian had said. Justin said he wasn't sure how things were now, but that Joey did have those feelings in the past. And Lois knew that it wasn't that easy to get rid of those feelings. If it was, she wouldn't be feeling them now.

"Whatcha thinkin'?" Nicki asked, scooting up to sit beside Lois on the floor.

The girls had turned on Heartbreakers, all agreeing they needed a good laugh.

Lois smiled as she watched Jennifer Love Hewitt get her hair stuck in Ray Liottas zipper.

"Just wondering how the hell I am going to fix all this." Lois said, sighing.

Nicki nodded. "Well, you have fucked things up," she agreed. "But I have a good feeling about this."

"You do?" Lois said, turning her hopeful eyes to her friend.

"Yeah." Nicki smiled. "I know that even though he doesn't know it right now, Joey loves you. And once we figure out how to remind him of that, everything will work out."

Lois turned her attention back to the screen. She wasn't as sure as Nicki. She knew that things were going to work out, but she wasn't sure if they would work out for the best. She had lied to and betrayed the one person she swore she never would, and now he was supposed to accept the fact she loved him, and actually return her feelings?

Lance was right. She really did need therapy.

"You think so?" Lois asked Nicki, needing another quick shot of reassurance.

Nicki nodded, her eyes on the TV. "I really do. Things may be fucked up for a little while, but in the long run, it will work out."

Lois nodded.

She really hoped Nicki was right.

Chapter Twenty One

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