Chapter Twenty Two

She just couldn't take it anymore. No matter how hard she tried, it just would work. Why did life always have a way about it? How it always knew just when you kick you in the ass?

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, with strands of uncooperative hair hanging in her face, Lois could almost see life pulling a leg back to kick her square in the rear end.

Groaning, she threw her hairbrush across the bathroom, and stomped out into the living room.

"Whoa," Justin said, his eyes wide. "And you say I have bad hair?"

Lois glared at him harder than she had glared at him in a long time. Justin cleared his throat, got up from the couch and retreated to the safety of the kitchen.

Sitting on the couch in the spot Justin had vacated beside Lauren, Lois crossed her arms over her chest.

She didn't know how much more she could handle. She was already running on very little sleep from their girls party, and now she had to go and spend the evening with Joey and his........ugh, she couldn't even think the word.

If Justin, Lauren and Brian weren't going to be coming along, she knew she wouldn't be able to go through with this. She knew the moment she saw him, saw how happy he was, she would break.

And she didn't feel like breaking yet.

Lauren looked over at her cousin, a sly smile on her face.

She didn't know if this frustration Lois was feeling was a good sign or not. She knew that Lois had already admitted she had feelings for Joey, but it wasn't the feelings that mattered so much anymore. It was how she handled them, and what she did about them.

Lauren understood that it wasn't easy for Lois, and that this whole situation was beginning to take its toll. But she also knew that Lois put herself in this situation, and it was up to her to dig her way out.

"Stop staring at me, Lala." Lois said, her eyes glued to the TV. "I know I'm the shit, but you're making me nervous."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Smell like, hon. Not the."

Lois only frowned deeper, her arms crossing over her chest more forcefully.

"I don't know why you're all pissy, Lolo." Justin called from the kitchen doorway as he emerged with a refilled glass of juice. "You're not the one who had Focker written on his forehead while you slept!"

Lois smiled, but refused to laugh out loud.

Lauren, on the other hand, was in hysterics.

After everyone had woken up and wandered around a little, a few of them had fallen back asleep. One of those people being Justin. Out of boredom, and a complete need for something to do other than fret about Joey, Lois and Lauren decided to write 'Focker' on Justins forehead with black marker.

When he woke up a few hours later, everyone was smiling at him funny. He figured they were just in awe at how wonderful he looked this early in the morning, until he went into the bathroom.

His scream was heard down the hall.

"You!" he yelled, pointing an accusing finger at a now laughing Lois. "You are the...."

"What?" she smirked. "I am the what, Justin?"

Justin frowned, his mouth opening several times in an attempt to say something so amazingly witty and harsh that she would be devastated with his intelligence.

Nothing came out.

"Good one." she smiled.

"Hey, Justin, but lookie here!" Lauren called, pointing to her shirt.

Justin read over the words across one of his old white t-shirts that Lauren now wore.

He smiled.

'But He's My Focker' was what it read.

"Yeah!" Lois said, calling back Justins attention. "Look at mine!"

'Needs A Good Fock'

Justin rolled his eyes.

"Aint that the truth." he mumbled as he went back into the bathroom to try and scrub off the marker.

Three hours and eight bars of soap later, Justins forehead was clean. And really, really red.

Lois shifted in her seat, but no matter how she sat she couldn't get comfortable.

"I don't think this is such a good idea." she sighed, looking over at Lauren.

"Well, I don't either." she shrugged. "But you have no choice. First, you already said you'd go. Second, if you don't, he'll think something's wrong. And third, you should meet the girl. I mean, I know you talked to her for a second, but that was a month ago and you didn't even really meet her. I think you may feel a little better about everything if you just met her already. I know that this not knowing is driving you crazy. Just get it over with. Justin, me and Brian will be there with you, so its not like you're going alone."

"Yeah, I got yo back, girl!" Justin said, leaning across the back of the couch.

"Get off my back, dork." she said, giving him a look.

Lois sighed again, running a hand over her face.

They were supposed to meet Joey and Rae at Lorenzos in two hours, and she had been getting more and more nervous as each minute passed.

In an attempt to focus on something other than her nervousness, she tried to do her hair.

That, however, did not work.

Now she sat on the couch, half her hair pulled up in several straggly chunks, with the other half sticking out in every direction.

She didn't feel like having to fight with it. She would just get Lauren to do it later.

Right now, she needed to figure out what the hell she was going to do.

Should she tell Joey? And if so, when? Certainly not tonight, because there was no way she would ever be able to set more than three words out during dinner, let alone tell him something like this surrounded by their friends.

And truth be told, she did want to get to know Rae. Even just a little bit. She wanted to make sure that this girl was treating him right, even if it killed Lois to know that she was with him.

Maybe Lauren was right. Maybe tonight would set aside some of her fears, and somehow make all this chaos a little easier?

Lois rolled her eyes at herself. Not fucking likely.

The phone rang beside her, but before she had the chance to answer, Justin snatched it away.

"Hello, and welcome to the Justin Timberlake Hotline. If you would like to discuss the amazing way Justin shakes his bootay, press one. If you would like--" He paused for a minute, before smiling. "Now that wasn't nice, Hayden." he laughed. "And no, I don't think I would like to see if a phone would fit there."

Lois smiled as Justin passed her the phone. "Hey, Hayden. Long time no talk, cutie."

"Hey, Lois." Haydens voice smiled back through the line. "Just wanted to see if you were going out with Joey tonight?"

Lois' smile immediately fell. "Yeah." she replied with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.

"Mmkay." he said. "So, you're gonna meet Rae, huh?"

"Yeah." she answered in the same monotone voice as before.

Hayden was quiet for a minute before continuing. "Its funny, ya know?"

"What is?"

"That its not you two together." he stated flatly. "I mean, I know ya'll always say that there's nothing going on, and I believe you. But I just always figured that one day something would be going on, ya know?"

Lois smiled weakly. To be honest, so did she.

"Anyways, I just wanted to see if I could borrow your laptop for the next couple days." Hayden continued. "I somehow dropped mine in the water fountain outside my work, and it will only schedule appointments in July. And the seven, nine and three wont work."

Lois laughed. "Yeah, you can borrow it. I haven't used it in ages."

"Thanks. Ill come over tomorrow and pick it up."

"No problem." she smiled. "See you then."


Hanging up the phone, Lois sighed.

"What did Hayden want?" Lauren asked as she bent over on the couch to clip her toenails.

"To borrow my laptop." Lois replied, with a far off gaze.

Looking up from her toes to her cousin, Laurens eyes narrowed. "What?"

"What, what?" Lois asked, snapping out of her daze.

"What's up with that look?"

"Nothing." Lois shrugged. "Just something Hayden said."

"What?" Justin asked, joining on in the conversation.

"Just something about how even though he knew nothing was going on between Joey and I, he always kind of thought that one day something would." she explained, her face trying to stay happy. But failing miserably.

Justin frowned. Lauren sighed.

They had always though the exact same thing.

"I got it!" Justin yelled as he ran to the front door. Pulling it open, he smiled happily at the person in front of him. "Hey, man, com'on in!"

"Thanks," Brian replied, smiling at Justin." What's up?" He asked as he entered the apartment.

"Nothing," Justin shrugged as he closed the door behind Brian. "Just waiting for the women. Lord knows they bitch about me taking a long time to get ready to go somewhere, then they spend the next three hours in the bathroom creating a hole in the ozone layer over their heads with all the damn hair spray they put in their hair!"

"Shut up, Justin." Lauren could be heard yelling from her room. "They were your cans of hair spray!"

Justin felt his cheeks grow warm and quickly changed the subject. "What something to drink?" he offered.

"Sure." Brian nodded as he sat on the couch.

"So, looks like we're going to have a hell of a night, huh?" Justin called from the kitchen.

"Yup." Brian agreed.

"Hey, man," Justin spoke up, re entering the living room and handing Brian a glass. "I just wanted to apologize for all that crap with the bet. I know I didn't do it, but I still knew about it."

Brian smiled. "No problem. I'm not saying I was thrilled to find out, but I don't believe in holding grudges. Everyone makes mistakes."

Justin grinned, and found a new respect for the man across from him. He knew that if he were in Brians position, he wouldn't be able to be as forgiving.

A few moments later, Laurens bedroom door opened, and the two women emerged.

Justin smiled appreciatively at Lauren.

Her hair was down, falling in several large curls at her shoulders. Light makeup accentuated her delicate features, giving her a warm glow. A light, thin strapped black dress hung loosely around her slim frame. All Justin could think about was all the interesting ways be planned on taking that dress off of her later that night.

Brian smiled at Lois. He had always thought she was beautiful, but tonight, she was stunning.

She had obviously put a lot of effort into her appearance tonight, and he understood why. All of a sudden, she actually cared what she looked like around Joey. Before, she couldn't care less if she was sitting in a pool of noodles with green hair.

But things were different now.

Now, her hair was pulled up in several sections, curled around the top of her head. Her makeup was darker than Laurens, yet not overly dramatic. The shade of eye shadow perfectly brought out her bright blue eyes, and her smile, when she chose to smile, only brightening them more.

The light yellow dress she wore, fell only an inch above her knees. Tiny purple flowers gave her a girly, young look, without looking childish.

She looked amazing.

Stepping up to Brian, Lois noticed his grin as she approached him.

"You like?" she smiled flirtatiously.

"If I said no, would you hit me?" he grinned.

His question was answered when she lightly punched his arm.

"Okay, okay." he laughed, grasping his arm. "I like, I like."

Looking over to Justin and Lauren, Lois rolled her eyes when she saw Justin whispering what she was sure was something sexually suggestive in her cousins ear.

"Justin, save it for later." she scolded. "Lauren has to stay clothed for the majority of the night."

"We'll see about that." he replied seductively as he wrapped his arms around Laurens waist to pull her in for a kiss.

Smiling back up at Brian, Lois sighed. "I don't know if I'm ready for this." she admitted.

Brian gave her a reassuring smile, before taking her hand and walking to the door.

Kissing the side of her head, he sighed. "Well, there's only one way to find out."

Chapter Twenty Three

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