Chapter Twenty Five

Lois groaned as she leaned her head back onto the comfort of the couch. Placing a small pillow her over face, she sighed.

She hated her life. She flat out right, God damn, fucking hated her life.

Or at least just her life right now.

"Lois, I'm sorry." Justin said, pushing her legs off the couch so he could sit.

"For what?" she groaned, not bothering to remove the pillow from over her face.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "I just thought I would say I'm sorry."

Lois smiled from beneath her pillow. After a moment, she sighed. "Thanks."

"Anytime." he replied.

The moment they had arrived back at their apartment, Lois broke down. She had to admit that she was proud of herself for the way she had handled the night, but now she was in the comfort of her own home, and could act as immature, and down right fucking stupid as she wanted to.

So now, she was in her favorite flannel pajamas. A carton of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia on the table across from her, and a pillow over her face.

Now, life wasn't so sucky. As long as she could stay under this pillow for the rest of her life, then things may not be so bad. Until she had to pee, then she may have to rethink the plan. But she didn't have to pee yet, so the thinking could be saved for later.

Lauren flopped out on the floor at the foot of the couch. "You did real good Lolo." she said, dipping her spoon in the carton of ice cream. "I thought for sure you were going to get yourself drunk and say something stupid."

"Yeah," Justin laughed. "Me and Lauren had a bet going."

That comment caused Lois to remove the pillow from her face. "What?"

Justin cleared his throat uncomfortably, before answering. "Well, you and Joey are always bettin' so I thought I would give it a shot." he shrugged.

"You bet on whether or not I would fuck up tonight?" she asked, her eyes burning.

"No, no!" he defended. "Just that you wouldn't do as good as you did."

Lois wasn't sure if she was supposed to get mad at that or not. But right now, she didn't much give a shit. She was too tired.

But she had to admit that the getting drunk idea didn't sound so bad to her right then.

"So, you and Brian playing basketball tomorrow, eh?" Lauren asked Justin, after smacking him on the foot for telling Lois they bet on her.

"Yeah." he said. "He's gonna help me figure out how to turn on my computer without blowing a fuse in my house, and I'm going to teach him how to play basketball."

Justin and Lauren continued to chat to each other quickly, while Lois returned to the comfort and security of her pillow.

How the fuck had her life worked out like this? A couple months ago, everything was great. Work was great. Her family was great. Her life was great.

Now, work was great. Her family was great. But her life sucked.

All because she couldn't keep herself from making another stupid bet with Joey.

Never again. Never again would she ever make another bet with him. Not even over which flavor bubble gum was best. Nothing. Never again.

This was the worst idea she had come up with since the time she got her butt stuck in a shoe box.

"....okay?" a voice called out to her.

"What?" Lois said, removing the pillow from her face.

"We're going to bed, okay?" Lauren repeated.

Lois looked up, and noticed that Lauren and Justin were now standing. The ice cream was put away, and the lights were low.

Giving them her best 'I'm okay' smile, she nodded. "Okay."

"See you in the morning." Lauren said as she leaned down to hug her cousin.

When Lauren pulled away, Justin jumped on Lois. "See you tomorrow, focker!" he exclaimed happily in an attempt to make her smile.

Lucky for him, it worked.

Reaching around him, Lois grabbed his ass and squeezed hard. Justin screamed, jumping off of her.

Lois smiled up at him triumphantly. "Tomorrow, focker."

Justin gawked at her, before Lauren pulled him towards her room. As she closed the door behind her, Lois could hear him whining "She grabbed my butt!" he pouted.

"Well, Ill grab more than that." Lauren teased as the door clicked closed.

Lois sighed, replacing the pillow over her face.

Why couldn't she have a relationship like Lauren and Justin? Well, maybe not quite like that. They were a little strange even for Lois, but they loved each other more than life itself.

Lois smiled slightly at the memory of the day Justin told Lauren he wanted to die first, because he couldn't stand the thought of living one day without her.

That was what Lois wanted. Not for Justin to die, but to have someone who felt that way about her. She wanted what they had, but had no idea how to get it.

At least not with the person she wanted to have it with.

Groaning, she removed the pillow from her face again.

Reaching over, she picked up the remote and began to flip through the channels.

Deciding on old reruns of Friends, she sat up and lost herself in the lives of the characters.

Of all the episodes to have to watch, this was not the one she was hoping for.

It was the one where Rachel was on a date with another man, complaining about how Ross was buying a cat with his girlfriend, Julie. Rachel wanted to be with Ross, but he had no idea. Instead, he was with someone else. Even after being in love with Rachel for years, he had gotten tired of waiting. He had moved on.

Lois groaned. Why the fuck couldn't it have been the episode where Joey had Monica make foreskins for him?

She sighed as she watched Rachel use a mans cell phone, to leave a message on Ross' answering machine. Telling him she was over him, she found her closure. Drunken closure. But closure never the less.

Lois hated this. She needed to get out and do something. She couldn't just sit here, thinking about him and watching TV.

Looking around the dimly lit room, she sighed.

Standing up from the couch, she turned off the TV and walked quickly to her room.

She had to get out.

"YO! Xavier!" Lois yelled, flailing her arm in the air. "Another!"

Xavier smiled at Lois, leaning his long, hard body on the bar. "Lois, bella, you sure you want another?"

Lois frowned at him. "Yesh, I sher." she slurred.

Giving her a sad look, Xavier poured her another. "Okay. But this is the last one."

Smiling goofily at him, Lois reaching up and kissed him on the cheek. "I luff you."

The moment the words left her mouth, she frowned. "I luff you." she repeated, her face scrunching at the words. "Why the fuck cant I say that when I need to?" she rambled. "Why the fuck cant I say that to the person who needs to hear it the most? Why the fuck cant I say it?"

Xavier looked at her strangely, before placing a hand on the side of her face. "I don't know, bella. But I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Lois frowned, her face pouting, as Xavier headed down the bar to serve others.

Lois knew she couldn't just sit at the house, thinking about Joey. It would only drive her insane like it had for the last few weeks. So, instead, she decided to come out and escape for a little while. Her old pal Xavier would fix it right up.

Piling her shot glasses on top of each other, Lois began to build a pyramid. She only got three stacked before they fell back to the bar with a clatter. She frowned.

She couldn't even make a pyramid right anymore!

"Xavier!" she yelled.

A few seconds later, he was standing in front of her. "Yes, bella."

Lois frowned. "What's wrong with me?"

Xavier looked at her strangely. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what's wrong with me?" she repeated. "Am I not pretty enough? Am I not fun enough? Am I just not love worthy enough?" Looking up at him sadly, she frowned deeper. "What is wrong with me?"

Xavier frowned along with her. "Nothing, bella. You are beautiful. You are fun. And you are definitely worthy of love." Leaning down to her, he smiled a sexy Latin grin. "You just have to find someone who is worthy of you."

Lois only frowned again. "But what if I find that person, and he doesn't think I'm love worthy?"

"Then, maybe, he's the one whose not worthy." Xavier stated plainly.

Lois' frown deepened for a moment, before she nodded. Xavier kissed her cheek before standing to removed the shot glasses from in front of her.

"What's that thing?" Lois asked, snapping her fingers.

"What thing, bella?" Xavier asked as he wiped a spot of alcohol from the bar in front of her.

"That thing." she repeated. "That thing that Rachel said she needed."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not following." he replied, his head tilting.

Lois pondered for a moment, her hand waving in the air as she thought. Finally, her head shot up, her fingers snapping in recollection. "Closure!" she yelled.

Xavier raised an eyebrow at her. "Closure?"

"Yeah!" she said excitedly as she began to rummage through her purse. "I need closure." Dumping the contents of her purse on the bar, she sifted through the items. "Ross moved on, and Rachel needed closure to be able to carry on with her life." Locating the phone, she held it up as if it had the answer to life itself. "Joey has moved on." she sighed. "And I need to find that closure so I can move on too."

Xavier didn't understand what she was rambling about, but he rarely understood Lois when she was drunk.

She had been at the bar for less than an hour, and had already drank more than he knew she should have. She wasn't much of a drinker usually, but when she was upset, she didn't know how to say when. Lucky for her, the last few drinks he had poured her had only been water. She was so drunk, she didn't even notice.

Picking up her purse, which she had strewn to the side, Xavier began to place all the items back inside as Lois flipped through the numbers store in her phones memory.

She giggled to herself. "I fink Iz a lil drunkees, cause I cant 'member Joeys number." she giggled again.

Hiccuping, Lois almost lost her balance on the stool where she sat. Catching herself, she giggled up at Xavier. "Mmkay, no more for me, honey buns. I already have to pee, and alkeehol makes me have to pee more."

Xavier smiled at her, placing her purse below the bar. Knowing Lois, she would leave without it, so he thought it best to keep it out of the reach of strangers until he could call her a cab. "I'm just going to put this down here so you don't lose it, okay, bella?"

"Okies." she smiled as he pressed a button on her phone and held it up to her ear. "You take such good care of me." Smiling stupidly at him, she hiccuped again. "You're not a focker."

"Um," he smiled. "Thanks."

Lois frowned as the phone continued to ring in her ear. Finally, on the fifth ring, a click signaled the answering machine picking up.

Lois stuck her lip out. "Dang. The machine." Jerking her head up, she laughed. "Just like in the Friends episode!"

Xavier smiled, and nodded in agreement. He had no idea what she was talking about.

"Hey, this is Joey. I'm not here right now, cause I'm on my honeymoon with Carmen Electra. Leave a message, and if I like you, I might call you back." A loud beep signaled the end of the outgoing message, and Lois cleared her throat.

"Joey, its me." she started. "I just wanted you to know," pausing, she winked affirmatively up at Xavier with a smile. "That I am over you. Mmkay? Mmkay. You hear me? Joey! Do you hear me in there?" she yelled, pulling the phone away from her ear to look at it. Replacing it to her ear, she continued. "So yeah. Just so you know, I am over you. Cause Rachel is over Ross, and I am over you! We have closure, so there! Mmkay? Mmkay. And now I have to go, cause I thought too much and now I have to pee. Mmkay? Mmkay." Hiccuping again, she rubbed her eyes. "Bye focker."

Flicking her phone closed, she tossed it on the bar, and crossed her arms over the countertop with pride.

Picking up the phone, Xavier placed it back in her purse. "You feel better now?" he asked.

Lois nodded, then frowned. "Not really." she pouted. "But hey, I saw it on TV. Everything you see on TV is the truth, right? So its gotta work."

Xavier shook his head at her. Patting her on the head, he smiled.

"Here," he said, reaching under the counter for the phone. "Let me call you a cab."

Chapter Twenty Six

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