Chapter Three

The pounding music blaring from the club could be heard out on the street. Through the few small windows, the bright lights of the dance floor shone and flashed in time with the beats of the song. A dull roar of chattering club-goers could be heard, everyone trying to speak over the noise.

Walking past the line of people waiting for admittance into the nightclub, Justin, Lauren, Joey and Lois approached a familiar face. The bouncer, Erik, knew these four individuals well, and smiled as he noticed them near.

"Evenin' guys." he greeted as they stepped up to him, his Texas accent thick in his voice.

Looking up at the six foot four, two hundred and fifty pound man, Lois grinned. "Evenin' ya'll. Mind if we mosey on in there and have us some grub and a little ho-down?"

Giving her a warning look, Erik laughed. "You know, most people don't have the balls to be cheeky with me." he stated.

"Oh Lois has balls alright," Justin interrupted. "She just pushes them up to act as boobs."

Lois scrunched her face at Justins stupid comment, pinching his arm as he laughed at his own humor. No one else laughed.

Erik gave him a strange look, before grinning again and pulling back the rope to allow them inside. "I don't know if I should let you in, Justin. I don't feel like having to break up another fight between you and Lois tonight. So you better behave. Got it?"

"Yes sir." Justin said, saluting Erik as he passed by and into the club.

The moment they entered, they felt energized. The place was packed with people, the music getting seemingly louder by the moment, while people merged past each other on their way through the club.

Looking around, Lois let her eyes adjust to the dim light, and scanned the crowd. She didn't see anyone she knew, but chances were that she would meet up with at least one familiar face before the night was through.

Weaving through the crowd, they made their way up to the VIP area of the club.

The VIP area was located on a higher plateau, overlooking the main dance floor. Large couches lined the back wall, with several tables scattered around the setting. A high railing guarded the sides, allowing people to view over the edge and into the dancers below.

Nodding at the bouncer at the bottom of the staircase, they climbed the short flight up and towards the blocked off area.

Heading straight for his favorite couch, Justin flopped back and sighed loudly.

"Man, I'm tired already. I think I'm gettin' old." he commented as he stretched his arms over his head.

"Oh please, you'll be out on that dance floor within ten minutes, and it will be us having to drag your sorry ass off when we wanna go home." Joey mentioned as he took a seat on the adjoining couch.

A waitress appeared, asking if they would like anything from the bar. Taking their orders, she disappeared as quickly as she had appeared.

"Mmkay, which one of you lucky men get to whip me around the dance floor?" Lois asked, clapping her hands together excited as she swayed her hips to the music.

"Well, as much as I would LOVE to whip you, I think I'm gonna sit here a moment and wait for my drink."

"Looks like its you and me, Justin." she replied, reaching down to pluck Justin from the comfort of his couch.

Justin groaned, feebly allowing himself to be pulled to a standing position. Dragging his feet, he sluffed his way to the stairs, and followed and bouncing Lois towards the dance floor below.

Lauren laughed at the look on Justins face when Lois spun around and started grinding against him when they reached the floor. He took a few quick steps back, shocked at her abruptness, causing himself to bump into another couple, almost tripping and falling to the floor.

Taking the seat vacated by her now preoccupied boyfriend, Lauren sighed and leaned her head on the back of the couch.

"Tired?" Joeys faint voice could be heard calling to her from a few feet away. Even though they were sitting relatively close, the loud music around them made it sound as if they were a million miles apart.

"Hell yeah." she replied, rubbing her eyes. "I don't think I have ever been so glad to have finals be over."

And she was serious.

Lauren has enrolled in pre-law courses at the University of Central Florida, and had learned rather quickly just how hard her choice of career was going to be.

Not that she didn't enjoy it. She honestly couldn't see herself doing anything else with her life. The way Justin felt about music was the way Lauren felt about law. She had always wanted to be a lawyer, ever since she was a child. Her parents were convinced that she would make a wonderful attorney, since she loved to argue. She could argue with anyone about anything at any time. And usually win. She could convince a cow that it could oink if she had to.

She knew what she wanted out of life, and was not going to let anything stand between her and her dreams.

She had even steered clear of relationships for a while, convinced that a man would only be a distraction. Her choice required her complete attention and dedication, and she had no time to deal with the drama that came with men and relationships. Even though she was only a sophomore in high school, she didn't want the hassle.

That is, until she met Justin Timberlake.

She had been visiting her cousin Lois in Orlando, from her hometown of Memphis. She had heard Lois talk many times of the new friends she had made since moving down to the city a few months prior. Especially about a certain few young men she had met, who were starting a vocal group. She was also told repeatedly about a certain young man that Lois thought was perfect for her. Lauren had told her pushy cousin continuously that she was not interested in a relationship, and didn't want her to try and play matchmaker. She even had Lois promise not to set them up as one of the conditions on her visit that summer.

Lauren wanted to graduate high school early to get a head start on university, and if she was going to succeed, she didn't want any additional stress.

One afternoon during her visit, Lois had been invited by her new friends to attend a barbecue at one of their houses. Lauren, of course, was invited as well and accompanied her.

The gathering was at the home of one of members of this singing group, which also turned out to be the young man Lois was intent on setting Lauren up with.

Stepping into the back yard, Lauren was greeted by the sound of screaming as a dark hair man was throwing a tall, blonde guy in the pool.

Looking up at Lois, Lauren was unsure of what to expect from these people. But by the look on her cousins face, she had to smile. She could tell Lois was just itching to get in on the action.

Following Lois further into the backyard, she was introduced to three men; JC Chasez, Lance Bass and Joey Fatone. Lois explained that it was Joey who had approached her one night at a club, thus starting their friendship.

A few moments into their discussion, the two other men who had been the ones involved in the pool incident approached.

The dark haired man, Chris Kirkpatrick, smiled at Lauren. "Oh lord, please tell me your not like Lois. I don't think we could handle another one of her."

"You only wish you could get the chance to handle me, Chris." Lois challenged, raising an eyebrow defiantly.

The younger of the two, the tall blonde guy who appeared to be about her age, smiled at Lauren. Water dripped from his hair, his clothes plastered to his body. The moment he looked at her, she was certain her heart had stopped. She had never had this kind of reaction to anyone before, and was shocked by it at first.

"Hi," he said, extending his dripping hand to her. "Im Justin."

Regaining her composure, she reached out and took the hand offered to her. "Lauren."

"Look to meet someone who has survived Lois as long as you have. We've only known her a few months and already think we're gonna end up in the loony bin." he teased, giving Lois a taunted smirk.

"Ive already got your straight jacket ready, Justin. We got a nice padded cell all ready for ya, so just say the word. Soundproof, too, so no one will hear you scream when I KICK YOUR ASS!" Lois yelled, pointing a finger at him.

Lauren could tell that these two must have had a few incidents already to have Lois threatening him this way. She had a way about her; if she liked you, she would tease and make empty threats just like she was with Justin. If she didn't like you, well, run away. Run far, far away.

Lucky for Justin, it seemed like he was on her good side. For now anyway.

Lauren spent the entire day talking with Justin. They found themselves enveloped in any topic that arose, something that Lauren rarely found herself involved in with anyone. No one was ever able to captivate her the way this man had.

As she and Lois were getting ready to head home, Justin pulled her aside.

"Um, listen, if you're not busy tomorrow, would you like to, maybe, I dunno, get together or something?"

Lauren felt the smile inadvertently come to her face. She couldn't help it. She had found herself smiling around Justin all day for no reason at all.

Before she had a chance to answer, Lois' voice called out from across the room. "Yes she would!"

Shooting Lois an annoying look, Lauren turned back to Justin. "Well, since I apparently cant answer for myself," she smiled, rolling her eyes at her cousins antics. "Ill say yes."

Justin smiled the smile that had been tormenting Lauren all afternoon. "Great. Ill stop by around two?"

"Sounds good." she agreed.

Smiling for a moment longer, Justin pulled Lauren into a hug. Pulling back, he kissed her cheek quickly before heading over to smack Lois on the ass as he returned to the backyard to help his mother clean up.

From that moment on, she had not been without him. And honestly didn't know if she ever could be.

She hadn't realized it before, but did now. Before him, her life wasn't quite complete. She had thought it was, but only because she didn't know what she was missing. Now she did, and didn't plan on returning to her old lifestyle.

Granted, it wasn't easy. Her classes took up a lot of her time, and Justins hectic schedule always made for a difficult relationship, but they had made it work.

Breaking her thoughts, Lauren noticed Justin and Lois return from the dance floor. Justin was sweating, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. "Damn, woman, what are you trying to do, kill me?"

"Trying." Lois commented as she sat in the seat next to Joey.

The waitress returned with their drinks, and the four friends spent the next three hours dancing the night away.

As midnight neared, Lois returned to the VIP balcony to rest for a while.

Moment later, Joey joined her side, smiling happily to himself.

"What are you grinning about?" she asked, giving him a questioning stare.

"Nothin'" he shrugged, the same smirk on his lips.

Lois eyed him carefully. "Bullshit."

Joey laughed. "What? Nothing. Cant a man be smilin' for no reason?"

"Not when that man is you." she stated.

Groaning, Joey stretched his arms along the back of the couch as he sat beside Lois.

"Im just having a good time, is all."

"Let me guess. Some hooch was all up on you, and now you think you're all that." she teased.

"Well, I am. You want me." he grinned.

"What I want is for you to change your socks once in a while."

Joey simple shook his head. "You're just jealous cause I'm the shit"

Lois began to laugh hysterically, slapping her thigh with her hand as she began to wheeze. Joey could only watch her snort and carry on, wondering what was so funny.

When her laughter finally quieted, Lois wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh my poor, delusional Joey. You have it so wrong. I am the shit. You, sir, are not."

Smiling to himself, Joey turned to face his body towards her. "So what are you sayin', Lolo? You sayin' that you could hook up before me?"

"Well," she said, a look of thought pressing her face. "Yes." she grinned.

"Really? You think you could get any guy to want you?"

"It worked with you, didn't it?" she pointed, before laughing at the look on his face.

"That was different!" he stated.

Rolling her eyes, Lois took a sip of her drink "Whatever."

Tilting his head in challenge, Joey narrowed his eyes at his friend. "Care to make a little wager?"

Noticing the look of defiance on Joeys face, Lois turned her body to match his. "Always."

Joey smiled at her acceptance, and suggested his idea. "I say you cant make any guy want you."

"And I say you cant make any girl want you." she retorted.

"Okay. So, heres how this will work. I pick the guy. You have to get him to date you. And I don't mean just one date, Lois. Lord knows anyone could do that. You have to DATE him. Which I know right now will win me this bet, since you cant seem to date anyone longer than it takes Justin to eat a bowl of cereal." Joey smiled.

"You're on." she accepted. "And I pick a girl for you, and the same rules apply. And you don't have the greatest record when it comes to substantial relationships either, Fatone, so you can kiss my lily white ass."

"Which acre?"

Lois simply smacked him in the arm, and dismissed his insult. "So, what are the conditions?" she asked, leaning her back against the couch.

"Pretty simple, I guess. You have one month to make a guy I choose date you. Doesn't have to be monogamous. It can be an open relationship. No biggie. But you have to be a figure in his life, not just a booty call. Mmkay?"

"No problem." she agreed. "What do I get when I win?"

"When I win," Joey corrected, pausing for a moment to think. A moment later, he smiled evilly. "I get your blueprints."

Lois' eyes shot from her head. "No! No way are you getting those!"

"What? You afraid you're going to lose?" he taunted.

She leaned back hard against the couch, her arms crossing over her chest.

He was such an ass. She knew he had wanted her designs to that house for years.

When she had first began working in architecture, Lois had designed her dream house. And it was just that. A dream. Everything was perfect, right down to the last detail. Everything she ever wanted in a home was laid out, waiting to be built.

One night, she showed the design to Joey, who had immediately fallen in love with the concept. She wouldn't allow him the built the house, stating that it was her dream, and he wasn't going to go and live in her dream. Ever since then, he had been whining for her to allow him to build the house, and each time she denied him.

"So?" his voice interrupted her mental ranting.

Sighing loudly, she nodded. "Fine, under a few conditions to be set later."

"Agreed." Joey knew how much the house meant to Lois, and really had no intention to taking her design. He just couldn't think of anything worthy of this kind of bet, other than that.

"And when I win, I get your car." she stated.

Now Joey matched Lois' earlier look. "What?"

"You heard me. When I win, I get the car." her voice was firm as she stared him down.

Oh shes good, he thought. But what did he expect? He wanted something important to her, it was only natural for her to want the same.

Not losing his cool, he agreed.

"So its a bet?" Joey asked, extending a hand to Lois.

Looking down at the offered hand, Lois smiled. She never backed down from a bet in her life, and she certainly wasn't going to start now. This was going to be easier than getting JC to wear something freaky.

Taking his hand, Lois narrowed her eyes at Joey. "Deal."

Shaking hands, the two smiled at each other, staring the other down for a moment before Joey stood and turned towards the railing overlooking the dancers below.

"Well, lets see who will be taking part in this little wager, shall we?"

Joining his side, Lois leaned on the edge of the balcony, her eyes scanning the people beneath her. "Bring it on."

Chapter Four

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