Chapter Thirty Five

** Three Months Later **

It was hectic.

That was the only word for it.


People rushed around frantically, busy doing whatever it was that they were paid to do. People yelling orders. Others organizing equipment. Some hanging from the rafters.

Just hectic.

But they loved it. It was what they did, and they were thankful for it.

The empty stadium, which would soon be filled with thousands upon thousands of screaming teenage girls, was quickly being transformed into a show for the ages. Pyro, explosions and more would soon dazzle the fans that spend hours waiting outside, and gave their love and support to these five men.

Sitting on the edge of the stage, Lois dangled her feet over the side as she ran down the clipboard in her hand.

She had taken a month off work to tour with the guys, and she was loving it.

She hated just standing around while everyone else seemed to have a job to do, so she was quickly put to work helping organize the guys and keep them in line.

Which was not an easy task. But then again, all of the guys knew better than to disobey Lois. Justin learned that the hard way, and hadn't stepped out of line since.

Going over their schedule for the week, she sighed as she placed the clipboard in her lap, and quietly surveys the thousands of empty seats sprawled in front of her.

It never ceased to amaze her what they had become. She knew them before they were what they were now, and she couldn't have been more proud of them.

They worked harder in one day than most people she knew worked in a month, and they deserved everything they achieved.

She remembered the first time she had ever watched them perform live. A small warehouse show, holding about 500 fans. Now, here they were at the TD Waterhouse in Orlando, starting off what was predicted to be one of the biggest and most elaborate stage productions in music history.

And she was just as excited as them.

Smiling out into the audience, she felt someone sit down beside her. Looking over, she smiled.

"Hey focker."

"Focker." Lauren smiled back. Looking out into the empty audience, Lauren sighed. "Ugh, can you believe they're going out on tour again already?"

"I know," Lois smiled. "It seems like just yesterday they ended the last tour."

"At least you get to go with them for a month. I have to go back to stupid school." Lauren frowned as she slammed her fist on the stage. "Damn me and my brilliant mind!"

Lois laughed. "Yeah, that's it. You're brilliant mind." she said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh you doubt me now," Lauren replied. "But you just wait until I am the most famous attorney in the history of famous attorneys. Johnny Cochrane wont have nothin' on me when I'm done, baby."

Lois grinned at Laurens enthusiasm. Sure, she talked a lot of shit most of the time, but Lois didn't doubt for one second that Lauren would be successful. She had too much talent and drive not to succeed in anything she did.

Looking back out into the empty crowd, the two women enjoyed the partial silence while they could. Soon, this place would be a roaring, crazy mob, so it was nice to be able to take a moment and enjoy the peace.

"LOIS!" a scream rang out through the stadium

Moment gone.

Lauren looked over to Lois, and almost laughed at the evil look on her face. "What did you do now?" she asked.

Lois shrugged, shaking her head. Her evil grin still rooted in place.

Justin quickly appeared, stomping out from backstage towards Lauren and Lois. His arms swung frantically, his face scrunched into an unhappy little pout.

Reaching his destination, he pointed angrily down at Lois. "YOU!"

"Yes. It is me. Consider yourself lucky to be this close to me." Lois said nodding.

"You!" he repeated, ignoring her sarcasm. "Suck more ass than.....than....." frowning when he couldn't think of anything smart to say, he huffed. "Than something that sucks a lot of ass!"

Lauren laughed, while Lois kept her calm, cool expression. "Why Justin, whatever is the problem?"

Justins eyes widened at her question. "Whatever is the problem?" he squawked. "Whatever is the problem?" Reaching into his pockets, his hands returned with two pairs of hot pink thongs dangling from his grasp. "THESE ARE THE PROBLEM!"

Lois pursed her lips, looking at the underwear appreciatively. "What? I think they are cute."

Justins eyes widened again. "Well I don't! Maybe on Lauren, but these are not Laurens. I did not find them in Laurens suitcase! You want to know where I found them?"

Lois looked up at him, mock wonder in her eyes. "Where?"

"IN MY SUITCASE!" Justin screamed. "Somehow, all my underwear have got up and walked away, replacing themselves with these!" he yelled, waving around the thongs.

Justin frowned down at Lauren, who was sprawled on the floor laughing hysterically.

"Justin, please, what makes you think I had anything to do with this?" Lois asked, swiveling on her butt to face him.

"Because you are Lois!" he yelled. "And you are evil!"

Lois' mouth dropped open, her hand coming to her chest. "Justin," she said. "I'm hurt."

"And I'm not wearing any underwear!" he screamed.

"Me either!" Chris yelled from the back of the stage.

Justin turned to give him a warning look, and Chris continued to check his ear piece, avoiding Justins eyes.

"Listen, Justin," Lois said, standing up from her place on the stage. "Its okay to admit you like to wear womens underwear. Its fine. NO one will judge you."

Justins jaw dropped open, and he sputtered at her while he tried to think of something to say.

Wiping away a spot of spit from her cheek, she glared at him. "Okay, I asked for the news, not the weather." she said, flicking away the spit. "Don't spit when you talk, Justin. Its not polite."

Justin glared at her, before turning and stomping back off stage. Mumbling to himself, Lois fought to keep herself from laughing.

The moment he was gone, she looked down at Lauren and the two women burst into hysterics.

Sitting back down, Lois sighed. "You are so bad." she said to Lauren.

"I know," she giggled, wiping away a tear. "But I'm so good at it."

"But he blamed me for it!" Lois said, smiling at Lauren.

"Well, I wasn't going to tell him I did it!" she defended. "Remember, if I can fly under his radar, the more evil things we can do to him." she grinned.

Lois smiled, nodding. "Good point."

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around Lois' shoulders, causing her to jump. Turning her head, she smiled at the owner of those arms.

"You stole Justins underwear again, did you?" Joey asked, kissing the side of Lois' head.

"No so much." she said, giving Lauren a look.

Joey looked at her strangely. "But, he--"

"He assumes it is me," she interrupted. "But what he doesn't know wont kill him. And it will only make things funnier."

Looking over at the innocent look on Lauren's face, Joey laughed. "Lauren, you are so mean to him."

"Yeah, well, he said I have ugly feet." she shrugged as she pushed herself up from her spot on the stage and left in pursuit of Justin. "Lets just see what else I can do to him."

Joey laughed as he watched Lauren leave. Turning back to Lois, he smiled into her neck. "So, you ready for this?" he asked.

"What?" she replied. "The tour? Or Justins revenge?"

"Both." he laughed.

"Yeah." she nodded. "I'm looking forward to the tour. Its nice to have a little time off from work. Crystal and keep everything under control until I get back. And as far as Justin goes, I'm not too worried. He couldn't even surprise himself."

Joey grinned at her, as he turned her around to face him. Stretching his legs out on either side of her, he took her hands in his.

"Hey!" a voice called to them. "Don't you two start making boom boom on the stage."

Lois laughed and turned towards the voice. "You shush, Willay!" she scolded. "Dont make me have to lick you!"

Brian laughed as he hopped up on the edge of the stage to sit beside Lois and Joey. "Yeah, well, you be nice or I wont give you your present."

Noticing a bag in his hands, Lois bounced excitedly. "OOH! Ill be good, Ill be good!"

Smiling, Brian reached into the bag, and pulled out its contents.

Lois' eyes widened, and she squealed in delight. "OOH! Jelly!" she yelled, grabbing the jar and cradling it to her chest. "Aw, jelly! I luff you!"

"You're welcome" Brian said, laughing at her.

Leaning over, Lois kissed his cheek. "Thankee, Willay."

"Anytime." he smiled.

"Hey, you guys staring the party without me?" another voice called.

"Hell, no." Brian said, turning around. "We shouldn't want our asses kicked."

"Good thing you're trained." Rae smiled as she joined the group. Sitting down beside Brian, she grinned at Lois and Joey. "How are you guys?"

Joey turned and smiled at Lois. "Great."

"We are Jois." Lois smiled.

Briand and Rae looked at her confused, while Joey rolled his eyes.

Noticing their confused looks, Lois explained.

"Yes,that is us. We are Jois. Joey and Lois. We are....wait for it....JOIS!"

There was a long silence, before Brian burst out laughing. "Only you could come up with something like that." he wheezed.

Ignoring his laughter, Lois turned to Rae. "You guys excited for tonight?" Lois asked. "You guys haven't seen them perform before."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it." Brian nodded. "I gotta admit that I'm curious as to why all those girls are crazy for Justin. I mean, he's a cool guy, but," Brian shrugged instead of finishing his sentence.

"Exactly!" Lois yelled, throwing her arms out. "That's what Ive always said!"

Everyone laughed, and Lois took a look at the people around her.

She couldn't begin to express how thankful she was that Brian and Rae were in her life.

When everything had been worked out between herself and Joey, she had gotten a chance to spend some time with Rae, and really get to know her. And she had to admit, that if she hadn't fallen in love with Joey, and she could completely support his relationship with Rae. Lois even told him that Rae was the only one she would allow him to date if she ever died.

Brian had been like another best friend. Where Joey had moved into the spot of boyfriend, Brian had moved into the vacated spot of best friend. Even though he still wouldn't let her paint his toenails, he was doing a really great job putting up with her craziness.

Looking at Joey, she smiled.

She had always hoped to find someone who knew her as well as he did. Someone who understood her, and would support her in everything she did. Whether she was right or wrong, he would stand behind her. Even if she did something completely stupid, he would defend her actions. And lucky for her, Joey did, because she did a lot of stupid things.

Noticing Lois watching him, Joey looked down at her and grinned. Leaning forward, he nipped at the end of her nose.

Pushing his chest, she laughed.

Joey laughed with her, pulling her closer to him. Kissing her gently, she leaned his head on hers.

Lois sighed, and leaned into his hold. Smiling over at Brian and Rae while they laughed at Joey telling them about Justin's underwear, she closed her eyes.

Softly, she could hear one of the guys new songs playing over the sound system.

Smiling to herself, she thought of her favorite line from that song, and sighed.

Her heart told her that Joey was her meant to be.

And thankfully, it was right.

The End

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